Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday's Inspiration/Praise

Tuesday's Inspiration
Topic: Praise
Praise is written 327 times in the bible. By frequency we can deduct its importance to God. Praise is our Spirit dancing with The Lord in delight! Praise is a choice. God wants our praise because during praise we align ourselves with him.  It also has the power to change our circumstance.

Praise God During The Pain

Acts 16:21-40 Paul & Silas were thrown  in a dungeon with shackles on their feet after being Beaten. Regardless of their circumstance they Prayed & Praised God. Through the darkness, pain & the foul smell they Praised God singing Hymns to The Lord........ An earthquake then shook the foundation of the dungeon and opened the doors. In an instant their circumstance changed.  How do we respond when we are in our dungeons? Are we pouting or praising, whining or worshiping, complaining or choosing to purposefully lift our eyes to The Lord, where our help comes from (Psalms 121)?
When we find ourselves beaten, in a dungeon of despair, in shackles we cannot escape, we can look up and, like Paul and Silas, praise God.

Praise God In His Presence

The bible says come before his presence with thanksgiving & shout joyfully to Him (Psa 95:2). Are we coming to God in praise or are we coming to God complaining and stressing about our problems.
Praise transfers problems from our weak backs to God's strong right hand. God Hears Our Praise. God is everywhere in every moment when we think of his goodness we should give praise. When we wake, he is there, give praise.

Praise God When He Delivers

When God healed the lame man and he began to walk, he leaped into the temple praising God (Acts 3:6-8). Are we praising God when he turns our situation around? Are we praising God when he delivers us from a problem. Or do we think we "got lucky" or "our intelligence got us out".
Praise God we he delivers.

Praise God because he is God

Praise God because his is God and all other gods fear him (1 Chr 16:25).
Praise God because you can read this message
Praise God because he gave you today, another chance to be better than yesterday another chance to allow him rule and dominion over your life.
The bible says let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psa 150:6).
If you are breathing Praise him. We are using God's oxygen and the cost of usage is praise! Some planets do not have oxygen. He freely gives it that we would praise him.
Praise is so important that the rocks will cry out if we keep silent (Luke 19:37-40).


 "Lord, You are worthy of our praise. You hear from heaven and answer prayers daily. You show forth Your lovingkindness every day in the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same. You give peace in storms, light in darkness, and hope in despair. Forgive me for forgetting to praise you. Help me to praise you in all things. Thank You! I praise Your holy name."
Psalms 112,113, 3:1-

David Danced in praise verses

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