Saturday, August 31, 2013

TGIF's Word/What Is In Your Wallet?

TGIF's Word

Topic: What is in your wallet? 
2 Corinthians 4:4-6 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus 'sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Who is our membership with? What card is in our wallet?
Some of us have Costco, Sams Club, American Express etc.....

Where is our Jesus Club Card? 
When we use our other cards, we walk in the authority that the company gives us.
We have an expectation to gain access to their club and receive the benefits they promised with enrollment. 

Do we walk in the same authority being a member of God's club? 

Do we use our Costco card at SAMs club? Or our AMEX card at VISA club rooms? Why? It won't work?

Why then do we engage in darkness or worldly affairs and try to use our Jesus Card? 

Do we use our medical insurance card at the back alley physician and expect coverage? Why, because services are not covered, they are not in the network!

We have to stop going in dark places, engaging in worldly acts trying to pull out our Jesus Club Card, especially when that is the only time we call on him. 
"Lord get me out". "Lord I know this is wrong but help me do it" God doesn't bless mess. We have to be careful calling on God to bless our mess. In those times we are calling on a different god. 

How to get the right membership. 

We have to be renewed which means to give fresh life, to replace that which is old worn out. 
We are renewed by transforming, which is to make a dramatic change in character (Rom 12:2). 
This means asking God to take the desire of bad choices away from us. Means asking God to place his will in our hearts. Means asking God to remove anything that is not like him from our thoughts and desires. 

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. 

We cannot serve God and money. We can serve God and he will give us money. 
We can't live righteous during they day and run the streets at night. 

Have you ever seen a football player, play for two major football teams at the same time? No, they are on competing teams. 

You either enter into a Contract with The Lord's team the Dream Team or with the enemy's team. There are only two teams. It's God's way or the worlds way. 

Play with the winning team! God has never lost a match. He has never lost a game. Everything he does is perfect. 
Don't join the startup team that wants you give your blood. Jesus gave his blood so we wouldn't have to. He carries us, provides for us, all we have to do is obey and stand ready to receive. 

You may think you will miss out, but you won't.  Everything that glitters isn't gold. The world lures us, blinds us with glitter only to find out its pixy dust. 

God gives us gold and makes us shine, fills us up, and carries us through the coal mine. What a mighty God we serve!!

We are to lay aside every weight and the sin that easily beset us (Heb 12:1). That means put away every hindrance. 
Get out of the car that taking us off the path that God has for us. Re-route and put God's destination in. God's ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8-9). We can't go our way, if we do we won't arrive at his destination. 

The reason why we can't serve God and live worldly is they lead to two different destinations. They go in completely different directions. 
If you are going north you can't put a south detour in the GPS. You either have to go south or go north but south isn't on the way to north. 

Jesus Cardholder Benefits 

God's way promises to give us the desires of our heart (Psa 37:4). 
He promises to take care our our enemies (Prov 16:7). 
He promises to provide all our needs (Phil 4:19). 
He promises to give us more than we can receive (Mal 3:10). 
He promises to keep us in perfect peace (Isa 26:3). 
He promises he will heal our sickness (Deut 7:15

With those elite, premier, VIP benefits and perks there is no other team I want to be on!
Who is your membership with? 
What team do you play on? 
Walk in his promises. Throw away that second rate membership. 
Get off the other team come over to the Dream Team. 
Ride in first class! Get your VIP card. Stay in the best, live in the best, walk in the promises God has for you! 
God has The Ultimate benefit package, the prince of this world cannot beat the Creator of the Universe!

What's in your wallet?


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