Saturday, August 31, 2013

TGIF's Word/What Is In Your Wallet?

TGIF's Word

Topic: What is in your wallet? 
2 Corinthians 4:4-6 In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus 'sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Who is our membership with? What card is in our wallet?
Some of us have Costco, Sams Club, American Express etc.....

Where is our Jesus Club Card? 
When we use our other cards, we walk in the authority that the company gives us.
We have an expectation to gain access to their club and receive the benefits they promised with enrollment. 

Do we walk in the same authority being a member of God's club? 

Do we use our Costco card at SAMs club? Or our AMEX card at VISA club rooms? Why? It won't work?

Why then do we engage in darkness or worldly affairs and try to use our Jesus Card? 

Do we use our medical insurance card at the back alley physician and expect coverage? Why, because services are not covered, they are not in the network!

We have to stop going in dark places, engaging in worldly acts trying to pull out our Jesus Club Card, especially when that is the only time we call on him. 
"Lord get me out". "Lord I know this is wrong but help me do it" God doesn't bless mess. We have to be careful calling on God to bless our mess. In those times we are calling on a different god. 

How to get the right membership. 

We have to be renewed which means to give fresh life, to replace that which is old worn out. 
We are renewed by transforming, which is to make a dramatic change in character (Rom 12:2). 
This means asking God to take the desire of bad choices away from us. Means asking God to place his will in our hearts. Means asking God to remove anything that is not like him from our thoughts and desires. 

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. 

We cannot serve God and money. We can serve God and he will give us money. 
We can't live righteous during they day and run the streets at night. 

Have you ever seen a football player, play for two major football teams at the same time? No, they are on competing teams. 

You either enter into a Contract with The Lord's team the Dream Team or with the enemy's team. There are only two teams. It's God's way or the worlds way. 

Play with the winning team! God has never lost a match. He has never lost a game. Everything he does is perfect. 
Don't join the startup team that wants you give your blood. Jesus gave his blood so we wouldn't have to. He carries us, provides for us, all we have to do is obey and stand ready to receive. 

You may think you will miss out, but you won't.  Everything that glitters isn't gold. The world lures us, blinds us with glitter only to find out its pixy dust. 

God gives us gold and makes us shine, fills us up, and carries us through the coal mine. What a mighty God we serve!!

We are to lay aside every weight and the sin that easily beset us (Heb 12:1). That means put away every hindrance. 
Get out of the car that taking us off the path that God has for us. Re-route and put God's destination in. God's ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8-9). We can't go our way, if we do we won't arrive at his destination. 

The reason why we can't serve God and live worldly is they lead to two different destinations. They go in completely different directions. 
If you are going north you can't put a south detour in the GPS. You either have to go south or go north but south isn't on the way to north. 

Jesus Cardholder Benefits 

God's way promises to give us the desires of our heart (Psa 37:4). 
He promises to take care our our enemies (Prov 16:7). 
He promises to provide all our needs (Phil 4:19). 
He promises to give us more than we can receive (Mal 3:10). 
He promises to keep us in perfect peace (Isa 26:3). 
He promises he will heal our sickness (Deut 7:15

With those elite, premier, VIP benefits and perks there is no other team I want to be on!
Who is your membership with? 
What team do you play on? 
Walk in his promises. Throw away that second rate membership. 
Get off the other team come over to the Dream Team. 
Ride in first class! Get your VIP card. Stay in the best, live in the best, walk in the promises God has for you! 
God has The Ultimate benefit package, the prince of this world cannot beat the Creator of the Universe!

What's in your wallet?


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday's Awakening/Tower of Babel

Thursday's Awakening
Topic: Tower of Babel
Gen 11:1-9 Please read

Don't try to build a skyscraper and end up with a hut. Never build without the proper permits!
The Plan
The text tells us all the people at that time spoke the same language. They formed a tight bond with one another. They found a beautiful piece of land and built a city. Then they decided to build the tallest skyscraper, so tall that it would reach heaven.

The is equivalent of us deciding we are going to get a group together and walk into the white house, or buckingham palace, or a military base. It's not going to happen. We may have what it takes but the mission will be averted. An idle mind is a devils workshop, we have to fill our mind with God's word anything else will have us believing & doing things we shouldn't.

It was an offense to God, to build a structure to come into his house without authority. God doesn't come into our house without being invited, he is a gentleman. They were out of order. How many of us are doing things in our lives right now that goes against God and is out of order? How many of us are in an environment that is out of order?

The Alarm
God's secret service informed him of a possible intrusion. He came down from heaven to personally witness the plan of offense.
Its that feeling when someone tells you your kids are planning to do something in your home, when they do not have permission. You know they have the ability but you want to actually see it, because you just can't believe they would try it.

We are made in God's likeness and his image (Gen 1:27). He knows what we are capable of and he knows what we can do before we do it. God realized they would reach heaven if he didn't intervene.

We often go down a dark road to destruction and before we utterly destroy ourselves, God will intervene. God will cause us to get caught, only to save us from ourselves.

You may have been out with friends engaging in acts you weren't supposed to and God caused an event to occur to change your behavior.  He knew that if you continued down that path you would destroy the promise he had for you.

Maybe you are involved in something today, that you need to turn away from, but your pride, your stubbornness, your drive, & your ambition will not let you turn away. Know that God will intervene. He will intervene in a way you do not want.

The people at that time had two primary motives they didn't want to separate and they wanted to make a name for themselves. Our name is not greater than God's name. God's name alone is excellent (Psa 148:13). In his name there is power.
Have you ever seen the lion king when they mention Mufasa to his enemies they shutter (

We are God's children and we take him for granted. The enemy knows his power and are fearful of his very name.

The Fix
God decides to cause them to speak different languages therefore causing them to sound like babbling to each other. Hence the title the tower of Babel.  They could no longer communicate with each other and had to go in separate ways.

God brought about confusion and rendered their plan ineffective. The very thing they feared came to past. We have to take a moment and recognize God's awesome nature.

When we exalt ourselves above God and we begin operating outside of his will he will bring about confusion.
He will bring about a change in plan. He will bring to past that very thing we feared. He will cause our name to be a curse instead of a blessing (Deut 28:37).

Maybe you are working or living in an environment surrounded by wickedness and you need to pray that God sends confusion.

Imagine if we all worked together doing God's will. We wouldn't need to trespass to heaven, God would give us the keys and invite us in.

There is only one name that is excellent. His name alone is excellent. When God spoke it came to past. He didn't need plans or potions he spoke it and it was. God said let their be light and it was, (Gen 1) everything God speaks comes to past. God has spoke powerful things over our lives. The difference is when God spoke and said let their be light, the light obeyed.

We are too busy doing what we want and when God calls us to be light we do not obey. When God calls us to be the head we think we are the tail (Duet 28). When God calls us to be a lender we continue to borrow. Be like the light and obey. Don't allow your dreams of skyscrapers to land you in a hut living in confusion.

We don't recognize who God is, we don't understand his power. God is patient he will allow us time but we cannot play Russian roulette with our lives or other lives.

Never build without the proper permits! 
Together we have the power to do evil or good. If we do evil God will allow us time but he will eventually send confusion or allow us to face destruction. 
We have God's spirit living in us, if we are in an environment that is working against God's will, we are God's secret service. We have the power of prayer, we can ask God to bring about confusion to the enemy and render him ineffective.
Don't try to build a skyscraper and end up with a hut. Live for God, obey God, so we can have access to his kingdom where there are many mansions (John 14:2). Get the proper permits and build on rock not sand. 
God almighty. Your name alone is excellent. Forgive me for building skyscrapers in my life. Forgive me for seeing skyscrapers go up around me and not praying for confusion.. I allow you to come into my heart and teach me how to obey and live for you and your will. I give you the keys that you will have your way in me. In Jesus name. Amen

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Genesis 11:1-9

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Tower of Babel

11 Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in (A)the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, (B)and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower (C)with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” And (D)the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, (E)let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.” So (F)the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore its name was called (G)Babel, because there the Lord confused[a] the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday's Declaration/ Calling for Prayer

Wednesday Declaration
Calling for Prayer
Calling for all who read this to fall to their knees in worship and prayer. Choose your own prayer or follow below.


Most gracious and Almighty God who is slow to anger and great in mercy. Who has removed our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west. Forgive our sins and heal the land. Mortify the deeds of our flesh, that we may worship you in spirit and in truth. We are called to bear one another burdens.
We come against the spirit of suicide on today. We speak life into anyone contemplating suicide that they would experience your peace that surpasses all understanding. We pray they would have a change in heart and act. We pray that you would send your angel of protection to move on their behalf.
We come against terrorism in the name of Jesus. You are our defense and refuge in the day of trouble. Hide your people during terrorist acts. Render the terrorist ineffective. Change the hearts and minds of those that seek to cause harm.
We come against the abusive spirit in the name of Jesus. We pray that abusers of all kinds come to know you as their Savior and you break the chain of wickedness from their lives.
We pray that you protect all those being abused and release them from the mental and physical bondage of abuse. We pray for healing in your land. We come against every disease for with your stripes we are healed. We come against mental illness in the name if Jesus.
We come against hurt and pain that have held your people captive, we release them from the yolk of self pity, and destruction. We loose your peace and joy upon your people in the name of Jesus.
Repair broken relationships that you have put together, mothers & daughters, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, sisters and brothers.  Repair families that we can come together on one accord. Teach us how to love one another. Help us to love as you have loved us.
Your word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. Help us to follow your path. Move on our behalf Lord God.
Praying for a fresh anointing to rain down. Praying for you comforter to come an comfort your people &guide your people to all righteousness. Praying for your people to walk in the gifts you have called them to walk in. Praying for a renewing in our mind. Praying for your thoughts come Holy Spirit that we may think as you think.  Purge anything unlike you.
Remove the hardened heart give us a right spirit. We declare your goodness & your riches over our lives. We declare we are in health and our family is in health. We declare your Lordship over our lives and will walk in your authority. We take authority over the enemy and we cast him out of our house, out of our lives, out of our family, out of all those we come in contact with, most importantly we cast him out of ourselves in the name of Jesus. We resist the devil in Jesus name he is commanded to flee. We resist temptation and heed to you voice and your will. We give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor. Amen

 Matthew 18:19-20
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
John 15:7
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday's Inspiration/Praise

Tuesday's Inspiration
Topic: Praise
Praise is written 327 times in the bible. By frequency we can deduct its importance to God. Praise is our Spirit dancing with The Lord in delight! Praise is a choice. God wants our praise because during praise we align ourselves with him.  It also has the power to change our circumstance.

Praise God During The Pain

Acts 16:21-40 Paul & Silas were thrown  in a dungeon with shackles on their feet after being Beaten. Regardless of their circumstance they Prayed & Praised God. Through the darkness, pain & the foul smell they Praised God singing Hymns to The Lord........ An earthquake then shook the foundation of the dungeon and opened the doors. In an instant their circumstance changed.  How do we respond when we are in our dungeons? Are we pouting or praising, whining or worshiping, complaining or choosing to purposefully lift our eyes to The Lord, where our help comes from (Psalms 121)?
When we find ourselves beaten, in a dungeon of despair, in shackles we cannot escape, we can look up and, like Paul and Silas, praise God.

Praise God In His Presence

The bible says come before his presence with thanksgiving & shout joyfully to Him (Psa 95:2). Are we coming to God in praise or are we coming to God complaining and stressing about our problems.
Praise transfers problems from our weak backs to God's strong right hand. God Hears Our Praise. God is everywhere in every moment when we think of his goodness we should give praise. When we wake, he is there, give praise.

Praise God When He Delivers

When God healed the lame man and he began to walk, he leaped into the temple praising God (Acts 3:6-8). Are we praising God when he turns our situation around? Are we praising God when he delivers us from a problem. Or do we think we "got lucky" or "our intelligence got us out".
Praise God we he delivers.

Praise God because he is God

Praise God because his is God and all other gods fear him (1 Chr 16:25).
Praise God because you can read this message
Praise God because he gave you today, another chance to be better than yesterday another chance to allow him rule and dominion over your life.
The bible says let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psa 150:6).
If you are breathing Praise him. We are using God's oxygen and the cost of usage is praise! Some planets do not have oxygen. He freely gives it that we would praise him.
Praise is so important that the rocks will cry out if we keep silent (Luke 19:37-40).


 "Lord, You are worthy of our praise. You hear from heaven and answer prayers daily. You show forth Your lovingkindness every day in the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same. You give peace in storms, light in darkness, and hope in despair. Forgive me for forgetting to praise you. Help me to praise you in all things. Thank You! I praise Your holy name."
Psalms 112,113, 3:1-

David Danced in praise verses

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Motivation/ Choose Your Path

Monday Motivation
Topic: Enter in the Strait Gate
Matthew 7:13
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

There are two doors to choose from, the narrow gate and the wide gate. The way to life or the way to destruction.

Good people will enter the wide gate if they are not serving The Lord. Good people will perish.  There is only righteousness and unrighteousness. God created us to be righteousness. It would be sad to be a good person and still perish. Many will choose the wide path as it is easy. Few will choose the narrow path, the path that leads to life.

Life comes from the Greek word zoe which means possessing vitality. The absolute fullness of life, being active and vigorous. Being devoted to God & blessed in every portion.

Some of us are good people doing what we want living for ourselves. That path will still lead to destruction.

"Good people" unknowingly have entered into the wide gate hoping their goodness will allow access to the narrow gate.
There are "good people" that are not living in God's promises here on earth and will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6-9-11). All unrighteousness will not inherit the kingdom of God. We are saved by grace but we must choose the narrow gate (Eph 2:8)

Serving God there is fullness of Joy & Pleasures forevermore. Pleasures far beyond the things we can receive or pleasures people can provide. Our flesh is weak and can only be satisfied for a moment.

Don't let temporary satisfaction keep you from eternal salvation. Don't let temporary satisfaction keep you from his fullness of joy and pleasures for evermore. He created us and only he knows what will sustain us. We will never know only he knows. If we delight in him he will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). Let go and let God!

Psalms 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

We have to want the narrow gate if we expect to live in God's fullness. Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

We will not stumble upon the gate and walk in, we will need to seek after it. Psalm 27:4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. 

Seek the Lord today. Enter into the narrow gate. Don't be fooled by the enemy, the wide gate leads to destruction. We will perish naturally and spiritually through the wide gate. There will be many at the gate of destruction. Do not be afraid to stand for righteousness. You will lose some friends, people may talk about you, but stay on the path of righteousness. The text says the path of righteousness is as a shining light that shines like the perfect day (Prov 4:18). Follow God and his spirit will lead you to the gate of life.

Matt 6:9-13 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


Friday, August 23, 2013

TGIF's Word/ Stay up to code!

TGIF' Word
Topic: God's Instruction
Psalms 37:31-34
The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.
The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.
Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
Love God

Psa 37:31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
Law means direction or instruction. Have you ever watched construction shows?  On the good shows the contractor wants the house up to code for safety. The good contractors want to do the job correctly even if they can get by with doing it cheap. "They have those codes written on their heart". They know it will keep the home own safe & everyone in the home safe.

When we write God's law on our heart we are doing it out of love. He didn't say write them in your mind that's when you follow the instructions begrudgingly. We follow it because we love God and we know God loves us and wants the absolute best for us.
When we write it in our heart our steps will not slide. That means each level we go up in life we won't waver, we won't shake, we won't slip.

God's code or instruction never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever more (Heb 13:8).

 Why should we keep God's instruction in our heart?

Psa 37:32 "The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him."
We are in a war. A spiritual war. The wicked slays us by convincing us to ignore God's instruction. When we ignore God we build our house on our own will, we build our house on sand.

Anything we do apart from God will be below code. Our house will not stand and the wicked will slay us. Our foundation will crack. Our plumbing will leak. We will lack support beams an our house will fall.

Follow God

When we follow God's instruction in love, we will have a house built of brick upon a rock (Matt 7:24-27). When the wicked comes to blow our house down, it will stand.
When we follow God's instruction he gives us the Holy Ghost which is equivalent to having state of the art alarm system on the doors and windows and motion detectors in and around our home. Intruders upon trespassing will set off our spiritual alarm. We will begin to pray and apply God's word and the intruder will flee (Jam 4:7).
Psa 37:33 "The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged."

If we stay up to code by following God's instruction the wicked will come but God will not leave us in his hand. Meaning God will not leave us in his power.

 We should write God's word in our hearts so we won't sin against God (Psalms 119:11) When we sin against God its as if bringing termites into our home. We don't see the immediate effects and we think our house is stable but they are slowly eating away at the foundation.

When it falls and it will, we will say God why have you forsook me? Why did you abandon me?

We forgot we brought home termites. We forgot we built our house on sand.
Wait on God

We have to wait on him and keep our house up to code. Psa 37:34 "Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it."

We must love God's instruction by keeping it close to our heart. God always lets us know the result of serving him. He says he will exalt us & we will not slide. The enemy never tells us the result of serving him. He just lures us to destruction. We let him into our hearts and he leaves termites.

Psalms 37:31-34
The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.
The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.
Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.

Love God, follow his instruction, wait on him and he will exalt us to inherit the land.
We don't even have mortgage to pay because our house is paid in full by Jesus Christ (1 Cor 6:19-20).

Love Him. Follow Him. Wait on Him

Love Him. Follow Him. Wait on Him

Love Him. Follow Him. Wait on Him
Stay up to code!

Wonderful Counselor, beautiful Rose of Sharon. You are great and greatly to be praised. Forgive me for not following your instruction. Forgive me for writing my own manual for my life. Help me to follow your instruction with love that I may do it with joy. Help me to build my house on a rock. In Jesus Name Amen

God Bless you!

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Need You & You Need Me

Thursday Awakening
Topic: We need each other
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

As Solomon reflected on the issues under the sun meaning everything we do on earth he noticed that most things we do are in vain. In vain we are focused on our self and not on God. God put us here together to support, encourage, and uplift one another (Heb 10:25). The enemy prefers division as he knows we are weaker separate.

In the beginning God said its not good for man to be alone and gave man a helper (Gen 2:18).  When Christ left he said he would not leave us alone but he would leave us a Helper/Comforter (John 14:16).

God did not design us to be alone. When we seclude ourselves we give way for the enemy to minister to us and devour us and he is cunning. He has the opportunity to degrade us or exalt us into thinking of ourselves more than we should (Rom 12:3). When the serpent spoke to Eve he didn't speak to Adam and Eve (Gen 3). He spoke to Eve alone, as he knew she was weaker without her husband. Two can withstand the enemy. He knew he could convince her alone. It is the same today in our families and in our marriages. The enemy will speak to our children through various means. God did not call us to be divided. There is strength in unity.

Often when we go through things, we want to be alone. We lock ourselves up and shut everyone out. That is the time to assemble ourselves with God's people to encourage us and to pray for us.

We are one body fitly joined together (Eph 4:16). The hand cannot lock itself up, while the rest of the body continues. The only way the hand can lock itself up, is to completely cut itself off from the body. We are God's body, when we remove our self from God we no longer have God's protection, strength and nutrients. We don't have the prayers or encouragement from one another. We are branches on one tree. If we break away from the tree we become a stick, we become withered. We become void of life.

When we separate ourselves we justify it with quotes "I was born alone, & I will die alone". This statement is always false. Every one of us was born attached to a cord that sustained our life. We were born connected. It is God's desire we stay connected.

When we are alone we tell ourselves " I can make it, I don't need anyone" "I made it on my own, No one helped me" this is an absolutely false. No one makes it on their own unless they are on an island of 1. We must look over our lives and noticed the numerous times someone gave us a break, God allowed someone to move on our behalf.  Seclusion will make us believe we don't need anyone. We need each other to survive. Depend on God but strengthen each other through the love of Christ. We are one body but many members (1 Cor 12:12,14). Do not cut off your blood supply.

There are strength in numbers. The text says one might prevail one on one but if there be two of us we will withstand and if there be three we are like a cord twisted together not easily broken (Ec 4:12).

Be a threefold cord today. Link up with God's people. Unify your household. Unify your entire family. Corporate praise is greater, for where there are two or three gathered in His name he will be there (Matt 18:20). Jesus said if two agree and ask anything in his name we shall have (Matt 18:19) it.

Evil links up in gangs, because even the enemy knows the strength of numbers, that is why he desires to separate us from the body of Christ.

Don't cut yourself off stay connected in Christ. Love one another, encourage one another, we are the salt of the earth (Matt 5:13).

Be a threefold cord! Stand united!

Almighty God. King of the Universe. Thank you for sending a Comforter. Forgive me for cutting myself off from your blood supply. Forgive me for allowing the enemy to minister guilt, shame, strife depression and any other thoughts that do not come from you. Help me to connect back to you. Help me to assemble myself with the body. Help me to encourage my brother and sister. Help me to be salt. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

God Bless You!

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Be Content

Wednesday Declaration
Topic: Be Content
Hebrews 13:5-6
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
Sacrifices Pleasing To God

Our foundation text gives us instruction on sacrifices that are pleasing to God. One of them are our conversations.
Conversation is this text comes from the Greek word tropos which means our character, behavior, or demeanor.
Covetousness is showing greed for wealth or material gain.
God wants our behavior to be without greed for money. Greed is an intense desire for wealth.
We should be intensely desiring God and righteousness.
God will exalt us & God will lift us up (Jam 4:10, 1Pet 5:6).
God will cause us to ride upon the high places (Isa 58:14).
The love of money is the root of evil (1 Tim 6:10). If we love God he will provide abundantly. The added benefit of God providing riches is The Lord maketh rich and adds no sorrow (Prov 10:22).
He wants us to be content with what we have because he will never leave us or forsake us. Forsake means to abandon.

Royal Family

He is saying don't worry about anything I own the heaven and the earth (Gen 14:19), everything you need I have. I hope you can receive this.
Prince William doesn't walk around chasing wealth. The queen is worth over 400 billion dollars. Does he ever look anxious? He walks in his authority, knowing who he is and who his grandmother is. He knows he has to submit to her and the rules of the royal family and all his needs will be met.
Why aren't we walking in our authority? Why aren't we submitting to the rules of our royal family so all of our needs can be met? Why aren't we behaving like heirs (Gal 3:29)?

The next verse says (Heb 13:6) "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me".
Boldly is to be confident and have good courage.
The Lord means master, supreme authority, controller. When Lord is spelled with capital L and the rest lowercase it means: Master in his relation to us as servants. With us serving & obeying we are guaranteed protection and provision (Phil 4:19, Psa 121:7).
Helper from the Greek word boethos means to run and meet an urgent distress call. To provide immediate aid.

God's Promise
God is saying when we please God (Pro 16:7) we can confidently say "God will immediately answer my distress call".

He is saying stand flat footed and know that he is God (Psa 46:10).

He is saying if he be with us who can be against us (Rom 8:31).

He is saying fear no man he is our Master we are his servants who humbly obey him and he will fight our battles (2Chr 20:17, Ex 14:14).

The question is do you believe God's word (Num 23:19)?


Be Content, God's got you! Boldly press your Jesus button and he will keep you from harm.


 Master and Provider you are supreme ruler over all. I am your servant, forgive me for chasing after the things of this world. Forgive me for not trusting you to lead and direct my path. Help me to be a humble servant. Help me to obey you and acknowledge you in all things that you would direct my path (Pro 3:6). In Jesus name. Amen
God bless you!
Jesus Loves You! Are you in need of salvation? Click here

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Topic: Humble, Cast, Pray

Tuesday inspiration
Topic: Humble, Cast, Pray
1 Peter 5:6-8
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Humble is the opposite of pride.  To understand humility, a characteristic most of us lack, its better to define pride.  We should be the opposite of prideful as it comes before every fall (Pro 16:18).

Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction from our own accomplishments. Having an excessively high opinion of ourselves.

Humility is to understand that we are dust. We come from the earth, the dirt. It is because God blew his breath of life in us that we exist (Gen 2:7). So any accomplishments or skills belong to him. Pride makes us dumb it fools us into believing it was us and not him.

I am here to announce, dust cannot walk. Dust cannot talk. Dust can not accomplish anything on its own. Get some dust, put it in a baggy, carry it in your pocket. Every time you begin to exalt yourself pull it out to remember who you are. The day God takes his breath from of us we will decompose and return to dust.
Gen 3:19 till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

When we are humble we understand that God is sovereign. He is ruler over all. We decrease our value and increase God in our life.
The great thing about being humble is knowing God will care for us and he will exalt us. When we recognize the order of things he will exalt us in due time. God is a God of order.
We are in a hierarchy, God is above us, he created us, we are to submit to him, resist the devil (Jam 4:7) and recognize his rule. When we become prideful we are ranking ourselves on the same level as God or above. We are out of order. We have made ourselves an idol therefore we are serving the enemy. We are out of order.
When we become out of order!
1 Peter 5:8 The text says " Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"
Sober means to be calm, collected in spirit, temperate, discreet. Vigilant means to be watchful, awake and cautious.
Pride comes before a fall because we are out of God's order. We have exalted ourselves, therefore we are not watchful of the roaring lion that is walking in our house, speaking to our children, devouring our family members. We are too busy praising ourselves we did not see him coming.
We are asleep in the mirror.
That is the trick of the enemy, he distracts us. When we take our eyes off God and we begin worshipping ourselves, he has us right where he wants us. He is the predator and we are his prey.
Let's Get Back In Order
The text says to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand. God's mighty hand holds all the water in the earth  (Isa 40:12) in his palm.
1 Pet 5:7 It says cast your cares upon him. Cast is to throw. When we throw something we completely detach it from our grasp. Throw it so we can't take it back. Throw it so we completely let go. The text says cast it because he cares for us, he is concerned about us. He knows if we hold on to it he can't take care of it.
Two people can not run with one ball. Do we want to hold it with our dust or do we want to give it to the mighty hand that can hold all of the water in his palm.
Lastly, the text says be watchful of the enemy. Pray, keep the enemy away.
We are to be Humble, Cast, Pray!! Humble, Cast, Pray!. Humble, Cast, Pray!
Today is our HCP day!
When we are in order, giving God all the praise and all the honor, staying humble before him he keeps us alert. He gives us discernment. When we cast our cares, we let go and let God. When we put our trust in him he warns us and alerts us when the enemy is coming. We move from being a prey to  praying & having dominion.  We move from being hunted to hunting and casting out devils. We move from the wilderness to the kingdom.
God your hand is mighty. You do all things well. Forgive me for being prideful putting myself before you. Give me a humble spirit that I may recognize your power and your dominion. Help me to cast my cares upon you that you will be able to fully care for me and protect me. Please give me discernment that I may be awake and watchful of the enemy and his devices. Help to pray to ward off the enemy. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Monday, August 19, 2013

Seducing spirits

Monday Motivation
Topics: Seducing spirits
1 Timothy 4:1-2

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;"

Seducing spirits are impostors or a misleader; — deceiver, wandering, roving misleading, leading into error, a vagabond, " tramp", or corrupter.

 It is important to read God's word which is sharper than any twoedged sword (Heb 4:12). Reading God's word keeps our eyes focused on God. Taking our eyes off God we risk leaving God for an imposter or a tramp. 

We all are guilty of leaving God or turning away from God, if even for a moment for a deceiver. The text says this will happen in latter times. The latter is now!

Daily Seduction 

We are currently beings seduced by spirits daily.
We see or hear it everyday on the television, in music, in social media, in politics. Seducing spirits are everywhere.

"Doctrines of devils". The devil is a spirit that desires to be worshipped. He is a god. Doctrines are teachings. The spirit of lust and fornication and idolatry are evil spirits. When we listen to music about lust and fornication that is a form of worship. When we believe in our own might and believe our talent comes from ourselves and not from God we are worshipping ourselves, that is idolatry. We aren't bowing down to satan literally but we have allowed those thoughts and ideas to seduce our spirit.

When we watch TV shows that are borderline porn (which is almost anything on TV) we are allowing our spirit to become seduced by evil spirits. Sight and hearing are primary senses for evil spirits to enter. They are able to do so especially at a young age. We must be careful what we introduce into our hearing and seeing. Below are just a few shows:

"True Blood" if the blood isn't  Jesus it isn't true.
Mistresses- The title speaks for itself
Pretty little liars, Revenge, The walking dead, conjuring.

False prophets & Seducing Spirits

The bible also says:
Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

The enemy never presents as a wolf as we would be aware, he presents as a harmless sheep. A ravening wolf will utterly destroy us spiritually. The wolf will have us practically naked thinking we are clothed & beautiful. Will have us cussing thinking we are speaking intelligently. Will have us giving into lust thinking we are just satisfying ourselves, even though we are never satisfied. Will have us thinking we are men when we are women. Will have us thinking we are women when we are men. Will have us desiring animals. Will have us acting like animals. An animal gives in to his desires and does not have any moral values. When we are seduced by an evil spirit we are convinced that we are to give in and participate in whatever we feel. We have to think about where that feeling came from, it did not come from God, our Creator. 

The devil is cunning, he is a corrupter. Once he has corrupted our minds, we believe and act out his doctrine. He tricks us into believing we are not serving him, but serving ourselves (which is the same thing).

If you are sitting under preaching and teaching that is not God's word you are being seduced. The only way to know you are being seduced is read God's word for yourself.

We have to know God for ourselves.

Corruptible Mind 

1 Timothy 4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"

Seared with a hot iron means (“cauterize”), mark by branding, to brand, branded with their own consciences, whose souls are branded with the marks of sin, who carry about with them the perpetual consciousness of sin.

When someone is branded, common in fraternities, the group cauterizes the skin removing the perfect skin that God gave and forever placing a permanent mark by extreme heat.
When a person is operating in evil,
We must be careful that we don't become a seducing spirit and we don't become seduced by evil spirits.
they have removed their moral Godly conscious by cauterizing and replacing it with a sinful conscious. They believe the lies and hypocrisy that they are seducing us with because their minds are seared and branded with a sinful conscious. Their souls are branded with sin. Some of us know someone where the sin is so deep, their soul is branded with sin.

The text says we will leave our faith. We will leave our belief in God. We will leave the calling on our life. We will leave God's righteousness. We will turn away from God.

Guard your mind, do not allow seducing spirits into your hearing and seeing. Read God's word for yourself.
God said my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow (John 10:4-5). Not only will we not follow but we will run. We should be running from seducing spirits. We will only know his voice if we read his thoughts. We can only read his thoughts if we read his Word.

Aba Father, Jesus you are my healer and protector. You do all things well. I repent for giving my ear to seducing spirits. Father God protect my hearing and my seeing. Guard my mind against seducing spirits. Do not allow evil thoughts to penetrate my mind. Heal those areas where those thoughts have penetrated and caused me to turn away from my faith and belief in you. Open up your word to me that I may be able to discern your perfect will for my life. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, August 16, 2013

God is not slack concerning his promises

Topic: God is not slack concerning his promises
We have access to the greatest treasure. The greatest treasure map is hiding in plain sight in the bible. Why are we playing the lottery hoping to win by chance and we have guaranteed pay out in Jesus! We are called to prosper and be in health (3 John 1:2).

God is not slack concerning his promises (2 Peter 3:9)!
If we believed God's word, oh what the peace we would have. We would have the peace of God that surpasses all understanding (Phi 4:7). Do you think God ever worries? Do you think God becomes anxious? We are to have God's Peace! 

Have you ever put together a chair you purchased from the store or any other item? In the box there are parts, directions, and possibly a tool. Do we open the box and murmur and complain that we don't have a chair or do we use the guide and put together the chair. Most of us are looking at the box of our lives, with all the parts spread out, and are not applying the instructions (God's word). We are not using the tool (Holy Spirit) to put our lives together and rest peaceably.
There is no lack in God, there is only lack in us. The enemy has tricked us into believing we can get it together ourselves, by convincing us we don't need to read the instructions and we don't need the tools.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I plans toward you, saith the Lord, plans of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Peace comes From the Hebrew word shalom. Which means to be well, happy, to have prosperity, favour, great health. To have a mental calm and serenity.

If God's plan is for us to have peace and without God other side of that sentence is evil.

Evil comes from the Hebrew word ra from which means adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, displeasure, distress, exceedingly great grief, harm, heavy, hurt, ill-favoured, mischievous, sorrow, & wicked.

Why would we want to be outside of God? If we are experiencing anything other than peace we are outside of God's plan for our lives.
The end of the scripture tells us why he has a plan for peace.

**Before you read the rest take a deep breath. Receive why God has a plan for peace.**

"to give you an expected end"
To give means to add. An expected means should have an expectation, hope or longing.

End is from the Hebrew word ahariyt means prosperity or reward.

Which means God has a plan of peace for us to add prosperity and reward to us, of which we should have a longing and an expectation. This is a guaranteed pay-out. There are no gimmicks.

Are we expecting peace? Are we longing for peace or do we wake up every morning expecting grief, distress, or displeasure.

God wants us to have his peace so he can prosper us and reward us. Why do we want anything else?
God is not slack concerning his promises (2 Peter 3:9)!

 Matthew 11:28
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy- laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
These are God's promises. This is a guaranteed pay-out! 
God is not slack concerning his promises (2 Peter 3:9)!

Isaiah 40:31
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.

Mount up means to ascend, to exalt, to excel, to grow , to rise, to spring forth. Are we mounted? Are we soaring and excelling in everything we are doing?
Run means to quickly breakdown & divide. Never having both feet on the ground at the same time. When we juggling multiple tasks and our schedules are full, God said in him we will not grow weary.
Walk means to carry or bear. When we are carrying the issues, and demands from life, God said in him we will not faint.

Are we mounted up today? Are we running with full strength without weariness. We are carrying all the cares of this world with a upright back? Are we operating in God's peace? Are we prosperous?
In God's peace we won't have a care or worry. Let's receive the greatest treasure ever given. Let's read God's treasure map, and follow the path that leads to God's peace. Let's mount up, soar,  and excel in all we do. Let's run and not grow weary. Let's walk and not faint.
Almighty God, exalted on high. How majestic your name is in all the earth. You have displayed your splendor above the heavens. I repent for believing I could do this without you. I repent for not trusting you with my life. I receive your plans of peace to an expected end for my life. Open your word to me, that I might understand and apply it to my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may never grow weary or faint. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
God Bless you! Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Don't ask for an Extension where God has given an Expiration!

Thursday Awakening
Topic: Don't ask for an Extension where God has given an Expiration

 If God gives an expiration date, don't ask for an extension.
Usually when we want an extension, we are concerned with our desires, and forget God's perfect will for our lives.
When we are holding on to something God has called to an end, we must look inside ourselves and ask why do we want, what God doesn't want for us?
When we want what God doesn't want for us, we remove ourselves from his covering. He may allow us to have it, but our soul will given over to waste (Psa 106:14-15). That which we desire will not satisfy us.
Hezekiah's Expiration

 God had placed and expiration date on Hezekiah's life; As he has placed an expiration date on some of the things in our lives. Are we asking for an extension like Hezekiah?
Hezekiah was a man of great faith & restored God's righteousness in Judah (2Ch 29:1-10). His father was wicked (2 Ch 28:23-25). God broke the generational curse of wickedness with Hezekiah, but his desire for an extension restored wickedness to his family.

 Wherever Hezekiah  went, God was with him, whenever Hezekiah prayed God answered (2 Kings 19:14-15, 2 Kings 19:20, 32,34).
When it came time for Hezekiah to be with The Lord he wasn't ready to go. He turned to the wall and asked God for an extension on his life (Isa 38:1-7).
There is no better place than with God! Instead of going to the greatest place, he allowed fear or the love of this world persuade him to ask for an extension.
What do we fear, that we have asked God for an extension, when he has placed an expiration date.
What in this world do we love more than God, that we have asked God for an extension, when he has placed an expiration date?

God granted his wish and added 15 years to his life.
As God has allowed us to keep some things he has told us to let go.

It's so dangerous to leave God's covering. We forfeit our inheritance in heaven. Our reward is not here on earth. We are living to live again.
Consequences of Extensions

 When we are outside of God's will we produce ungodly seeds. A seed is anything as a result of our involvement reproduces. A seed can be our children or our actions or things we put into action.
Hezekiah became prideful after he was granted 15 years of extended life and began to show off his jewels and wealth to his enemy.
How many of us have received riches (money, children, mate, job etc) from God and we go to show it off to our enemies?

When we get a new car and drive it through our old neighborhood so our enemies can see our success......
When we purchase a new home and invite those that hate us to show off our success (Prov 16:18)......
When we do things similar to that we are worshipping those things, and we forget it is by God's grace and mercy we have those things. It is not by our might, therefore, we have taken our eyes off of God and made those things/people our god.

When God puts an expiration date on something don't ask for an extension.

Hezekiah had no sons until he asked for an extension.  He went on to receive a son, Manasseh, which was an abomination that seduced an entire nation, to sin against God, more than any other nation before him, that God previously destroyed.

Don't ask for an extension when God gave an expiration!
When Hezekiah was informed that his pride would bring about a curse unto his children and unto his nation he said "there shall be peace and truth in my days (Isa 39). He didn't turn to the wall and repent & ask God's forgiveness. He was satisfied knowing he would be safe. That is the trick of the enemy when you love God you do not want anyone to perish for your mistakes.
We all fall short but we can't allow others to suffer because of our extension, our greediness, or our lust. When God show us our mistake, we must Repent, ask God forgiveness, and let go of that which God had ended.
This walk with God is a journey not a sprint. To be one with The Lord is our greatest reward.
The enemy comes to steal our reward. Do not allow him into to your hearts. Hezekiah was a man of faith but lost his reward to be with The Lord. Don't lose your reward!
When God places an expiration date don't ask for an extension.

We have things/people/jobs, in our lives that God has placed an expiration on, and we continue to hold tight, asking God to help us hold on, asking God to fix it, asking God to make it work for us.  
Know that God's plan for our lives is perfect.
Don't ask God for an extension if he told you it's time to move on.
Don't serve God all your life and lose your reward.
God you are Almighty, ruler over all. You alone are the owner of the heaven and earth. You have a perfect plan for my life. Forgive me for making detours when the road was a dead end. Forgive my desire to extend what you have put to an end. Help me to yield to your perfect plan. Please do not depart from me. In Jesus name Amen

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Vengeance is the Lord's

Wednesday Declaration
Topic: Vengeance is The Lord's

Did you know there are rewards in loving our enemies. There are rewards in turning the other cheek an allowing God to be God.
One true test of our faith is give it to God when someone has hurt us or our loved one and we pray for them instead of retaliating. We must understand that all things work together for good for those that love God & are called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28).

 When an offense comes as it so often does, are we going to trust God or trust ourselves? Are we going to love God or love evil. Which ever act we chose will show who we love. We cannot serve two masters (Matt 6:24) we will either love God and hate evil or we will love evil and hate God. Our actions will prove who we love.
An offense can be our blessing or our shame. God is going to bless us, if we give it to him. Allow God to handle it, in his time, and his way, which is far more effective. If we disregard God, understand, we will grieve his Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30). We will move ourselves outside of his protection because his word says....."Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom 12:21).
Overcome means to conquer, prevail or overpower.
When we retaliate evil has conquered us.
Evil has overpowered us.
Evil has subdued us.
Evil has victory over us.
We become servants of evil.
True Story

 When I was in my late teens. I was walking down the street listening to headphones. The music was great. The headphones were large and there was no other sound but the music in my ears. Suddenly I felt, what felt like a brick hit my head and I fell to the ground. My head felt as if it was bleeding. I was terrified, as I didn't know what happened or why or who assaulted me. People clamored around me to help, but I refused, as I didn't know who hurt me. I later learned it was a bottle and the person was upset because they expressed interest in me and I declined a week earlier. Everyone I knew wanted me to have someone retaliate.
 A still small voice said "give it to me and I will take care of it". I was angry, my head was in great pain & I was suffering from dizzy spells. Yet, I gave it to God. My assailant was imprisoned a year later.
I learned never to be unaware of my surroundings. From that day forward I never wore full headphones while walking or running outside. That very painful lesson worked for my good. It perhaps prevented a much greater assault I could have suffered later. If I had retaliated I would have put my young life and another life in danger and the consequences of my actions could have been far greater. As God's wrath would have been upon me instead of his blessing.
God's Blessing

 We cannot afford to miss our blessing as vengeance belongs to The Lord (Rom 12:19-21).  God promises us that he will repay. God is not a liar and when we take matters into our own hands it is because we do not trust God. If we do not trust that his word is true we are calling God a liar. God is not a man that he should lie....(Num 23:19).

We are not in God's protection when we do evil. If we retaliate we subject ourselves to evil and he cannot protect us once we move outside of his will. God's wrath is far greater than anything we could do. That is why it takes the love of God in us to pray for our enemy, for God's full wrath will completely destroy and consume (Ex 32:10) them.
Declare today to Love God, resist the devil, & pray for your enemies. Conquer evil!

God you are a great and terrible God. Your strength and might surpasses all others. Forgive me for putting my will above yours. Forgive me for not heeding to your voice. Forgive me for taking matters into my own hands. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may be able to forgive my enemies instead of avenge my enemies. Thank you for building my faith. In Jesus name.