Monday, May 26, 2014

God is a strengthener, where is he in your life?

Topic: Does God live in your life?
Psalms 18:46
The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted!
It is one thing to know there is a God. The adversary knows that. To know that he liveth, is to know that he gives life, he revives, he is our source for ALL our needs. When we allow God to live in our lives we turn the driver seat over to him and begin to experience life in a more abundant way.
When we allow God to only be the passenger, the back seat driver or someone we visit as needed, we fail to live a fulfilled life.
Some of us are holding on to things that are preventing us from giving Jesus the keys. Those things we hold on to separate us from God and therefore become idols in our lives. Those people, things, or activities are holding us captive. God is a jealous God and he does not share Lordship. He is the most high God meaning there is no God higher than him. When there is interference between us and God we short circuit our blessing. We begin to blame God when we have not made him Lord in our lives.
"Blessed be my rock" is an act of adoration to The Lord. It's personal. It's to kneel in praise of our God. Its a deep love and respect to Jesus. It is worship and reverence to our King. We all know when we deeply love and respect someone we will do anything for them. Jesus is the only one with guaranteed benefits. He came that we would have life more abundantly.
"Let the God of my salvation be exalted"! This is personal, this is recognizing the one and only God that saved us, created us, breathed life into us, & turned our situation around, needs to be exalted. When we exalt we think and speak highly of Jesus, we place him on high, we make him Lord. When God lives in our lives we stop fighting him and we submit to him. A house divided cannot stand. "Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world". As great as we think the things we are holding on to is not greater than what God has for us. Thank you Jesus! We have the confidence to give it up and let God have his way. Let us examine ourselves and remove what is keeping us from the promises God has for us. He will take us places above what we could think or imagine. Be blessed have a blessed weekend.


Topic: God is a strengthener
Psalms 18:32
It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
God's word is amazing. Nothing in his word is an accident. God gives us strength. We can relate this naturally to see it spiritually. A gird is a belt or a band. It was used to protect abdominal muscles or the core region in battle. Our core muscles are the link connecting our upper and lower body. Almost every physical movement is determined by the strength of our core. With a weak core we are unable to stand straight, causing slouching or poor posture. A weak core will cause us to be unbalanced, easily losing our footing. Weakness in our core also causes back strain and inefficiencies in daily activities. When The Lord girds us and gives us strength he protects, binds and strengthens our core. That means we will stand tall in battle. When the enemy comes we will not slouch and hide we will be upright ready for battle. We will not lose our footing, with his strength he will give us balance. We will be agile and able to dodge daily offenses we encounter throughout our day. Praise God! We are no longer in a weakened state. Our core is girded, we are strengthened. The enemy sees us standing tall, firm in prayer, meditating on God's word, ready for battle, standing in the gap, sharing the gospel, trusting and believing the word of God!!! Hallelujah Be blessed believers of the Most high God!

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