Saturday, September 14, 2013

Drive Through Car Wash or Detail

Saturday Morning Praise
Topic: Are you going to wash this morning?
Isaiah 64:6
But we are all like an unclean thing,
And all our righteousness's are like filthy rags;

We have a ritual every morning we get up and we wash and clean our body & brush and floss our teeth. We wash because we know if we don't by the end of the day we will begin to have an odor. If we wait all week our body will reek.
Our mouth will begin to grow a yellowish to green coating on our teeth and gums and our breath will stink.
Our nails will have black grit underneath.
If we wait a month we will begin to look and smell as if we live on the streets.

It is the same spiritually. When we have not spiritually washed all week we begin to stink.
When we have filled our minds with dirt and filth all week, we expect one shower will cleanse us when we go to church on the weekend.

When we see the homeless we think we are better than them, we often feel pity for them, but we ourselves are filthy. We have not spiritually washed all week. We haven't allowed God to cleanse our minds or our hearts. We have filled our minds with dirt and filth and our actions and thoughts begin to smell.

Some of us are wallowing in mud week after week, month after month and never take a bath.
We are cursing our brothers and sisters.
We have attitudes a soon as someone says or does something to us.
We are angry, spiteful, demeaning, cunning, stubborn, & rebellious.
We are complaining, bickering, & gossiping.
We are lazy because our filth is weighing us down.
We are lying, stealing, & cheating.
We are fornicating, and engaging in immoral acts.
We are lusting after the flesh and things of this world.
We are haughty & vain, worshipping ourselves.
We are depressed, anxious, and fearful.
Yet we get up everyday, wash, and perpetrate cleanliness.

Only God can cleanse us and keep us clean. Only Jesus can change our hearts. The Holy Spirit will keep us from getting dirty after we are clean.

We don't go a day without washing naturally and we can't go a day without allowing God to cleanse us spiritually.

Only God can understand our errors. Only God can cleanse us from secret faults (Psa 19:12). Our  dirt in our belly button, behind our ears, and in between our toes are our secret faults. It's the dirt no one can see or smell but us.
It's the dirt inside the car, hiding behind the tinted windows, under the hood and in the trunk.

We have to ask God to sprinkle us with his water. When God cleanses us we shall be clean. When we keep ourselves in God's word and when we obey his Spirit we shall be clean.

Ezekiel 36:25
25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

In our righteousness we are as filthy rags, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, by perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1).

Let us draw near to God that he will draw near to us. Let us stop going through the drive through car wash and let's get our car detailed!
Let God under the hood & inside the car. Let him in our heart.
Let him clean our dashboards, trim, console, leather, & carpet. Let him in our thoughts.
Let him shine our windows & glass. Let him give us a facial. Let him give us his light.
Let him clean our pedals, gas tank, rain gutters and trunk. Let him guide our actions.
Lets stop shining on the outside stinking on the inside.
Let's be of one mind, the mind of Christ.

James 4:8
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity the only way we can be cleaned if God washes us thoroughly from our  transgressions and cleanses us from our sins as it is always before us ( Psa 51:1-3).
Stop going through the drive through car wash and let God give us the ultimate detail package.
Stop smoking and putting trash in our car.
Let's get purged with hyssop, so we will be clean.
Let's get washed by God so we can be whiter than snow (Psalms 51:7).
Let God's air freshener, His Holy Spirit keep us clean.
Let's shine so everyone can see God's glow!

God Almighty, you are the Most High God. You created us and only you know how to clean us. Forgives us for all unrighteousness. Help us to turn away from our wicked ways and turn towards you. Purge us with hyssop so we will be clean. Wash us so we will be whiter than snow. Help us to walk in your righteousness. Help us to have a desire and a thirst for you. We love you and we thank you for not cutting us off in the midst of our filth and giving us an opportunity to get ourselves detailed by you. Teach us to allow you to clean us daily. Spray your fragrance on us that we will have your aroma. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

God Bless You!

Psalms 51:7, Jeremiah 2:22, Jeremiah 4:14, Acts 22:16, 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

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