Saturday, November 16, 2013

Are your angels unemployed? Lower the unemployment rate, employ your angels!

Saturday Light

Topic: Are your angels unemployed? Lower the unemployment rate, employ your angels.

I was blessed by hearing there is also an unemployment line for angels. I was so excited when I heard that word that I was eager to share it with you. The Lord has just released me to share it and hopefully you will be blessed and begin to employ your angels.

If you have ever worked on a project they often have a project manager (PM) and various experts on the team to ensure the success of the project. In that environment there aren’t necessarily a hierarchy just different people, with different expertise, assigned to different duties, to ensure the success of the project. The project manager is employed by the organization and answers to senior leadership. Consider our project manager to be the Holy Spirit answering to Jesus (John 14:16) and we are the project.

We are a constant, continual work in progress. We are perpetually going through different phases in our lives. As one phase end another phase begins. During each phase we should look at it as a project. Our PM is the Holy Spirit and there are several members on our project to ensure we succeed. Each project begins with a budget, plan, and scope. Sometimes we wonder why certain times in our lives we are financially restrained and other times we are financially free. Every project has a budget, how we use our funds in each phase will impact our next phase. We may not always know the budget, plan, and scope but we do have a dynamic PM that does. Our PM guides us and comforts us and if we decide to go rouge, we will incur some unplanned cost and face threats that could derail or destroy the project. The children of Israel stayed in the wilderness for 40 years because they went rouge and destroyed their chances of entering into the Promised Land.

Remember we are the project and our executive sponsor (Jesus) has assigned a certain number of consultants (angels) to our project. The PM can only guide and suggest, it is up to us to utilize the angels, our consultants that have been assigned to our project.

Consultants are paid a premium to provide their expertise, to help troubleshoot, implement, and/or develop etc. It is very frustrating to a consultant when they are not being utilized. Consultants have high work ethics, they desire challenge and they want to increase their experience so they can provide better service on their next project.

During each phase of our lives the goal is for us to successfully move through the phase so we can become closer to our father. We have been given a dynamic PM the Holy Spirit, and we have been assigned consultants our angels to help us along. Every project has unknown and known risk and threats. The PM is responsible for accounting for them and ensuring we have the support we need to help us mitigate some of them.

When the Holy Spirit guides us and we do not listen we potentially face unknown threats that have not been accounted for in the project plan. Our known threats have angels assigned to them. The angels do not automatically work unless we assign them. We do this when we are obedient to the Spirit.

When God was going to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen 18:16-33) Abraham prayed to the Lord to save the city as he knew his nephew and his family were there. The Lord sent angels to rescue his Abraham’s family because Abraham opened his mouth and prayed to the Lord.

Some of us are going through a phase and our loved ones are in a dangerous place, if we do not open our mouths and pray to the Lord those angels will not be released. When we know we should pray but we do not, we have Angels waiting in full armor ready for combat, ready to be dispatched, but are not being deployed.   

Moses gives an account of when they cried to the Lord and he heard their voice and sent and angel that brought them out of Egypt (Num 20:16). Hezekiah recognized that he was in a battle and the enemy had men but he had help from the Lord. Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed and cried to heaven to employ their Angels and the Lord released an angel which cut off all the mighty men of valor, the leaders and the captains of their enemies (2Chr 32:8,21).

We have to open our mouths when we are coming under attack, when we find ourselves in a precarious predicament, we have to pray. We have to cry out and pray to the Lord to release and employ our angels. We cannot do it in our own strength our project was not planned for us to take it on ourselves. We have a PM to guide us, we have angels to protect us, but we have to utilize them. God sends his angels to protect us, but his name is in them, and if we disobey them, they will not protect us, and will not have mercy on us (Ex23:20-22). For an example we love and adore our mother or father and they ask us to go help their friend we obey. When we arrive to help their friend, their friend is speaking against our parent(s) and we heard their friend assaulted our parent(s). Not only will we refuse to help their friend, we most likely will go in rage and deal with that person aggressively. This is why when we open our mouths, pray and cry out to the Lord we have to believe that he is and he will protect us. We cannot begin praying and when our prayers aren’t answered immediately begin speaking against God and charging him foolishly.

Daniel fasted and prayed to the Lord for 3 weeks. God answered his prayer on the first day and deployed an angel. The angel fell into a spiritual battle on his way to reach Daniel and had to call on the Archangel Michael who is over all the angels for the people of God for help (Dan 10:12-13). If Daniel would have stopped praying the angel would have never reached him. Some of us have been praying and believing God for some things and are beginning to lose faith. We are in a spiritual war and some of our angels have called for backup and they are fighting to give us our blessing. Our prayers keep them strong and in battle to reach us.

Backup can only be called if we are faithful and continuing in prayer. With all that we face we cannot afford to have an unemployed angels. There isn’t an angel shortage and they aren’t on strike, there is a prayer shortage. Our PM has placed a deliverable next to our name and its prayer; he knows that is the only way our angels will be released. Our project cannot move forward until use all of our resources. Our angels are asking the Lord to reassign them to other projects because they are not being released on our project. They are standing in line waiting, anticipating.  

Lower the unemployment rate, employ your angels.
God Bless you and yours!

Most Holy and righteous Father. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are holy in word and in deed. You are excellent in all your works. Forgive us for the sins we have committed knowingly and unknowingly. We repent for not using all the resources you have given us. We repent for disobedience that has derailed our project. We bless your name forever. We magnify you in all things and thank you for the gifts you have given us. Help us to be obedient to the Holy Spirit, so you will deploy your angels. In Jesus Name Amen
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