Monday, September 23, 2013

Live for the Applause......

Monday Motivation
Topic: Live Quiet, Mind Your Business, and Do your Job
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others.

Lady Gaga has a song out that she lives for the applause. It is easy to allow social media and celebrities to dictate who we are, but only God’s word can guide us to who we are in Christ. We see fame and glory and we begin to desire (covet) that in our lives. We slowly begin to believe the world’s way is the best way.

We must understand there is only one that should get the applause and the glory. When we begin to desire the fame and glory for ourselves we begin to worship ourselves and value ourselves over God (Exo 20:3-4). This is why we have to be careful to feed our spirit and not our flesh. When we continually feed our flesh with what we see and hear on TV, radio, and social media we believe what we see and hear. Our light is to shine so that our Father will get the glory. If we are shining and they do not see our Father we are worshipping ourselves (Matt 5:16). When we feed our spirit with God’s word and God’s way we are fulfilled in ways applause from the world cannot provide.

We have to fill our minds with God and his word so that we can keep our eyes focused on him. The lust and desires of this world will only give us temporary satisfaction and we will lose out on eternal salvation ( Matt 16:26).  

God’s word says to practice being quiet. Meaning practice holding our peace; don’t create a stir every opportunity we have. This means don’t live for the world’s applause. Live for Jesus to say well done my good and faithful servant (Matt25:21). Live for God to call us friend (Jam 2:23, Isa 41:8, 2 Chr 20:7). That is the greatest applause, when God is pleased with our lives.

We should mind our business and refrain from meddling in others. If we find ourselves always busy and never accomplishing anything, we are busy bodies. If we are always meddling and prying in the affairs of others, we are busy bodies. The media has TV shows dedicated to gossip. The media has TV shows dedicated to reality TV, engaging us to watch, tweet on the lives of others. Minding others business has become integral to our culture, we begin to believe this is they way God has called us to live. We need to be more concerned with our Father's business in heaven and less concerned with affairs of this world.

God called us to mind our own business. We should not worry what the person next to us is doing, we should focus on what we should be doing. We should also mind our business in work and in our personal lives. We should work as if we are working unto the Lord regardless of what anyone else is doing (Col 3:23-24). We should work to let our light shine as God called us to shine (Matt 5:16). God will give us the reward when we work unto him.

God calls us to be quiet, to hold our peace.
The world tells us to live for the applause.
God calls us to mind our business, the world gives us media that constantly meddles in the affairs of others.

God calls us to work the world gives us get rich quick schemes.

Be quiet, mind your own business and work as if you are working unto the Lord.
Remember we are living to live again!

God Bless you!


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