Sunday, August 11, 2013

Thursday's Awakening/Topic: Reserves or Active Duty/service

Thursday's Awakening
Topic: Reserves or Active Duty/service
2 Timothy 2:3-4
Are we on active duty or we on reserves. Active Service is Full-time duty. Reserves are set aside for emergencies. Can we be trusted when God deploys us or will we go AWOL?

We are called to be a "good soldier of Jesus Christ". Good means distinguished. Active Duty is telling a stranger God loves them. Active Duty is bearing one another's burdens in prayer & in action daily.

Active Duty is constantly on call day or night doing the work of the Lord without hesitation. Reserves is feeding the homeless when called upon, going to the shelters, nursing homes, hospitals to encourage the weak & sick.  Being a soldier in the army of the Lord whether active-duty or reserves means when God calls us we are to be ready to go, to fed, to clothe, to pray, to give, to witness, what ever is asked for.

We are one body. Whether we are in the "army" the ground troop or the "air force" traveling abroad or the "marines" special forces we must go.  Services is service & to Serve is the highest reward. When we are a servant of God we liken ourselves to the prophets & the apostles as the were servants of God.  We are called to put on the whole armor of God in the battle field. Lets stand to salute our Commander and Chief and take our assignment. We are an "Army of One" We are "Semper fi" (always faithful). We belong to "Uno ab Alto"
Read: Matt 25:34-40  Eph 6:10-20, Gal 6:1-2  God Bless you!

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