Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tuesday Inspiration/ Topic: Fear vs Faith

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Fear vs Faith
Do we walk in fear or in faith? 2 Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. Faith means to have complete trust or confidence.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith simply means we completely trust God no matter what.

Fear: is to have dread or terror to be afraid. In fear we react to what we see & we become anxious because of our circumstance. We have to stand flat footed and know that God is God. He is the Almighty.  We insult him when we doubt his abilities.

If God said Yes believe it with an unwavering faith, even when man says no.  Stand firm and know that he is God the Owner of Heaven and Earth.
He is  JEHOVAH-RAAH Our Shepherd Who tenderly leads us, loves us and will keep us safe.
He is JEHOVAH-JIREH our provider.
He is JEHOVAH RAPHA our healer.
He is JEHOVAH-NISSI our banner of love  protection.
He is the great I AM. He is Alpha & Omega. He is, Who Is, Who Was, and Who is to Come.

Believe it when he says it. Trust in him with an unwavering faith. Rebuke fear for God has not given us the spirit of fear.

Pray: God you are Almighty there is no one greater or higher than you. Forgive me for doubting your abilities. Forgive me for reacting in fear and not faith. Help me to believe when I have fear or anxiety. Help to believe when I begin to worry. Help me to pray and not faint to stand on your word & profess your truth over my circumstance. In Jesus name. Amen
Read: Heb 10:23, Gen 22:14, Ex 17:15, Psa 23, Ex 15:26, James 1:6 God bless you!

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