Monday, January 13, 2014

Does the Lord remember you?

Monday Motivation
Topic: Does God remember you?
Gen 8:1, Matt 5:21-23, 38-42

Does God remember us because we are seeking him? Does Jesus remember us because we are meditating on his word day and night? Does the Lord remember us because we are thirsting after his righteousness?
Does God remember us because we grieve his holy spirit daily? Does Jesus remember us because we only call on him when we need him? Does Jesus remember us because we fit him into our schedule instead of allowing him to guide our schedule?
We would not go a day without oxygen. Jesus is more essential to our lives than breathing. We do not have a choice if we are going to take a breath and we should not make Jesus a choice but a necessity in our lives daily.

When God caused the great flood he had to mourn every family he created with the exception of Noah’s family. Jesus loves us and it must’ve grieved his spirit to kill all those families at once. All over the world mankind was screaming out as they were drowning and as God’s Spirit left their bodies. Sharks began to become fat off the land as God’s creation began to infest the waters. All others began to decompose infecting the waters causing shellfish to work overtime to clean the sea.

In those seconds to God but months to Noah, God remembered Noah. God remember Noah because his cry was different. His cry was a sacrifice of praise. His cry came from meditation, from seeking and thirsting after the Lord. Noah’s cry was a thankful cry. Gen 8:1-3 says God remembered Noah. To remember is to recall, to bring back to memory. When God remembered him he caused the wind to blow over the earth and the waters to subside.

There are two ways the earth supplies water, it rains, or it springs from below. When the Lord caused the great flood he opened the fountains under the earth and rain above the earth. All the wells burst with water from below and the clouds opened up with rain. It was a tsunami and a rainstorm all at once. When God blew over the earth he stopped the rain above and the springs below.

Some of us are in a flood and it feels like a tsunami. The rain is coming from every direction and we need Jesus to blow on us, we need him to remember us, we need him to fight on our behalf. It is almost impossible for an ark to survive when waters are bursting from below and rain is pouring from above unless Jesus is protecting the ark. Regardless of what we face if Jesus is our guide and our protector our boat might rock but we will not drown. Water may be above and beneath but it will not penetrate our walls.  We have to trust God. We have to submit, as Noah submitted.

Imagine Noah on top of the ark trying to direct the ark. Imagine Noah saying he will only allow God in on his terms. Noah allowed God to be his pilot and he made it to safe dry ground. Noah allowed Jesus to be the captain of the ark and the food lasted without refrigeration for a year.  Noah allowed Jesus to guide the ark and he kept his mind throughout the storm.  We must become dependent on Jesus. We must know we cannot direct our own path, as we do not know where to find good fruitful dry ground.

When we turn it over to Jesus the waters will subside, the sun will shine, and flowers will grow in our lives.

If we become angry or bitter in the rain, God cannot hear our cry. If we retaliate or have vengeance in our heart, Jesus will not remember us in the storm (Matt 5:21-26, 38-42). We have to be strong and of good courage and allow Jesus to guide every aspect of our lives from the smallest task to the largest. Rain will come from above and/or beneath and when it comes we must keep our eyes on the Lord and he will direct our paths (Prov 3:6). That means when bad thoughts creep in, read God’s word. Depression and praise cannot coexist. When we begin to praise the Lord more than we acknowledge our circumstance we will have peace in the storm. The storm will come but it will also pass. Weeping endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psa 30:5). Joy comes from your praise. Joy comes when we stop weeping and begin to praise the Master, the only true and living God; The only one that can blow and cause the fountains below to stop and rain above to restrain. He is the Most High God and we must praise him!

God Bless you! If this message has been a blessing to you please tell someone about Jesus.

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