Sunday, August 11, 2013

Wednesday's Declaration/ Topic: Application

Wednesday's Declaration
Topic: Application
James 1:22,25
We are called to apply God's word to our lives. We must not only be hearers  of the word but doers. When we only hear God's word & do not apply we are deceiving ourselves. If we apply we are blessed.
Righteousness  may sound intimidating but is simply means "who is as he ought to be" meaning that is who WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE....Wow! That is our normal state anything else is abnormal.

When we think we don't want to give up some of the pleasures we enjoy outside of God we are deceiving ourselves. Our flesh may be satisfied but the spirit is empty. James 1:16-17
"Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above" If its not a good & perfect gift we need to give back. Lets not deceive ourselves anymore instead of looking in a glass lets look in the mirror. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God".....
Lets not stay in sin. Apply God's word! Live for God there is nothing sweeter or greater.
Read: James 1:19-21, Matthew 5:6-9

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