Friday, February 28, 2014

Be careful where you move....Is Jesus there?

TGIF’s Word

Topic: Be careful where you decide to move.
Genesis 13-14

Before we leave a blessed place let’s make sure the new place is blessed and Jesus has ordered our steps.

We have to be careful when we move from where Jesus is blessing us to a new place. It is important to always wait on the Lord especially when moving from our blessings. We often know when it is time to move on, but we must be cautious where we move on. We are visual people and we will often move based on what we see and sometimes what we hear. We have to move based on where Jesus tells us to move! Until Jesus gives us the blessed location we need to humble ourselves and stay in our blessed place.

Lot and Abram were dwelling in the same land. Lot was Abram’s nephew and Abram protected Lot as family usually does. It came a time when their riches were too great to continue to live together. Lot’s herdsmen were fighting with Abram’s herdsman and it was clear they had outgrown the space and Abram suggested they separate. This happens often when individuals forget their role. Abram was the leader and Lot had been blessed because Abram was blessed. As we know blessings flow down. Lot and his herdsmen should have recognized where their blessings were flowing and humbled themselves.  I am sure there were quite a few alpha male moments. At that point Abram most likely felt he needed to take control of the situation and release Lot to his own territory (Gen 13:5-8). Clearly Lot failed to stay in his lane and recognize his position.  I am sure most of us can relate to team Abram or Team Lot.

Whether our blessed place is church, work, home, school etc, we must be mindful of where and when we move. It may be time to move on but we must be sure we are moving with our spiritual eyes and not your carnal eyes. Lot and all his herdsmen had a covering. We should never buck up against our covering. Lot didn’t understand he was leaving his covering, his protection, his link with God. He was leaving the source from which his blessings were flowing. When we understand what we are leaving we can make an informed decision about where we are going. Sometimes in anger we make rash decisions and we do not think things through. The enemy will deceive us into believing our blessing weren’t connected to our covering. When we move from a blessed place to a spiritually barren place it can cause us to lose everything we have. If Lot recognized he was leaving his covering he would have made a spiritual decision but his carnal eyes deceived him. When we have a lot we tend to think no matter where we go we will always have a lot. When we have been blessed for so long we tend to think no matter where we go we will be blessed the same. If Jesus does not want us in a particular place and we go anyway he will still protect us because he is God but our blessings will change.

Abram asked Lot to choose the right and he would go left or the left and he would go right. It appears Lot did not choose the left or the right. The bible says Lot traveled east and Abram went toward Hebron, it seems Lot chose a different direction. He lifted his eyes a saw the plain of Jordan that was well watered all over and he chose to leave Abram and live in cities of the plain and he pitched his tent towards Sodom. We must be careful where we pitch our tents (Gen 13:9-13).

We often decide to leave our small church for a mega church because it’s bigger, looks prettier and ultimately we will have to do less work because we fall under the radar. Some of us leave our families, our jobs, because it looks better and easier when we lift our eyes. Some of us have our own plains of Jordan that appear watered everywhere. Please wait to hear from Jesus. When Lot says it was well watered he meant it didn’t require a lot of work, it was already established. It was an open plain, it didn’t require difficult travel. Never once did he consult his uncle, the man of God, his covering, on which direction he should travel. He didn’t consult the Lord on the direction he should pitch his tent. He allowed his flesh to make the decision. How often does that get us into trouble?

We have to be aware of our carnal decisions. We have to consult Jesus in all things even if it looks good, smells good, and sounds good, we have to be sure it is good in the sight of the Lord.

What Lot didn’t know was although it looked good there was a war brewing in that area and there was wickedness in that area, and due to the war Lot was captured. Abram was notified and he gathered his servants and the Lord delivered Lot’s captors into Abram’s hands and he rescued Lot (Gen 14:1-16). That would have been a good time for Lot to humble himself and return to his covering or seek council on where he should go. Instead he returned to the wicked place of Sodom that the Lord later destroyed (Gen 19:23-29). Abraham (no longer Abram) Lot’s covering interceded on his behalf again, to rescue him from destruction (Gen 18:22-33). There are things we cannot see and we have to consult Jesus on our decisions because he sees what we cannot see. He will protect us and shield us if we listen and obey. When we make a decision to leave a blessed place and move ourselves and or our family we have to hear from Jesus. There are certain places our blessed selves should avoid. We can pray from a distance, when there is true wickedness we need to relocate or avoid.  In the end all those riches his Lot’s herdsmen were fighting over he lost. He was rescued with the only the clothes on his back (Gen 19:15-22).

God Bless you and yours.

Almighty God Creator of the universe. You are the most High God. We bless and magnify you, for you are great and greatly to be praised. Who is like unto you? There is no one greater than you. You are breathtaking, astounding, and truly amazing. You have created the earth and everything in the earth. All kings bow before you. You are eternal and everlasting. We thank you for your mercy and your kindness you continue to show towards us. Please forgive us for making decisions without consulting you. Please forgive us for moving with our carnal eyes. Please forgive our sins and hear from heaven. Help us to be obedient to your voice and your direction. Please guide our steps and our heart. Help us to lean not to our understanding but to you and your direction. Thank you for leaning in on us and disrupting our thoughts and replacing them with your thoughts. Thank you for permanently damaging our ignorance. You are a loving Father that continues to extend mercy and grace towards us and we thank you. In Jesus name Amen.

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