Friday, January 3, 2014

Don't Go On Auto Pilot....Let Jesus Be Your Pilot

TGIF’s Word
Topic New Years Ark
Genesis 6-9

Everyone has read or heard of Noah’s ark. When Noah turned 600 years old he embarked on a journey with the Lord. Noah’s journey to new beginnings lasted a little over a year. Some of us are entering in the New Year with new hopes, new goals, and new aspirations. When we set out to attain new goals, it usually requires hard work, dedication, and determination. Noah prepared for the journey under guidance of the Lord; he then had to endure the journey. During the journey he had to wait on the Lord. After the journey he repented and praised the Lord. Then God blessed him and called him to replenish. What God orders he pays for!

Noah was called to build an ark by following God’s direction. If he failed to hear the Lord the Ark would have failed the year long journey. We hear Jesus when we read God’s holy word. We cannot properly prepare for our journey ahead if we are not listening to the Lord, by reading our word. We will be shipwrecked if we decide to go on auto pilot and do it ourselves our way.


Noah faced several challenges he had to endure during the journey. I am sure nothing could have prepared him for the realization of losing everyone outside of his immediate family. There was a grieving time that I am sure occurred during the journey.

Noah worked every day; there were hundreds of animals that needed daily feeding & grooming. Noah had to endure the stench of animal excrement constantly. He had to endure the responsibility of managing the ship and its passengers. Imagine trying to feed every species and your family for an unknown amount of time.

When God prepares us for a journey, the journey may pose many challenges. During those challenges we have to focus on Jesus. If Noah had not kept his mind on the Lord he would have jumped out of the ark. We are not designed to go into auto pilot and work things out by ourselves. Jesus is our pilot, he will guide us, direct us, and keep us.

Noah didn’t leave the ark as soon as the water subsided. He looked for a sign from the Lord. He did not leave the ark until he was certain it was the right time. Sometimes we make it to the end of our journey and neglect to wait on the Lord. We are on auto pilot leaving God’s covering and protection when we leave the ark before the right time. Going on auto pilot will always cause us to forfeit our blessing.

Repent & Replenish Genesis 9:1
When the Lord brought Noah through the journey, Noah immediately made and altar and offered up a sacrifice unto the Lord. We must always repent for ourselves and our households. When Jesus brings us through we must always remember to praise him.

God gave Noah instruction to replenish the earth. Often when God brings us through he doesn’t want us to keep the blessings for ourselves. He wants us to replenish, reproduce, re-stock, and refill the earth. He wants us to grow from our experiences and help others grow. He never wants us to stay stagnant. He always calls us to grow and expand our territory.  He has given us grace, mercy, and favor and he wants us to extend it to someone else. He wants us to rebuild others.

If we started the Journey with Jesus, we need Jesus to endure the Journey. If we didn’t begin with Jesus we need to end the journey with Jesus. Whether you are coming out of a journey, going into a journey, or in the middle of a journey, keep your eyes on Jesus and don’t jump out of the ark. Remember to wait on the Lord and he will send a sign. When Jesus brings you out don’t forget to repent and praise him and he will bless you.

God bless you and your family!

Most Holy and righteous Father. Creator of the heaven and earth. You are the Most High God and we honor you with the fruit of our lips. We repent for the sins we have committed knowingly, and unknowingly, in the previous year. We repent for our sinful thoughts. We repent for everyone in our household. We ask you to forgive our sin and wash us from all iniquity. We thank you for allowing us to reach another New Year, with hopes of new beginnings.

We ask that you give us the mind and heart to read and understand your word daily. We ask that you give us an ear for your voice that we will obey your commands. We ask that you bless the work of our hands and our ideas. Help us to use our talents and ideas to the glorifying and edifying of your kingdom. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Please grant the reader a special blessing this year in Jesus name.






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