Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Don’t Give Up

Today’s Inspiration 😇🤗
Judges 20:18-48

Have you ever asked God if you should go and God said yes and you failed?

God has a plan!
God’s plan for success may require several attempts to strengthen you and weaken your opponent. 

If God said yes, regardless of the outcome stand on His yes. 

When we are resilient we weaken the enemy, we gain wisdom, and we acquire knowledge. 

When we are steadfast we trust God regardless of what we see. 

The process we must go through to win sometimes requires us to fail or fall. 

Trust God’s plan and get back up. 

Before Israel went into battle, Israel asked God  for direction. God directed them to go, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result they encouraged each other and remained in position. 

Israel cried to the Lord and asked should they go again? God directed them to go back and they were defeated a second time. 

Finally, Israel cried, fasted, and offered burnt & peace offerings to the Lord. They asked God should they continue to fight or should they stop. God said “go and I will deliver them into your hands.”  Israel fought a mighty battle, surprised their opponents, and were victorious. 

Don’t give up. 
God’s yes is a yes. 
Don’t go until Jesus says go. 
Don’t stop until Jesus says stop. 
Cry, fast, humble yourself before the Lord, and seek direction. 
When you fall encourage yourself, stay in position, and go back to the Lord!

Be blessed and know that Jesus loves💕 you!

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