Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Calling For Prayer, Please Join in! We need your prayers!

Calling for Prayer
Topic: Prayer for All

7.1 Billion People in The World
Literacy over 796 Mill people in the world are illiterate
 Please pray the prayer below on your own prayer.
Holy Emmanuel you are the true and living God we bless your holy and precious name. You are majestic and righteous, holy in word and in deed. Your words are holy, your acts are holy. We worship you and lift your name on high. We love to sing your praises. You are the guardian of our soul and our shield of protection. Forgive us when we stray from your presence. Forgive us when we forget to praise you in all things. Forgive us for the sins we have committed knowingly and unknowingly. We repent on behalf of our enemies and all those that are walking around with their eyes wide shut.
We pray for salvation of the world. There are over 7.1 Billion people in the world. We are praying that your gospel quickly reaches each and every one. We pray for salvation and submission to you that we would live more abundantly. We pray that your kingdom come and your will be done in each one of our lives. Save us from ourselves that we may forever worship and praise you.
We pray for the missing men, women, and children nationally and globally. We pray for their safe return and protection from their captives. We pray that your angels of protection would lead and guide them to a successful escape. We come against people trafficking in the name of Jesus. We pray for the safe return of Avonte Oquendo and all other children that are missing.
We pray for those with mental illness. We pray that you would heal them as only you can. We apply your blood as it still has power. It still works and we thank you for your precious blood your shed on Calvary.  You are the ultimate healer and we pray for healing both mentally and physically in the name of Jesus.
We pray for literacy in the world. Being illiterate is another form of bondage and we pray for freedom to learn and grow. We pray for education across the world that no one would be left behind. We pray for organizations that are reaching and teaching across the world, that they would receive funding and protection. We pray for all those that are carrying out your will throughout the world. We know prayer changes things and our prayers are not in vain. We thank  you for hearing our prayers. We stand on faith believing those things we have prayed. I pray for each person that has read this prayer that they would receive a double blessing today for interceding on behalf of your people. I pray that you bless their homes, loved ones, their health and finances. I pray that they would continue to grow spiritually in you and you would reveal yourself to them in a way they have not known you.
In Jesus name I pray for your name and your glory. Amen

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