Friday, October 25, 2013

Jesus Take The Wheel! Are you Established?

Topic: Are You Established?
Psa 90:17

Oh what an awesome God we serve. Sometimes we forget we have an awesome God we serve. We serve the Most High God he doesn’t serve us. When we are upset or angry at the Lord, it is because we have forgotten that we serve him. This relationship is not a democracy. The Lord God Almighty doesn’t serve us. When we serve him there are benefits in serving, but it is important for us to remember our role.

When we are going through life, we are always serving someone or something. The only one with guaranteed benefits is our Lord. The Lord’s creation without human intervention is beautiful. We have all seen beautiful pictures of nature. When the Lord’s beauty is upon us we are free to create, develop, and produce among many other things.

Psa 90:17
And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou work of our hands upon us……..

When we pray we talk to God and when we read our bible God speaks to us. If we rarely pray and never read our word what type of relationship do we have? He asked us to meditate on his word day and night. Do we have a verse in our hearts that we meditate on day and night? When we keep Jesus close to our hearts he keeps us close to his. When we are close to his heart he establishes us. He fortifies us, he stabilizes us, and he authorizes us. He blesses the works of our hands.

When the Lord establishes us it’s our beginning and it is permanent. Jesus begins a beautiful work that can only come from him, because he is placing his beauty upon us. When we are established, we are recognized by God, we are confirmed by God. We are appointed and ordained by God. We become validated to walk in what he has called us to walk in.

We often hear someone say “you need to establish yourself”. What happens when God establishes us? What will we become if we allow God to place his beauty upon us? When we allow Jesus to take the wheel, we will finally have peace and unspeakable joy. If today is the day you allow Jesus to establish you say”(your name) Est 2013.

Did you ever notice how an established company responds to adversity vs a new start-up company? An established company doesn’t have to compromise because they are in demand. People will pay the premium. An established company has the tools to fight when faced with adversity. A company that is not established does not have the resources to withstand major threats or competition.

When we allow Jesus to establish us we can withstand any storm, difficulties or disappointments. When we allow Jesus to establish us we do not have to lower our standards we do not have to settle or compromise. When we allow Jesus to establish us we will be sought after. When we allow Jesus to establish us we will not react to threats, we would anticipate them and plan for when they come. When we are established we do not run, we do not hide, we stand. When we are established we STAND. We stand firm on his word. We are immovable, unshakable, fixed and permanent.

Stand today allow Jesus to take the wheel. Become established.

God Bless You and Yours


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