Monday, September 9, 2013

God's Got It!

Monday Motivation 

Topic: God's Got It

Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;
yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

When you read the above scripture, read it slow and read it at least three times with the punctuation. I gave a lot of definitions in this post; I wanted to hopefully bring the text alive, the way God had given it to me. I hope you will be blessed by God's love in his scripture. 

God says fear not (fear is the absence of faith). Means do not worry, do not be afraid. He could have placed a period and made it a final statement after “fear not” but he continued. 

He placed a semicolon (;) which means there are two independent thoughts that aren't separate enough to require a period.

The reason we shouldn't have any fear is because God is with us.  
God loves us so much he wants us to really understand his point. 
Interestingly, The Lord still didn't add a period after that statement.

He added a colon. A colon (:) means the writer is separating two thoughts to further expand or illustrate the previous point.  He wants us to understand this point so much he further illustrates, to give us a vivid picture. 

be not dismayed

God is saying don't feel distress or stressed when something unexpected comes.
God is saying don't look away as if you are looking for someone to help and you don't know who is going to help.

Don't look in bewilderment.  
Don't lose courage.
Don't put your head down as if the fight is already over.
Don't give up.
Don't give in.
Don't have any doubt in his abilities. 

God not only doesn't want us to fear but he doesn't want us to stress over any issue because he’s “got it”. 

 Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee:
be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;
yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

God doesn't stop with don't stress, he doesn't put a period yet, he goes on to say that he is our God. He is our ruler.
He is our Creator.
He is Supreme to us.
He is our maker.
He is our Daddy!

He is saying his name is on the line. He is our God. HE said he will strengthen us. “He’s Got It”

Are you having a day where things didn't go exactly as you expected? 
Did someone give you some news that left you feeling a little discouraged?

Were you left thinking "really", "are you kidding", "You can't be serious?", " unbelievable"! 
Have you had any of those moments recently?

You know the saying "Be careful the company you keep" " you are who you hang with"
When we stay in God's company he transfers some of Him to us.
When he strengthens us, he gives us more of him. The more we stay with him, the more we have of him. 
God is the vine and we are the branch, we are connected to him, and all of our nutrients come from him. 
All of our ideas, thoughts, power, & strength come from Him. 

We now understand our existence is purely based on our connection to him. Without that connection we are dead, we are lifeless. When we are connected to the true and living, most powerful, Almighty God, we literally have nothing to fear, we have no stress.  

We have access to the best secret service in the universe, the top Doc, the best lawyer, and access to the World Bank.

We have everything we need in Jesus.  There isn't anything anyone, can say or do to us, that Our God cannot handle. 

He said he is our God. He said he would strengthen us. Meaning he would give us good courage, he would makes us stronger than before, he would establish us, he would fortify us, he would confirm us, he would cause us to prevail!!


Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee:
be not dismayed; for I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

God still wasn't finished he goes on to say "yea".
Yea means to introduce a stronger more accurate definition than the previous. God is saying, if we didn't just "get it" “that I Got it” I am going to emphasize it, and confirm it again, so we can further understand.

"I will help thee" did you hear Him?
It's that soft whisper when we are going through something and God says 
"I got it" 
"I will help you"  
"Give it to me".

We can't hear him if we are wailing, screaming, pouting or worrying. 

We can hear him when we get the news and we look up to the hills, where our help comes from, listen, and wait. 

 Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;
yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

When he says he will help us he says "yea" again, as if he knew we needed further confirmation.  
He says he will uphold us with the right hand of his righteousness. 
The right hand represents strength. It means the stronger more dexterous side.
God's strength is most powerful, even when we touch the hem on his garment we are healed (Mark 5:25-29). Not his garment, the hem attached to his garment. When God thinks, his thoughts appear. Our problems don't even need his strong side but he gives it to us. 

He said he would uphold us with his strongest strength. He could have said he was simply going to uphold us.

To understand his strength, he holds the water in all the earth in his palm (Isa 40:12).

God said he is upholding us with his right hand, not just his palm, his strongest hand.....means he is going to sustain us, keep us, maintain us, hold us, support us, and he is going to retain us.


Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee;
yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

God doesn't want us to worry because he is with us.  He gave us a run-on sentence to tell us, HE is all we need!

He wanted you to know, fear not, don't be dismayed, don't stress or worry. 

Repeat until you believe and apply it.

God is with me. 
God will help me. 
God will strengthen me. 
God will uphold me. 

Be encouraged! God bless you!

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