Monday, September 16, 2013

Who Are Your Benefits With?

Monday Motivation
Topic: Who are your benefits with?
Psalm 103
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,"
At a certain maturity in our career when seeking employment or pursuing a business venture we desire a good benefit package. We will either make enough money to pay for our own benefits or we will rely on a solid benefit package.

The benefit package is only as good as the employer. Certain jobs have certain benefits or perks. Before an agreement is made the terms and conditions are explicitly explained.

In entering in service with The Lord God lays out his benefit package, salary, growth strategy, goals, and the bonus plan for us to make an informed decision.

God is an equal opportunity employer and we will never be denied employment. Some of us look for fortune 500 companies to work for or we work for ourselves. Either option we are looking for benefits.

God owns the heaven and the earth there isn't a greater employer. When we decide to take a position in God's Kingdom we have lifetime benefits. Our stocks will never go down. Our retirement will be in tack. Our checks will always clear.

God's Benefits

God loads us with daily benefits. Psalm 103
God heals our disease
He removed all of our write ups, performance improvement plans, & breech of contract from us.
He knows our weakness and specializes in our weakness not in our strengths for he remembers we are as dust.

Psalms 103:2-6
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.

God knows us and he know the best position for us. He will never give us a task we can not handle and we will never do more for him than he will do for us. He knows the best coverage for us because he created us. God can heal our disease but we must obey him. If he says exercise we must exercise. If he says change our diet we must change our diet. He is still God but he is not wasteful. He is not going to heal us if we continue to destroy what he has created.

Psalms 103:14-16
For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

God know us and he knows what we need. There is a cost to God's benefit package.

Cost of Benefits

Our cost for the benefit package is praise. Our co-pay is to obey God. Our deductible is prayer. Our coverage is written in his word.

When we wake we must give God praise. The angels in heaven give God praise throughout the day we are constantly receiving benefits and we forget to praise. We just inhaled give him praise. Our eyes just read this line give him praise. We just had a thought give him praise.

Obeying God is easy when we read his word. When we read God's word it feeds our spirit and gives our spirit the strength it needs to override our flesh. When our spirit is empty our flesh is filled and although we want to do right we haven't given our spirit any fuel to control our flesh. The only way to obey God is to feed our spirit as it will yield to the Father.

We must pray, prayer opens the door to let God into our life. Prayer keeps us in communication with our Father. Almost all relationships fail due to lack of communication. God communicates with us through his word and we communicate to him through prayer. One sided relationships are not fruitful.

Our cost for the benefit package is praise. Our co-pay is to obey God. Our deductible is prayer. Our coverage is written in his word.

Praise, Obey, Pray, Read
Lord Almighty, You are a father shows compassion to his children. You do not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is your steadfast love toward us. You load us daily with benefits. We bless your name today and forever. Forgive us for not reading our benefit coverage, forgive us for neglecting to praise you in all things. Forgive us for forgetting to pray. Thank you for employing us in your Kingdom. We are not worthy but you still love us with a steadfast love and we thank you for your love. We thank you for your benefits. We thank you for your remembering we are as dust. Help us to love you and obey you. We know sin is always before us. Help us to resist and submit to your righteousness. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

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