Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday Declaration/ Calling for Prayer

Wednesday Declaration
Topic: Calling For Prayer

Yesterdays stats
2,842 suicides in the world just yesterday. 722,446 this year.
898,148,155 undernourished people & 29,950 people died from hunger yesterday.
In the US year to date
25,498 suicides this year
10,674 homicides this year

 Please pray your own prayer or follow the prayer below.

Almighty God. Wonderful Counselor, Alpha & Omega. Abba Father I bless your name for ever and ever. Your mercy endureth forever. Forgive me for the sins I that I have committed knowingly and unknowingly in thought, word, or deed.
You said men should pray without ceasing. You said where there are two or more gathered in your name you will be in the midst. You said anything we ask in your name we shall have. We are coming together corporately praying for the world. Your word says the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy. He has destroyed the lives of many and we come against the spirit of suicide in the name of Jesus. We bind the spirit of suicide and loose your spirit to come upon your people. We loose right thinking. We come against wrong thinking.  We come against thoughts of desperation and hopelessness.

We know  in you there is joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. We loose peace upon our lives and the lives of others. We come against the murderous spirit in the name of Jesus. We come against the enemy working in your people destroying lives by word or deed.

We come against hunger in the name of Jesus. Give the nourished a mind to feed the undernourished. Give us a mind to help those in need. You have placed us all here together to help one another in time of need. Guide us on how to lend a helping hand. Help us to feed the spiritually and naturally undernourished for man can not eat off bread alone.
Help us to nourish ourselves with your word that we may be able to stand when the roaring lion comes, when temptation comes, when haughtiness or self doubt comes. Help us to drink from your fountain of living waters that we may never thirst again. That we would have a Yes in our spirit, willing to do your will, that we would have peace in our lives.
Help us to stop chasing after the things of this world. The things that give us outward joy but inward sorrow. Help us to know that without you we will always be chasing for something to fill that void that can only be filled by your love. Teach us how to love you. Teach us how to trust you. Teach us how to stand on your word. Teach how to wait on you. Teach us how to pray for one another. Give us the mind to say yes when you call us to action.
Send your angels to protect the next victim of murder, suicide, abuse, terrorism. Send salvation to save the murderer & the terrorist. Leave us not to ourselves, living and behaving as animals, reacting off of instinct and fleshly desire. Help us to honor you with our lives. Turn our hearts back to you. Send your angels, to every crease and crevasse on the earth, to breathe life into barren land, where your people have gone astray. Turn us all back to you.

 We come against spiritually apathy & spiritual wickedness. We come before you humbly praying for salvation of the world, peace in the land, and love on earth.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
God Bless you!

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