Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Pity Parties With Party Favors!

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Persistent Faith

This week long focus is on faith and God's faithfulness. Jesus has called me to highlight some popular and unpopular role models in the bible to increase our faith and belief that he can do anything. We have studied faith in poverty and today we will look at faith in prosperity. No matter where you are in life faith in God is necessary.

I am reminded of the Shunammite woman and her obvious display of persistent faith. I am convinced her faith was based on an experience with the Lord. Some of us have experienced God's faithfulness but easily forget when our next issue arises. Some may feel they have not had a true experience with the Lord to have faith. It is a miracle every time we take a breath. Every breath is an experience with the Lord. We often need more encouragement than breathing! The Shunammite woman will hopefully encourage even the faint of heart.

The Shunammite woman was a wealthy married woman without children. Her husband was old and it appeared she was content with her life. She noticed the man of God (Elisha) continuously passing through doing the work of the Lord. She opened up her home to him, to eat during his journey. He was grateful towards her for her hospitality. The couple eventually prepared a quiet room for him available anytime he chose equipped with a bed, chair, a table and a lamp .

Elisha, grateful for their hospitality sought a way to repay them and she refused as they had all they needed. He noticed they did not have a child. He prophesied she would have a child and she replied in doubt yet she conceived and bore a son. Her son grew and was playing outdoors with his father and fell and hit his head. His father took him to his mother where he laid in her lap until he died.

Some of us are in a situation where God has blessed us and later the blessing is taken away based on what we see. Some of us have been taking care of God's business and he has been taking care of us and we have just hit a major road block. Some of our faith is being tested.

The Shunammite woman did not begin to plan her young son's funeral. She went to the room that Elisha had rested in many nights and laid her son in his bed. She shut the door and informed her husband she needed to see the man of God. Her husband asked why did she need to go see him and she replied "All is Well". She informed her servant to urge the donkey to quickly meet the man of God.

How often are we faced with a difficult situation and we begin to profess what we see. She did not mourn the death of her child, she did not speak death. She trusted God and went to get help. She did not waste time, she had an urgency in her heart. She approached the man of God she stating she did not ask for a son. She pleaded "you have given him, do not deceive me now". Elisha did not know the extent of the problem as God had not revealed it. He sent his servant to place his staff on her son for healing. The Shunammite woman said to Elisha as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave here until you come back with me.

How often do we put a demand on our faith? How often are we unmoved by our circumstances. When do we believe that if God says "yes" regardless of the circumstances the answer is still yes. She had persistent faith. She could have settled for Elisha sending his servant but she didn't . She could have accepted her son dying but she didn't.

Elisha went with her back to her home. His servant informed him the staff did not work and the boy was dead. Elisha went in the room with the boy and prayed to the Lord and the Lord restored his life.

Her story could have ended at many different points. Her story could have had a different outcome. She did not waiver in faith. She did not speak anything other than "All is Well". She did not leave the man of God until he blessed her son. She did not take no for an answer. She did not allow anyone to speak a negative word over her and she did not profess any negativity. She came boldly to the throne of grace that she would obtain mercy and help in her time of need (Heb 4:16). She looked to the hills where her help came from (Psa 121:1). She trusted in the true and living God to turn her situation around. She believed God with an unwavering faith.

We can look to the Shunammite woman for inspiration and know if we trust God he takes the im off of impossible and makes it possible. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord and said I will not let you go until you bless me. The woman with the issue of blood crawled on the floor to touch the hem of Jesus garment to receive her healing. We have many examples of God's faithfulness. What are we doing to get his attention. Are we having pity parties with balloons and party favors or are we on our hands and knees praying and profess God's word over our circumstances?

Are we saying "All is Well" or are we saying "why me", "if its not one thing its another". Our words have power, our actions have power. Our actions today will be, I will not leave until you bless me and "All IS Well" with authority!

God Bless You and Yours! Lay at his feet and watch him turn it around. Hold on to the Lord and don't let go. Crawl on the floor till reach his hem. Chase, thirst and hunger after him and watch him bless you.

Most Holy and righteous God. Creator of the heavens and the earth. The author and finisher of our faith. The true and living God. Our strong tower to you and you alone we run. You are exalted on high and we lift up your name in praise. We repent for wavering in faith, for not believing in your power and your faithfulness. Forgive us for our lack of praise during our difficult circumstances. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of you and focusing on what we see. Receive our praise oh Lord. You and you alone are worthy of our praise. Teach us to run to you with our thoughts. Train us to set our mind on your wonders. Shield our mind in Christ Jesus as we follow your word. Help us to walk ever sensitive to your upholding hand. In Jesus Name. Amen



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