Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Need You & You Need Me

Thursday Awakening
Topic: We need each other
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

As Solomon reflected on the issues under the sun meaning everything we do on earth he noticed that most things we do are in vain. In vain we are focused on our self and not on God. God put us here together to support, encourage, and uplift one another (Heb 10:25). The enemy prefers division as he knows we are weaker separate.

In the beginning God said its not good for man to be alone and gave man a helper (Gen 2:18).  When Christ left he said he would not leave us alone but he would leave us a Helper/Comforter (John 14:16).

God did not design us to be alone. When we seclude ourselves we give way for the enemy to minister to us and devour us and he is cunning. He has the opportunity to degrade us or exalt us into thinking of ourselves more than we should (Rom 12:3). When the serpent spoke to Eve he didn't speak to Adam and Eve (Gen 3). He spoke to Eve alone, as he knew she was weaker without her husband. Two can withstand the enemy. He knew he could convince her alone. It is the same today in our families and in our marriages. The enemy will speak to our children through various means. God did not call us to be divided. There is strength in unity.

Often when we go through things, we want to be alone. We lock ourselves up and shut everyone out. That is the time to assemble ourselves with God's people to encourage us and to pray for us.

We are one body fitly joined together (Eph 4:16). The hand cannot lock itself up, while the rest of the body continues. The only way the hand can lock itself up, is to completely cut itself off from the body. We are God's body, when we remove our self from God we no longer have God's protection, strength and nutrients. We don't have the prayers or encouragement from one another. We are branches on one tree. If we break away from the tree we become a stick, we become withered. We become void of life.

When we separate ourselves we justify it with quotes "I was born alone, & I will die alone". This statement is always false. Every one of us was born attached to a cord that sustained our life. We were born connected. It is God's desire we stay connected.

When we are alone we tell ourselves " I can make it, I don't need anyone" "I made it on my own, No one helped me" this is an absolutely false. No one makes it on their own unless they are on an island of 1. We must look over our lives and noticed the numerous times someone gave us a break, God allowed someone to move on our behalf.  Seclusion will make us believe we don't need anyone. We need each other to survive. Depend on God but strengthen each other through the love of Christ. We are one body but many members (1 Cor 12:12,14). Do not cut off your blood supply.

There are strength in numbers. The text says one might prevail one on one but if there be two of us we will withstand and if there be three we are like a cord twisted together not easily broken (Ec 4:12).

Be a threefold cord today. Link up with God's people. Unify your household. Unify your entire family. Corporate praise is greater, for where there are two or three gathered in His name he will be there (Matt 18:20). Jesus said if two agree and ask anything in his name we shall have (Matt 18:19) it.

Evil links up in gangs, because even the enemy knows the strength of numbers, that is why he desires to separate us from the body of Christ.

Don't cut yourself off stay connected in Christ. Love one another, encourage one another, we are the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13).

Be a threefold cord! Stand united!

Almighty God. King of the Universe. Thank you for sending a Comforter. Forgive me for cutting myself off from your blood supply. Forgive me for allowing the enemy to minister guilt, shame, strife depression and any other thoughts that do not come from you. Help me to connect back to you. Help me to assemble myself with the body. Help me to encourage my brother and sister. Help me to be salt. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

God Bless You!

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