Monday, October 21, 2013

What do you do when you have done all you can?

Monday Motivation
Topic: God is faithful

What do you do when you have done all you can? Often we find ourselves in situations where it doesn't look like there is any way out. Meaning we have a problem and all of the options are dismal. When we look at those problems through our carnal eyes the outcome may not look good. If we give those problems to Jesus he is faithful and will work it out.

We often hear that time and time again. It is easier said than done. If you have ever been on a plane you know as the aircraft reaches a safe altitude everything on land gets smaller and smaller. Soon all the houses look like monopoly pieces. God sits high on the throne. Our issues to him are as small monopoly pieces. He is fully capable of turning it around for us.

I am reminded of so many prominent figures in the bible where God took a hopeless situation and turned it into a hopeful situation. We have a part to do, our part is the easiest part. We just need to have faith. We just need to believe that he can and he will bring us out. Everyone says "have faith" "trust God" but how when its been months or years? How can we trust him when it hurts? How can we trust him when we are angry and bitter? How can we trust him when we think we can handle it ourselves?

We start by trusting him today. We start by putting God's word in our heart when our flesh wants to create doubt in our mind. When we hear negative thoughts and we believe them, we put them into action. When we read God's word and we believe God, we put his will into action. Whatever we believe will manifest. We have to chose, who's report will we believe? I believe the report of the Lord.

Mostly everyone knows Jochebed's story but they don't know her name. Jochebed was a woman of obvious faith. She did not have a long story in the bible but she had a powerful story. She was enslaved with a husband and two children. Her slave owner ordered the midwives to kill all the slaves' newborn baby boys. Jochebed became pregnant. As any mother she naturally worries about the baby's health and probably hoped for a girl to save the baby from death. When she delivered she gave birth to a baby boy. She knew the Lord, although her race was enslaved for generations. She most likely prayed for her son to live. She hid him for 3 months until she was unable to hide him any longer.

I am certain she prayed until God gave her an answer. She built a mini ark for her son. She built a basket that was water proof and put him in the water. The slave owners' daughter noticed the basket and saw that it was a baby and wanted to keep him for herself, and raise him as her son. Jochebed's daughter was about 10-12yrs old. She followed her baby brother by the water and when he was fetched she offered to find a slave woman to nurse him. The slave owners' daughter was gracious and offered to pay the slave woman to nurse him. At that time a baby was nursed until they reached 3-4 years of age.

God turned a hopeless situation completely around. She could have wallowed in self pity and when the slave master came to execute her baby she would have been like every other woman that experienced that same fate. She instead looked to the hills where her help came from. She believed God. It takes a lot of faith to put your baby in a basket and hope that someone finds favor. The basket could have gone in a different direction and he would have starved to death. She had faith and she didn't allow those negative thoughts to overtake her.

God allowed her to have her son for another 4 years and paid her to raise him. How outstanding is that. Some may think she still had to turn him over. She did, but she turned him over out of slavery, something she couldn't give him. He was raised with the best education and she knew he was safe. Most of all he became one of the greatest men in the bible.

We often don't understand God's plan but have faith, and know that his plan is always great if we trust him. If we take matters into our own hands the results may not be as promising. Jochebed gave birth to three children, one was a prophetess, the other was a high priest, and the other a friend of God.

The baby she put in the river was Moses. She may not have made it out of slavery but her children led the nation out. Moses was considered by God a friend, higher than a prophet. This is an example of how God can completely turn a desperate situation in to a prosperous situation.

Please trust God today. Give it to him. Do not allow the enemy to put harmful thoughts in your head. We won't always see God's plan but we have to let go and let God have his way.

What things are you holding on to today that you need to let go and let God? He created the heaven and the earth he can handle your issue. Trust him today. When negative thoughts creep up profess God's word until they leave. Faith is complete trust or confidence in God. Faith is believing in what you can't see. So although it may look bad faith is believing the unseen when the seen looks impossible. Jochebed was a slave and her son was ordered to be executed. Her faith allowed her son to live in the king's house and free her children and her nation from slavery. God does his best work in impossible situations. Trust him today.

God Bless you and yours!
O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. Most Holy and righteous God. Creator of the universe. You are holy in word and in deed. You continue to be faithful and just towards us. We repent for doubting your abilities in our lives. We give our problems over to you today. We trust that your will be done in our lives. Teach us how to trust you. Teach us how to have faith in you. Help us to believe you when it looks hopeless. Help us to keep our minds focused on you always. We praise your holy and precious name. You and you alone have saved us and raised us we thank you continually for your grace and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen

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