Thursday, September 5, 2013

Do you have anti-virus software?

Thursday Awakening
Topic: What are you downloading?

Are you downloading spyware, malware, or trojans?

Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

We are light. We are called to a fruitful standard. We are called to bring life wherever we go. We are called to reprove, to correct that outside of God's will.

Ephesians 5:8
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

Whenever we share company with darkness they either become lit with our flame or we become dim because of their darkness. Light and darkness cannot co-exist.

Have you ever been around a negative person. Everything they say or do is negative. When we listen to constant negativity, it brings us down. That means we become dim. If we don't stop the person, and correct the person, they slowly throw dirt on our flame, dimming our light.

The reason it brings us down is we have allowed ourselves to fellowship with unfruitful darkness.

Fellowship comes from a very long Greek word that basically means "to share in company with, i.e. co- participate in: in communication and partaker of. To become a partaker together with others".

When we fellowship with negative people, liars, cursers,  stealers, gossipers, and other forms of darkness we co- participate. We begin to communicate which means share knowledge. We begin to agree.

If a person is gossiping it is almost impossible not to join in or become influenced by what is being spoken. We then move from being light to partaking in darkness.
Partake means to literally take a part or a piece of something.
It may not extinguish our flame by partaking but we have allowed our light to become dim.

When we watch shows that are exhibiting things that are ungodly, we are fellowshipping with the TV show. We have participated, by laughing or agreeing with the content. We have taken a piece of it and now its with us.

TV is such a huge influence because there isn't an opportunity for our light to shine. It is by nature influencing us. The reason why our seeing sensory and hearing senses are so important is because the enemy has direct access to our brain. He knows what we see and hear has a direct influence on what we speak and how we act. We can not be ignorant to the enemy's devices (2 Cor. 2:11). Our eyes and ears are positioned close to our brain for a reason.

Our eyes are a still camera and a video camera, that feeds into our computer (our brain). Our brain stores the imagery and interprets it into data and files it for use.

Hearing allows us to gather, process, and interpret information as well. The sound we hear allows us to experience that moment over and over again. Our brain sends messages throughout our body for a total experience and memory.

To sum this us. When we allow wrong thinking or acting into our hearing & seeing we have given darkness a key to our mind. Just like when our computer gets a virus. We have downloaded spyware, trojans, and/or malware into our systems. We have allowed them to infect us with visual imagery, sounds, and/or verbal communication. That all that leads to corrupted files. We can spread the Gospel without corrupting our files.

The only anti-virus software is God's word.  When we protect our minds with God's word we CANNOT then continue to download more viruses. Ultimately, we will operate slower, become ineffective and eventually crash and die spiritually and naturally.

We need to add pop- up blockers to our daily interactions, in addition to our anti-virus software. Once we see or hear something outside of God, immediately the Holy Spirit puts up a Pop-up Blocker.

 " This is not a trusted site. Are you sure you want to continue?
When we are really sensitive to the Holy Spirit or if the virus is deadly, the pop-up blocker (Holy Spirit) is so strong it disables contact without notifying us. It re-routes us, or doesn't even allow it into our seeing or hearing.
When we read God's word it works like and anti-virus software because it keeps us on trusted sites and it internally scans us to identify any potential viruses that many need extraction or quarantined. This can not be done if we haven't downloaded the anti-virus software. This can't be done if we are holding on to our parents prayers or a word we heard when we were young. We have to download God's word into us so it will work to protect us and guide us.

Be careful who you fellowship with. Be the light, do not partake, participate or download viruses, spyware, malware, or trojans.

Keep your Anti-virus software updated by reading God's word. Keep the pop-up blocker turned on by staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit & Pray!

Be the light. Do not allow dirt on your flame. Guard your brain!


 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

God Bless you!

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