Friday, January 13, 2017

Today's Motivation πŸ€πŸ™πŸ™Œ

Love your enemies πŸ‘Ή

We have to see God in everything. Our enemies have a purpose. Mostly they draw us closer to The Lord as they keep us on our knees πŸ™Œ!They also mature us and help us with our soft skills. They teach us how to deal with conflict and manage our frustrations. They will also bring out qualities in us 😳 we may need to improve. 

We grow tremendously when we are confronted with difficult ☹️ people. 

Jesus wants us to love them and look at the process from an aerial view. We will not master conflict unless we are faced with conflict. We will not understand how to love ❤️ our enemies unless we have enemies. 

Loving someone who hates you takes the love of πŸ‘†Christ. When we draw closer to Christ He softens our hearts πŸ’• and teaches us how to love. God removes, malice, hurt 😭, and anger 😑 from our hearts πŸ’• and replaces it with pure love. 

Luke 6:27-28 (NLT) Love for Enemies
“But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.

Open your heart ❤️. Ask God to help you love your enemies. 

Luke 6:32 (NLT)
“If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them!

Luke 6:35 (NLT)
“Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked.

Don't gossip πŸ—£ or complain about your enemies. God calls us to pray πŸ™ for them. Pray with a sincere heart ❤️. 

Be blessed and know that Jesus loves πŸ’ž you!

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