Friday, March 10, 2017

Today's Inspiration πŸ™Œ☀️

God revealed to Joseph his destiny before he was betrayed (Gen 37:5-8). When we know where we are going we should not be moved by where we are! Betrayal is sometimes a necessary accessory. 

Our current circumstances sometimes distract us when we fail to remember our purpose. 

Jesus was betrayed. His betrayal was needed for His purpose to be fulfilled to save mankind from sin.

Joseph was betrayed. His betrayal was needed to fulfill his purpose to become second in command in Egypt and save the land from famine.

Your betrayal was needed to fulfill your purpose. Don’t discount your journey, your story is still being written.

Don't become distracted by your betrayal stay focused on your purpose πŸ’―. 

It doesn't feel good but God's timing is perfect. There are multiple people connected to your purpose. Your betrayal was not to kill you but to move you into the next level in your walk. 

We have to look for the wisdom in it and not the pain from it. 

Small Poem……..
Forgive πŸ™ the offender and know that the betrayal was a necessary accessory, disguised as treachery.  A needed chapter in your beautiful story.  Crafted to remove all ambiguity and give God an opportunity to show you His glory and power.  

To let you know He is the only Strong Tower. 
Your destiny is greater than you and me. 
Its greater than your eyes will ever see.
The lives you touch will go down in someone’s history and that is a part of your ministry.
If only you could see God’s 🎨 artistry, you would believe all things are working together in 🎢 harmony. 
You would know you are in His hands and play a significant role in His master plan. 

Then you would never be bitter because you would recognize those are traits of a sinner. 
Jesus hands were on you even when the enemy tried to destroy you. 
We know God will never leave you or forget you (Deut 31:6). 
So sit back and relax…. and let God do what only he can do, and that is make your enemies be at peace with you (Pro 16:7). 
Then there will be no mystery when Jesus grants you the ultimate victory!

Be blessed and know that Jesus πŸ’ž loves you!

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