Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Don't fall into the pit!

Wednesday's Declaration
Topic: If God Be For You, Who Can Be Against You
Num 16, 17

It is wonderful to walk with the Lord. Some of us may never truly turn our lives over to the Lord for fear we may miss something of this world. We have many examples of men and women that walked with Jesus and all of their needs were met regardless of their circumstances.

When we walk with the Lord it humbles us because you experience God's power. We are allowed a glimpse of his righteousness. This is why it is so easy for believers to pray for our enemies. If we are close enough to the Lord we understand that God is holy. When we view the Lord from a distance we become prideful and arrogant and we believe in the works of our hands. When we spend time with God and watch his beauty upon our hands and we realize that he gives us power.

Don't Be Like Korah
There are a few main characters in the story of Korah. I challenge you to find where you fit into the story. Moses and Aaron were appointed by God to lead the people. Korah and other leaders had important leadership duties as well. The people were guided by watching all the leaders and choosing who they wanted to follow.
Korah was an ambitious leader that wanted more responsibility. He wanted to be "the Man".  There was the typical alpha male standoff. Korah decided to flex his muscles and bring an entourage to confront Moses and Aaron. When Moses heard his complaints he fell to his face in prayer for Korah. Moses understood that he was appointed by God. He knew when Korah was speaking against him he was actually speaking against the Lord.
As believers we have to understand when we are faced with an enemy and we are walking with God they become an enemy of the Lord. We have to pray for them because their sin is not against us but against God. Moses attempted to show Korah that God had given him a powerful position as well and he did not have to covet any other position. Moses was trying to tell him to "stay in his lane". God had appointed Korah and the other leaders and they should appreciate the Lord for placing them in their current position. Korah and his crew continued to attack Moses and convinced the people to stand with them. Num 16, 17
Korah and the people didn't understand they were actually challenging God's authority. In that moment The Lord was going to destroy all of them. Moses and Aaron fell to their faces in prayer. Interceding on behalf of the people, pleading for the bystanders. God is not a man. His ways are not our ways. We tend to speak to him and treat him as if he is our servant. He appoints whom he pleases. He gives and he takes. He is sovereign.
The people separated themselves from Korah and his men and the Lord opened the earth and swallowed them up. When God has put us in a place to do a work, we must stand and know that God will protect us. We may have people that speak against us, our job is to pray for them. Our flesh may want them consumed but our spirit should want them saved. Vengeance is the Lord's, we must pray.
After the Lord consumed the 250 instigators their following grew rapidly. Moses and Aaron went from 250 enemies to majority of the congregation which was over a million. Moses knew this required major prayers and atonement to save the people. They began to quickly make atonement for the gossipers. The Lord sent a plague immediately, that consumed 14,700 and Aaron stood between the living and the dead making atonement for them and the Lord stopped the plague.
We want to find ourselves walking in agreement with the Lord. We don't want to be consumed following behind others or challenging what God has established. Are we walking with God as Moses and Aaron were? Are we challenging God as Korah and his men were? Are we gossiping as the people were? We need to find ourselves praying and staying connected to God. He will direct our path and he will fight for us. We have to stay planted and centered on his word. We are not called to run when we face adversity. He has established us, we need to stand firm and know that he is God.
If you have found yourself gossiping or speaking against what God has established, repent today. Ask God to show you the way. If you are under attack and you know that God has placed you and established you, pray for your attackers and stand!


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