Monday, May 26, 2014

Cleave & Submit

Topic: Cleave to The Lord
Joshua 23:8-11, Amos 3:3
Are we cleaving/clinging to Jesus? Before we answer let's think about it. To cling or cleave is to strongly adhere to Jesus. It means to strongly attach ourselves to him and everything he represents. It means to have persistent unshakable faith and remain completely attached to him regardless of the circumstances.
As we know oil and water do not mix. The Lord is holy and sovereign. He does not lower his standards because we want to do things our way. We cannot adhere to God if we are not willing to let go of unrighteousness.
Amos 3:3
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? We cannot walk with The Lord or cling to The Lord unless we agree with The Lord. Our actions are based on our agreements. When we agree with The Lord, we follow what The Lord says. When we walk with The Lord, we walk by faith, and we have a sound mind.
Are we cleaving to Jesus? When we cleave, we do so, due to deep love and affection. When we deeply love someone, we spend every moment we can with them. We begin to speak like them, think like them, and we can't get enough of them. That is what it should feel like when we think our Lord. When we hear Jesus, our faces should light up!
God literally gives us gifts everyday. Do we dismiss them, or do we recognize God working in our lives, and on or behalf? Do we blush and say thank you when we make it home safe, realizing, Jesus put a wall of protection around us?
God gave us taste we could enjoy our food!! Humor so we could feel good for free! He is so thoughtful, are we clinging to Jesus?
Joshua 23:8...."you shall cling to the Lord your God....23:10-11....since it is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as he promised you. Be very careful, therefore, to love the Lord your God".
Let us truly cling to Jesus today, it is the absolute best relationship we will ever have. Be blessed. Jesus loves you.


Topic: Submit
Genesis 16
Sometimes we find ourselves running from a situation(s) and God is saying submit. There are blessings in our submission. It might not be the ideal situation but sometimes we have to go through to receive what God has. We have to look at ourselves and evaluate how we are contributing to our circumstance. If we are leaving on impulse because we are trying to do things our way, we need to step back, listen and hear what The Lord says. Leave when God says to leave. There are blessings in submission to The Lord.
Sarai was married to Abram and could not conceive. Hagar was Sarai's handmaid and Sarai allowed her husband to have a child with her as Sarai was old and did not believe she could conceive. Once Hagar conceived, Sarai became jealous. Sarai made life difficult for Hagar. Hagar was the faced with a difficult working and living arrangement during her pregnancy. She decided to runaway with nothing as she was still considered Sarai's maid (Gen 16). We often run from problems after we have an invested and we leave with nothing or less than what we had when we began. Hagar had a seed, stock, & bonds, she invested into the family and she left on impulse, prepared to die in the wilderness. Thankfully even in our impulsiveness and stubbornness God will still speak to us....but will we listen?

The Lord spoke to Hagar and instructed her to go back and submit to Sarai. Genesis 16:9
"And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands". God never sends us where he cannot protect or deliver. When he gives us instruction he always plans a blessing. Some of us want to leave our jobs and God is saying not right now. Some of us are in difficult situations and we want to runaway but God is saying not right now. God blessed Hagar's son to father 12 princes. She went from a slave to mother of a nation by waiting on The Lord. By waiting she left with an inheritance. She was a slave in an impossible situation but she waited on The Lord, prayed, and cried out to The Lord, and he heard her cry and he blessed.
Don't be a no call no show. Show up and watch God show out. Be blessed. Jesus loves you!

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