Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Do you have dreams, ideas or goals?

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Do you dreams, ideas or goals?

Everything we see around us began with a thought. The device that you are using to read this post began with a thought. Our thoughts are in the spirit realm. In order for them to manifest themselves in the natural work has to be done. This is why faith without work is dead (Jam 2:20). If we believe but do not do, it will not come true.

I thought about my butter cake this morning but no one will taste the cake unless it moves from my thoughts into work in my kitchen. Some of our thoughts are scattered and disorganized. Some of us have difficulty focusing. Some of us dream of accomplishing goals but lack the direction, consistency, or diligence to achieve those goals. The Lord can establish our thoughts. Once our thoughts are established we can create, develop, and achieve.

Prov 16:3, Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. This scripture is very powerful. I hope you are blessed by reading it. Commit means to roll up or pledge devotion or dedication to somebody. Works in this text simply means action. Thoughts mean our imagination, intentions, plans, inventions or our purpose. Establish means to prepare, fix, appoint, confirm, to set up, make ready, to restore, to be firm, stable, render sure, make prosperous,  anoint, and perfect.

If we devote our actions to Jesus, the Eternal, the Prince of Peace, the Most High, Alpha and Omega, Daddy, the only true and living God, he will prepare our plans. He will confirm our purpose. He will fix our inventions. He will make our plans ready for development. He will stabilize our thoughts. He will set our plans into motion. He will restore our imagination. He will establish our thoughts, which means our thoughts and plans will stand erect and will be prosperous. He will perfect that which was imperfect and ordain it.

Our thoughts will move from the spiritual realm to the natural realm. Some of us have talents and ideas but we are unable to produce; or what we produce but is not as prosperous as it would be if Jesus ordained it.

If we align our actions with the will of the Lord, he will perfect our thoughts. He cannot perfect our thoughts when we have junk in our mind. When we think bad thoughts, we have bad intentions, our intention are behind our actions. Our actions have to be committed to the Lord. Everything we do should be a sacrifice unto the Lord. When we are at work, are we working unto the Lord? When we cook do we cook as if Jesus were invited to dinner? When we clean do we clean as if Jesus is a member or our household. When we hold conversations with each other do we hold them knowing Jesus is next to us. All of our actions should be rolled up to the Lord so that he can establish our thoughts and ordain our plans.

Let’s examine our actions today and every day. Let’s be sure our actions are devoted to Jesus.
God bless you and your family.


Most Holy and wise God. You are Alpha and Omega. You are the beautiful rose of Sharon. We bless your name forever and ever. We are thankful that your mercies endure forever. Forgive us for acting outside of your will. Forgive us for failing to consider you in some of the things we do. Help us to do your will in all things. In Jesus name Amen

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