Thursday, January 30, 2014

Have you died today? Are you fruitful?

Thursday’s Awakening
Topic: Have you died today? Are you fruitful?

We are created to produce fruit and when we do so the seed must die. We were created not just to produce fruit but produce much fruit. When we refuse to die we are alone in our shell. Our spirit can only be at peace when it is doing the will of the Lord. When we do other things we may be surrounded by many but internally we will feel alone. No one can fill that void but Jesus.  John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

Have you ever seen a peach tree or a rose garden, or an apple tree? In order for the tree to exist and produce fruit a seed had to die and be planted. When we serve and obey God we become a fruit tree. We begin to produce continually. Season after season we will continue to bring forth fruit. We will continue to touch lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ and other lives will begin to bring forth fruit. A seed is a hard fruit. The only way the fruit will live outside of the seed is to die to the earth and allow the germination process to begin. A seed cannot grow without germination, which is a process of a seed growing into what it will become. We have to die to this world and the things of this world and allow Jesus to begin the germination process in us. Jesus causes us to break through our harden outer shell (pit) of selfishness and self centeredness.

When we begin to germinate we become God centered and God focused. We stop focusing on things we want. We stop fitting God into our schedule one day and week, and we begin to see how we fit into God’s schedule. We begin to wake up giving God praise before we are fully out of bed. We begin to ask God what should we do and where should we go before we make any plans. We worry less on what we want and we only concern ourselves with what Jesus wants from us. When become God centered we begin to grow outside our tiny little shell and become something greater with a greater purpose in the earth.

John 12:25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  When we remain a seed in our hard shell and refuse to become the fruit inside of us we will die. Sunflower seeds are sold by the bag for someone to break the shell and eat the center. Nuts are seeds that are sold for someone to eat. When we refuse to become fruit we are sold, picked, and devoured by this world. We are busy distracted with what we want to do we don’t notice we are being sold and picked, chewed on and spat out.

John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. When we follow Jesus the germination process begins. Jesus begins growing and developing us into sweet fruit. Our fruit trees will always produce as long as we are connected to the vine. The average peach tree produces 40 peaches a year. A mature 12-year Golden Jubilee can ripen out over 150 peaches a year. When we are connected to the vine which is Christ Jesus, our branches will bring forth much fruit, but it begins with the seed. We must die for our light to shine and for our fruit to grow. When we are connected to the vine we are constantly producing year after year.

Do you want to be a seed or a fruit tree? Do you want to produce the average fruit or can God trust you to bring forth much fruit? Don’t fit Jesus into your schedule allow him to totally take over your life.


God Bless you and yours! I love you and Jesus is crazy about you.




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