Thursday, August 15, 2013

Don't ask for an Extension where God has given an Expiration!

Thursday Awakening
Topic: Don't ask for an Extension where God has given an Expiration

 If God gives an expiration date, don't ask for an extension.
Usually when we want an extension, we are concerned with our desires, and forget God's perfect will for our lives.
When we are holding on to something God has called to an end, we must look inside ourselves and ask why do we want, what God doesn't want for us?
When we want what God doesn't want for us, we remove ourselves from his covering. He may allow us to have it, but our soul will given over to waste (Psa 106:14-15). That which we desire will not satisfy us.
Hezekiah's Expiration

 God had placed and expiration date on Hezekiah's life; As he has placed an expiration date on some of the things in our lives. Are we asking for an extension like Hezekiah?
Hezekiah was a man of great faith & restored God's righteousness in Judah (2Ch 29:1-10). His father was wicked (2 Ch 28:23-25). God broke the generational curse of wickedness with Hezekiah, but his desire for an extension restored wickedness to his family.

 Wherever Hezekiah  went, God was with him, whenever Hezekiah prayed God answered (2 Kings 19:14-15, 2 Kings 19:20, 32,34).
When it came time for Hezekiah to be with The Lord he wasn't ready to go. He turned to the wall and asked God for an extension on his life (Isa 38:1-7).
There is no better place than with God! Instead of going to the greatest place, he allowed fear or the love of this world persuade him to ask for an extension.
What do we fear, that we have asked God for an extension, when he has placed an expiration date.
What in this world do we love more than God, that we have asked God for an extension, when he has placed an expiration date?

God granted his wish and added 15 years to his life.
As God has allowed us to keep some things he has told us to let go.

It's so dangerous to leave God's covering. We forfeit our inheritance in heaven. Our reward is not here on earth. We are living to live again.
Consequences of Extensions

 When we are outside of God's will we produce ungodly seeds. A seed is anything as a result of our involvement reproduces. A seed can be our children or our actions or things we put into action.
Hezekiah became prideful after he was granted 15 years of extended life and began to show off his jewels and wealth to his enemy.
How many of us have received riches (money, children, mate, job etc) from God and we go to show it off to our enemies?

When we get a new car and drive it through our old neighborhood so our enemies can see our success......
When we purchase a new home and invite those that hate us to show off our success (Prov 16:18)......
When we do things similar to that we are worshipping those things, and we forget it is by God's grace and mercy we have those things. It is not by our might, therefore, we have taken our eyes off of God and made those things/people our god.

When God puts an expiration date on something don't ask for an extension.

Hezekiah had no sons until he asked for an extension.  He went on to receive a son, Manasseh, which was an abomination that seduced an entire nation, to sin against God, more than any other nation before him, that God previously destroyed.

Don't ask for an extension when God gave an expiration!
When Hezekiah was informed that his pride would bring about a curse unto his children and unto his nation he said "there shall be peace and truth in my days (Isa 39). He didn't turn to the wall and repent & ask God's forgiveness. He was satisfied knowing he would be safe. That is the trick of the enemy when you love God you do not want anyone to perish for your mistakes.
We all fall short but we can't allow others to suffer because of our extension, our greediness, or our lust. When God show us our mistake, we must Repent, ask God forgiveness, and let go of that which God had ended.
This walk with God is a journey not a sprint. To be one with The Lord is our greatest reward.
The enemy comes to steal our reward. Do not allow him into to your hearts. Hezekiah was a man of faith but lost his reward to be with The Lord. Don't lose your reward!
When God places an expiration date don't ask for an extension.

We have things/people/jobs, in our lives that God has placed an expiration on, and we continue to hold tight, asking God to help us hold on, asking God to fix it, asking God to make it work for us.  
Know that God's plan for our lives is perfect.
Don't ask God for an extension if he told you it's time to move on.
Don't serve God all your life and lose your reward.
God you are Almighty, ruler over all. You alone are the owner of the heaven and earth. You have a perfect plan for my life. Forgive me for making detours when the road was a dead end. Forgive my desire to extend what you have put to an end. Help me to yield to your perfect plan. Please do not depart from me. In Jesus name Amen

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