Monday, August 19, 2013

Seducing spirits

Monday Motivation
Topics: Seducing spirits
1 Timothy 4:1-2

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;"

Seducing spirits are impostors or a misleader; — deceiver, wandering, roving misleading, leading into error, a vagabond, " tramp", or corrupter.

 It is important to read God's word which is sharper than any twoedged sword (Heb 4:12). Reading God's word keeps our eyes focused on God. Taking our eyes off God we risk leaving God for an imposter or a tramp. 

We all are guilty of leaving God or turning away from God, if even for a moment for a deceiver. The text says this will happen in latter times. The latter is now!

Daily Seduction 

We are currently beings seduced by spirits daily.
We see or hear it everyday on the television, in music, in social media, in politics. Seducing spirits are everywhere.

"Doctrines of devils". The devil is a spirit that desires to be worshipped. He is a god. Doctrines are teachings. The spirit of lust and fornication and idolatry are evil spirits. When we listen to music about lust and fornication that is a form of worship. When we believe in our own might and believe our talent comes from ourselves and not from God we are worshipping ourselves, that is idolatry. We aren't bowing down to satan literally but we have allowed those thoughts and ideas to seduce our spirit.

When we watch TV shows that are borderline porn (which is almost anything on TV) we are allowing our spirit to become seduced by evil spirits. Sight and hearing are primary senses for evil spirits to enter. They are able to do so especially at a young age. We must be careful what we introduce into our hearing and seeing. Below are just a few shows:

"True Blood" if the blood isn't  Jesus it isn't true.
Mistresses- The title speaks for itself
Pretty little liars, Revenge, The walking dead, conjuring.

False prophets & Seducing Spirits

The bible also says:
Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

The enemy never presents as a wolf as we would be aware, he presents as a harmless sheep. A ravening wolf will utterly destroy us spiritually. The wolf will have us practically naked thinking we are clothed & beautiful. Will have us cussing thinking we are speaking intelligently. Will have us giving into lust thinking we are just satisfying ourselves, even though we are never satisfied. Will have us thinking we are men when we are women. Will have us thinking we are women when we are men. Will have us desiring animals. Will have us acting like animals. An animal gives in to his desires and does not have any moral values. When we are seduced by an evil spirit we are convinced that we are to give in and participate in whatever we feel. We have to think about where that feeling came from, it did not come from God, our Creator. 

The devil is cunning, he is a corrupter. Once he has corrupted our minds, we believe and act out his doctrine. He tricks us into believing we are not serving him, but serving ourselves (which is the same thing).

If you are sitting under preaching and teaching that is not God's word you are being seduced. The only way to know you are being seduced is read God's word for yourself.

We have to know God for ourselves.

Corruptible Mind 

1 Timothy 4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"

Seared with a hot iron means (“cauterize”), mark by branding, to brand, branded with their own consciences, whose souls are branded with the marks of sin, who carry about with them the perpetual consciousness of sin.

When someone is branded, common in fraternities, the group cauterizes the skin removing the perfect skin that God gave and forever placing a permanent mark by extreme heat.
When a person is operating in evil,
We must be careful that we don't become a seducing spirit and we don't become seduced by evil spirits.
they have removed their moral Godly conscious by cauterizing and replacing it with a sinful conscious. They believe the lies and hypocrisy that they are seducing us with because their minds are seared and branded with a sinful conscious. Their souls are branded with sin. Some of us know someone where the sin is so deep, their soul is branded with sin.

The text says we will leave our faith. We will leave our belief in God. We will leave the calling on our life. We will leave God's righteousness. We will turn away from God.

Guard your mind, do not allow seducing spirits into your hearing and seeing. Read God's word for yourself.
God said my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow (John 10:4-5). Not only will we not follow but we will run. We should be running from seducing spirits. We will only know his voice if we read his thoughts. We can only read his thoughts if we read his Word.

Aba Father, Jesus you are my healer and protector. You do all things well. I repent for giving my ear to seducing spirits. Father God protect my hearing and my seeing. Guard my mind against seducing spirits. Do not allow evil thoughts to penetrate my mind. Heal those areas where those thoughts have penetrated and caused me to turn away from my faith and belief in you. Open up your word to me that I may be able to discern your perfect will for my life. In Jesus name. Amen

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