Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Vengeance is the Lord's

Wednesday Declaration
Topic: Vengeance is The Lord's

Did you know there are rewards in loving our enemies. There are rewards in turning the other cheek an allowing God to be God.
One true test of our faith is give it to God when someone has hurt us or our loved one and we pray for them instead of retaliating. We must understand that all things work together for good for those that love God & are called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28).

 When an offense comes as it so often does, are we going to trust God or trust ourselves? Are we going to love God or love evil. Which ever act we chose will show who we love. We cannot serve two masters (Matt 6:24) we will either love God and hate evil or we will love evil and hate God. Our actions will prove who we love.
An offense can be our blessing or our shame. God is going to bless us, if we give it to him. Allow God to handle it, in his time, and his way, which is far more effective. If we disregard God, understand, we will grieve his Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30). We will move ourselves outside of his protection because his word says....."Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21).
Overcome means to conquer, prevail or overpower.
When we retaliate evil has conquered us.
Evil has overpowered us.
Evil has subdued us.
Evil has victory over us.
We become servants of evil.
True Story

 When I was in my late teens. I was walking down the street listening to headphones. The music was great. The headphones were large and there was no other sound but the music in my ears. Suddenly I felt, what felt like a brick hit my head and I fell to the ground. My head felt as if it was bleeding. I was terrified, as I didn't know what happened or why or who assaulted me. People clamored around me to help, but I refused, as I didn't know who hurt me. I later learned it was a bottle and the person was upset because they expressed interest in me and I declined a week earlier. Everyone I knew wanted me to have someone retaliate.
 A still small voice said "give it to me and I will take care of it". I was angry, my head was in great pain & I was suffering from dizzy spells. Yet, I gave it to God. My assailant was imprisoned a year later.
I learned never to be unaware of my surroundings. From that day forward I never wore full headphones while walking or running outside. That very painful lesson worked for my good. It perhaps prevented a much greater assault I could have suffered later. If I had retaliated I would have put my young life and another life in danger and the consequences of my actions could have been far greater. As God's wrath would have been upon me instead of his blessing.
God's Blessing

 We cannot afford to miss our blessing as vengeance belongs to The Lord (Rom 12:19-21).  God promises us that he will repay. God is not a liar and when we take matters into our own hands it is because we do not trust God. If we do not trust that his word is true we are calling God a liar. God is not a man that he should lie....(Num 23:19).

We are not in God's protection when we do evil. If we retaliate we subject ourselves to evil and he cannot protect us once we move outside of his will. God's wrath is far greater than anything we could do. That is why it takes the love of God in us to pray for our enemy, for God's full wrath will completely destroy and consume (Ex 32:10) them.
Declare today to Love God, resist the devil, & pray for your enemies. Conquer evil!

God you are a great and terrible God. Your strength and might surpasses all others. Forgive me for putting my will above yours. Forgive me for not heeding to your voice. Forgive me for taking matters into my own hands. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may be able to forgive my enemies instead of avenge my enemies. Thank you for building my faith. In Jesus name.

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