Sunday, August 11, 2013

Monday Motivation/ Topic: Much Fruit

Monday Motivation:
Topic: Much Fruit
John 15:16
We are called to bare much fruit. When we display our fruit, it is of the Spirit, which means it comes from God. Being connected to God allows us to produce fruit as he is the vine that supplies it and we are the branch that beares it, but it comes from him. When we are in the flesh it is the exact opposite of being in the spirit. In the flesh we are then apart from God, leaving us outside of his shadow & protection.
To be in the flesh means to give into our "animal nature". Which means anything our flesh desires we indulge. We have therefore separated ourselves from God & subjected ourselves to the effects of sin.

These are of the flesh: Gal 5:19-21 Adultery, fornication, unbridled lust, sexual immorality, Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, selfishness, divisions, Envy, drunkenness, orgies..

The fruits of the Spirit are Gal 5:22 -23 love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. We may think being in flesh is fun and enjoyable but sin always has a consequence and when we are apart from God we are subject to the effects of sin which is death. As the Satan come to steal, kill, and destroy. Our lives will look good on the outside but we will be empty on the inside.
Our sin has a negative impact on our children & everything we are connected to.

In the flesh we inherit hell on earth and after. In the Spirit we will have joy & inherit the Kingdom of God.
Pray: Almighty God you are the possessor of heaven & earth. Forgive me for my sins. Please mortify the deeds of my flesh. Help me  live in the Spirit, that I may also walk in the Spirit. Let me not be desirous of vain glory, provoking anyone or envying another. In Jesus name.
Read: Proverbs 8:19, John 15:8,16

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