Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Inspiration/ Brotherly Love

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Brotherly love
Heb 13:1-3
Have you ever been lost, alone confused or ashamed? Have you felt broken, sad, or sorry for yourself? Have you ever done something so bad you hoped no one found out or people did find out and you faced shame, guilt or embarrassment? Have you ever felt that pit in your tummy when you know you messed up? Have you ever hit rock bottom & didn't think you could get back up?

Did God get you through? Is God making away. Can you recall that moment? Go back to that place remember how you felt and consider showing kindness to someone as God showed kindness to you. Consider showing that same kindness to someone who is homeless, drug addicted, down on their luck. Do not believe your shame is less than theirs because you are not on the streets or in prison. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly Rom 12:16.
If it had not been for The Lord who was on our side we would have fallen also.

Showing Brotherly Love
When was the last time we showed brotherly love to someone that was hungry, to someone that was homeless, to someone in prison or nursing home? When was the last time we prayed for someone we didn't know? Do we pray selfish prayers that only benefit us & our loved ones or do we pray for the broken, the angry, the person next to us?
We are called to show brotherly love to one another. We are called to outdo each other in showing love and affection Rom 12:10. Practicing that alone would solve world peace. It's easy to love our loved ones, we are called to do so much more, we are called to give so much more.  Don't give brotherly love to the stranger because God's angel may be hidden in a stranger. Brotherly love is to show affection or concern for another. God knows our heart.

On Fire For God
Romans 12:11
Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.  Slothful means to be sluggish. Fervent means hot on fire. God wants us on fire serving him. On fire means full of passion, emotion and enthusiasm. It means glowing with the brightest light, to be luminous. God does not want us lukewarm serving him.
God wants us on fire serving people in the community.
God wants on fire praying for one another.
God wants us on fire for him.
When people see us we should be burning with love & shining bright with passion that souls would want what we have. They would no longer want to live in darkness. Are we on fire loving each other?
Are we luminous when extending brotherly love. Do they feel The Lord's love radiating off of us?
God you created the heaven and the earth. You knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb. Forgive me for not caring for the lowly with a pure heart. Give me a heart to do your will. Put your Holy Spirit inside me that I may be on fire for you. Help my light to shine so bright that others will see you when the see me because you are light. In Jesus name I pray.


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