Monday, January 27, 2014

Do you trust Jesus?

Monday Motivation
Topic: Do you trust Jesus with your life?
Luke 23:18-56, Prov 3:5-6

We often trust many people to make decisions for our lives but do we trust Jesus to guide our lives. We will accept what everyone else says, but do we consider and believe what God says concerning our lives. If we struggle with validation or insecurities we do not believe God. The bible says let the weak say “I am strong (Joel 3:10)”.

We often long for approval by various people whom we have attached ourselves. When we don’t receive the approval or validation we seek we begin to make decisions that may be outside the will of God. Our focus must remain unmovable and unshakable on Jesus. Our focus must remain on our Father in heaven. We cannot allow any distractions. Jesus will supply all of our needs (Phil 4:19) and when we delight in him he will give us the desires of our heart (Psa 37:4). Jesus will validate us if that is what we need. Jesus will send someone to encourage our heart. The problem is we often want God to move the way we want him to move. We want validation from our parent and God sent the president of our company. Jesus is not our puppet, he will move in our lives, but we have to trust him with the keys. Two cannot sit in the driver seat.  

Most of us have a story to tell or a testimony. Jesus has brought us through something or is in the process of bringing us through something. Some of us are going through something right now and cannot not see God’s mighty power. I am here to encourage you. Trust he is working on your behalf. Keep your eyes on the Lord!

When we take our eyes off of God we give in to our feelings and we allow our feelings to minister to us instead of the word of God. We trust our feelings more than we trust Jesus. We begin to glorify our situation, slowly turning away from Jesus, and trusting ourselves and others.  

We make the biggest mistake when we decide to trust ourselves over Jesus. When we give the Lord what we want him to have and we only want him to move in a way that we want him to move, we insult our Creator, our Maker.

God has a plan which is above our plans. Some of us have gone through things or are going through things that are or were painful. Some of us are holding on to pain and it is fueling our decisions, and we have not stopped to consider Jesus’s pain. Whatever situation we face we need to place it over what Jesus faced to keep things in perspective.  Jesus was not guilty of any crime yet, he was crucified (Luke 23:14-15, 22-23). Jesus was scourged and they placed thorns on his head, and as the blood fell down his face the people he came to save, were screaming crucify him, crucify him.

When someone is scourged they are tormented. They are whipped severely among other tormenting acts. We complain when we hear someone was speaking ill of us behind our back. They were screaming in Jesus face “kill him” even though he had done nothing wrong. Crucifixion is a slow and excruciating death. Imagine multiple open wounds from scourging and trying to hold yourself up on the cross as your chest falls forward. The pain of the nails as infection, dehydration and asphyxiation takes place. We are often very much focused on our situation and our problems that we don’t take time to consider what Jesus went through so that he could carry our burdens and direct our paths. We trust our friends and our family, some of whom have done very little for us but we don’t trust the one who paid the ultimate price. When Pilate informed Jesus that he had the power to release him or crucify him; Jesus reply was “You have no authority over me unless it has been given from above (John 19:11)”.

Some of us have allowed people and things to take authority over us and we need to respond to those things as Jesus did. We need to reply when our feelings are hurt “You have no authority over me”. We need to reply when we are talked about and mistreated “You have no authority over me”. We need to speak it until we believe it.  When everything around us is falling down, we need to say “You have no authority over me unless it has been given from above”.

When we begin to truly trust God we will not give in to our feelings but we will profess the word of God. When we truly trust God will not allow ourselves to be offended because we will have the peace of the Lord (Psa119:165). When we truly trust Jesus we will not allow the enemy to steal our joy because Jesus suffered so that we would live a blessed life. Our circumstances should not dictate our joy. Jesus already paid the price turn all your worry, anger, doubt, insecurities, pain, guilt, dreams, desires over to him. When problems arise say “You do not have authority over me”.

God Bless you and yours!


Jesus you are almighty. You are great and greatly to be praised. You paid the price so that I would live. Forgive me for trusting others before you. Forgive me for not considering your pain. You paid the price for me. I want to say thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you for saving me. Teach me how to trust and obey you. Teach me how to let go and allow you full access to my life, my thoughts, my actions and my will. In Jesus name I pray.

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