Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do you need a bit and bridle?

Thursday's Declaration
Topic: Do you need a bit and bridle?

The book of psalms is considered the heart of the Old Testament. Psalms means praise or hymns in Hebrew. Psalms 32 is described as a Maschil which means giving instruction.

Psalms 32:8-9
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding:
whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.

Principal & Teacher

God is going to instruct us and teach us the way to go.
Instruction is a command. It is a one sided conversation. When God says go we should go. When he commands us to move we should move.

When we purchase and item that requires assembly it comes with instructions. When we read the instructions we assemble it properly and quickly. When we try to ignore the instructions, we assemble it with missing parts or it takes longer. How are we going to live our lives? Are we going to follow God's instruction and plan for us or are we going to assemble with missing parts?

When God gives instructions, keep calm and follow them. God's word says he would also teach us.
Teaching is explaining the instruction. When God teaches us, he causes us to gain an understanding. Instruction and teaching does not happen simultaneously. When we receive instruction the understanding may not come until years later. We gain an understanding through the experience. We can experience it by going through it ourselves, by hearing it, by seeing it, or divine revelation.

Think about an instruction God gave you and the understanding came later. Think about how it was a blessing you obeyed. Also, think about a time God gave you instruction and you didn't listen and the understanding and consequence came later.
Reflecting on that will help you say "yes" when God is giving you instruction in the future. It will help you to trust in his counsel.

Guidance Counselor

"I will guide thee with mine eye".

When God guides us he does this by advising us. Having a guidance counselor in everyday life is necessary. In high school and grade school they provide each student with a guidance counselor. The school knows that even though the kids have been given instruction and they are getting an understanding, they will face roadblocks . When those roadblocks arise the guidance counselor is there to provide them with the tools to bypass those roadblocks. The guidance counselor also anticipates potentials issues and gives them the tools to avoid or work through those issues. The guidance counselor also assist them with advancing to the next level. They are instrumental to their overall success. They keep a eye on them by reviewing their progress, ensuring they will continue to advance. They are also there when they fall to help them get back up and get back on track.

God is our guidance counselor along our journey. He will advise us and watch over us. We are not alone when he gives us an instruction, he sent us a Comforter. He does not leave us to fend for ourselves. He guides and directs our path. He picks us up when we fall and puts us back on track.

Bit & Bridle
When God is instructing us, teaching us, guiding us, and watching over us, he wants us to be obedient.
"Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding:
whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you (Psa 32:9)."
When we disobey we lack understanding, we are ignorant. We can't get an understanding until we obey, until we follow instruction.
They use a bit and bridle when guiding a horse or mule. A bridle is used to control the animal from the head to the neck. I don't want to get lost in explaining each part of the bridle but here are a few parts.
Crownpiece goes over the horse's head
Cheekpiece attaches to the crownpiece and runs down the side of the cheeks
Throatlatch prevents the bridle from coming off the head
Lip strap prevents the horse from grabbing the latch with his lip to remove it.
Blinders to prevent the horse from seeing peripherally
The bit goes into the mouth resting on the sensitive interdental spaces of the horses teeth.
Reins attach the bridle to the bit.
God is saying if he gives us instruction don't be like the mule that have no understanding. Don't be like the horse that needs to be guided and controlled with force, by controlling his head and pressing against the sensitive portions of his mouth to get him to obey. Don't have God give you a toothache for you to go to the dentist.
Plainly explained "Don't be dumb" rebellion is the a sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is a sin of idolatry (1Sam 15:23). When we disobey God we make ourselves a god and we begin to worship ourselves.
"Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about (Psa 32:10).
Anytime we sin against God we are wicked. God said we will have many sorrows when we are wicked. We will have many spiritual toothaches. We will have and abundance of pain, anguish and grief when we are against God.
If we trust him, follow his instructions, glean from what he teaches us, and seek his counsel, mercy shall compass us.
Mercy compassing us is, God's kindness, God's goodliness, God's favour, and God's faithfulness completely revolving around us. Its his favor and loving-kindness being on every side of us. Can you visualize every step we take his gifts are right there. His mercy is like the secret service sweeping the area, removing threats, giving us aerial and ground protection. Protecting us from harm, giving us provision, and working things out on our behalf.
After knowing that we have no choice but to do as the writer instructs.
"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart (Psa 32:11)."

God is going to instruct us
God is going to teach us
God is going to guide us
During this time he is watching over us.
We are not going to need a bit or bridle, we are going to obey.
God is going to surround us with his mercy
We are going to rejoice in God!


Lord you are Mighty. You are the warrior who saves us (Zep 3:17). We love you and thank you for instructing, teaching, guiding, and surrounding us with your mercy. Forgive us for the times we required a bit and bridle. Help us to obey when we don't understand. Help us to know that understanding comes with obeying. Help us to completely trust in your direction. We sing praises to you, we rejoice with an upright heart. In Jesus name. Amen.

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