Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wednesday Declaration/Topic: Head of Household

Wednesday Declaration
Topic: Head of Household.
Matt 18:2
Who is the head of our house? House is referred to as a family lineage,  ESP a royal one or a dynasty. Being in God's royal family are we trying to lead God or is God leading as the head of the house?
Matthew 18:3
.....Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
As a child (under 5) our guardian provided for us we did not try to provide for ourselves. So why then do we try to tell God how to provide for us. Are we allowing God to parent us? As a child our guardian instructed us where to go what to do. Are we yielded & obedient to God when he gives us instruction & direction? As a child our guardian corrected us. Are we allowing God to correct us.....for whom he loves he corrects. As a child we were told not to talk to strangers. Why then do we talk and entertain Satan and his imps? Do we honor our natural parent more than our spiritual parent. The one who created the heaven and earth.

Living in royalty is a privilege and an honor. God said he will open the windows of heaven and there wouldn't be room enough to receive. He said he would rebuke the devour for our sake. He said he would call us to ride upon the high places & he said he would heal all manner of sickness. Lets allow God to take over and make us and shape us into what he called us to be. He wants the absolute best for us!

Pray: Lord You are King of Kings and Lord of lords you are the Almighty God. Forgive me for walking in my own authority. Forgive me for only calling to you in time of need.  Please take the keys Lord. I want you to be head over my life, my finances my family, my work, and everything I put my mind to. Lead me Jesus lead me everywhere I go.
Read: Isa 58:14, Mal 3:10-12, James 4:7, Heb 12:6-16
God Bless you!

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