Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fear is a Spirit. Don't invite it in.

Wednesday’s Declaration
Topic: Fear
Josh 10:1-43

We often face difficult situations in life and become fearful. We often have faith for those things we have experienced God’s grace and fear for those unfamiliar events. Sometimes fear catches us off guard and completely consume our thoughts and actions. Once we allow fear to guide our decisions things begin to fall apart and then we pray. We may pray and believe God can work it out but our actions line up with fear and not faith.

When we allow fear into our hearts we have to work twice as hard to remove those feelings. The good news is Jesus can still bring us out even when we doubt him. Once we recognize that we are operating in fear we must immediately repent and begin to speak God’s word over not only our circumstance but our emotions.

Begin to Declare, Deut 31:6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Make it personal I am strong and of good courage. I have no fear, I am not afraid of________ Jesus is with me. Jesus will go with me, and he will not leave me or abandon me.

Begin to Declare Isa 41:10  Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will give you strength, and for sure I will help youMake it personal. Lord your word says than I am not to be afraid that you are my God and you will give me strength and you will help me. I believe your word but I need your strength to ward off fear and I need your help in my situation.

Begin to Declare 2 Tim 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of fear. He gave us a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind. If God didn’t give us fear, fear comes from the enemy. When we operate in fear we are operating under the authority of the enemy. We must speak against those feelings and speak God’s word over our lives. God gave us power, the power to command the spirit of fear to flee. Fear is a spirit that we allowed to enter in us and dictate our actions. Contrary spirits cannot coexist. We cannot hear and follow the Holy Spirit in us if we are allowing the spirit of fear to guide us.

We have to know and believe the power of the Lord. We find several accounts in the bible where the Lord commands us to “fear not”. That tells us he knows fear will come upon us and we must speak against fear. Joshua faced many situations that were fearful. Five kings and their men of war came against Joshua’s allies. Joshua was obligated to protect them. Joshua was faced with going up against five armies. The Lord immediately instructed Joshua “Do not fear them, for I have given them into your hands. Not a man of them shall stand before you (Jos 10:7). God sent the armies into a panic, a confused state of mind. They weren’t even able to fight Joshua. God caused hail to fall from the sky to attack them.

Once we activate faith and rebuke fear Jesus can do his best work. His word says “Not a Man Will Stand Before Him”. That is the God we serve, God will cause our enemies to panic and become confused. God gave us power and when we use that power to follow fear we deactivate faith and begin to activate our negative thoughts and actions. When we take it out of our hands and give it to the Master and trust him, we will have sound mind free from anxiety and fear.
Whatever has caused anxiety or fear in your life, turn it over to the Lord. Continue to speak God’s word over your circumstance. There is nothing too hard for God. Believe the report of the Lord. Fear is a spirit, do not allow it in and if you do, speak God’s word to get it out!
God Bless you! Tell someone one about Jesus!
Most Holy Father. You are eternal and your mercies endure forever. Forgive us for giving into fear and circumventing your Holy Spirit. We repent for the actions, thoughts, and/or  words we committed under the guidance of fear. We thank you for the strength and sound mind you promised us. We magnify you today and every day. You are bigger than our circumstance and we turn our issues and worries over to you. We apply the Blood you shed on Calvary to our situation because your Blood still works. We thank you and we praise you in advance for working our situation out and giving us peace and sound mind. We love you and we thank you in Jesus name we pray.

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