Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Topic: Humble, Cast, Pray

Tuesday inspiration
Topic: Humble, Cast, Pray
1 Peter 5:6-8
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Humble is the opposite of pride.  To understand humility, a characteristic most of us lack, its better to define pride.  We should be the opposite of prideful as it comes before every fall (Pro 16:18).

Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction from our own accomplishments. Having an excessively high opinion of ourselves.

Humility is to understand that we are dust. We come from the earth, the dirt. It is because God blew his breath of life in us that we exist (Gen 2:7). So any accomplishments or skills belong to him. Pride makes us dumb it fools us into believing it was us and not him.

I am here to announce, dust cannot walk. Dust cannot talk. Dust can not accomplish anything on its own. Get some dust, put it in a baggy, carry it in your pocket. Every time you begin to exalt yourself pull it out to remember who you are. The day God takes his breath from of us we will decompose and return to dust.
Gen 3:19 till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

When we are humble we understand that God is sovereign. He is ruler over all. We decrease our value and increase God in our life.
The great thing about being humble is knowing God will care for us and he will exalt us. When we recognize the order of things he will exalt us in due time. God is a God of order.
We are in a hierarchy, God is above us, he created us, we are to submit to him, resist the devil (Jam 4:7) and recognize his rule. When we become prideful we are ranking ourselves on the same level as God or above. We are out of order. We have made ourselves an idol therefore we are serving the enemy. We are out of order.
When we become out of order!
1 Peter 5:8 The text says " Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
Sober means to be calm, collected in spirit, temperate, discreet. Vigilant means to be watchful, awake and cautious.
Pride comes before a fall because we are out of God's order. We have exalted ourselves, therefore we are not watchful of the roaring lion that is walking in our house, speaking to our children, devouring our family members. We are too busy praising ourselves we did not see him coming.
We are asleep in the mirror.
That is the trick of the enemy, he distracts us. When we take our eyes off God and we begin worshipping ourselves, he has us right where he wants us. He is the predator and we are his prey.
Let's Get Back In Order
The text says to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand. God's mighty hand holds all the water in the earth  (Isa 40:12) in his palm.
1 Pet 5:7 It says cast your cares upon him. Cast is to throw. When we throw something we completely detach it from our grasp. Throw it so we can't take it back. Throw it so we completely let go. The text says cast it because he cares for us, he is concerned about us. He knows if we hold on to it he can't take care of it.
Two people can not run with one ball. Do we want to hold it with our dust or do we want to give it to the mighty hand that can hold all of the water in his palm.
Lastly, the text says be watchful of the enemy. Pray, keep the enemy away.
We are to be Humble, Cast, Pray!! Humble, Cast, Pray!. Humble, Cast, Pray!
Today is our HCP day!
When we are in order, giving God all the praise and all the honor, staying humble before him he keeps us alert. He gives us discernment. When we cast our cares, we let go and let God. When we put our trust in him he warns us and alerts us when the enemy is coming. We move from being a prey to  praying & having dominion.  We move from being hunted to hunting and casting out devils. We move from the wilderness to the kingdom.
God your hand is mighty. You do all things well. Forgive me for being prideful putting myself before you. Give me a humble spirit that I may recognize your power and your dominion. Help me to cast my cares upon you that you will be able to fully care for me and protect me. Please give me discernment that I may be awake and watchful of the enemy and his devices. Help to pray to ward off the enemy. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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