Sunday, August 11, 2013

Monday Motivation/ Mind Renewal

Monday Motivation
Topic: Mind Renewal
Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Conformed- is to agree, to be similar.
We must not agree or become similar to this world. We are called to be separate.  We are constantly faced with suggestions and temptations of this world. The media has been slowly convincing us & our children that wrong is right.

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind"
Transform- is to make a dramatic change in character. Our character is our mental and moral qualities distinctive only to us.
If we have conformed we must make a dramatic change in our character by allowing God to replace our old thoughts & ways and supply us with fresh Godly thoughts and Godly ways.
Renewing -is to give fresh life, which is to replace that which is old and worn out. It means to renovate!
When we allow God to renovate our minds he replaces that which is worn out & old. Sin wears us out in ways we may not realize. It kills The Holy Spirit in us & introduces us other spirits that have the potential occupy or guide us. When we no longer hear God's voice and we hear and act on another voice we have conformed.
Our light is to shine in darkness we are not to become darkness. The gods of this world (anything we put before God) have blinded us and caused us not to believe in the Gospel and the Glory of Christ. It has caused us not to believe in the light and the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4-6 ). It has caused us to conform. When we find ourselves bending or ignoring God's word to do what the world does we are conforming.
We can make today the last day we conform!

Allow God to renovate your mind!

You may have allowed God to renovate but didn't allow him in the crawl space or the attic or, you gave him upstairs but you did a do it yourself on the downstairs or you haven't allowed him in at all and need a total renovation. Wherever you are give it all to him and allow him to renew and renovate you.
Living in God's truth and walking in the perfect will of God grants access to the Greatest King & Kingdom!


Lord you are Almighty, Forgive me for conforming to this world. Forgive me for loving the things of this world. Please renew my mind that I would love & do your will. Crucify my flesh that your Holy Spirit may guide me to all truth & understanding. In Jesus name. Amen
God Bless you!


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