Friday, February 14, 2014

Calling for Prayer- Human Trafficking, Top 10 killers

TGIF Prayer
Topic: Corporate Prayer
Matt 8:27
27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
1 million – Number of children exploited by the global
commercial sex trade, every year.

12-14 – Average age of entry into prostitution in US

Estimated global annual profits made from the exploitation
of all trafficked forced labor are US$ 31.6 billion

A child dies every 60 seconds from malaria by a mosquito bite.

To 10 killers in the world kills 28 mill a yr, they are Heart Disease, Stroke, Respiratory Infections,
COPD, AIDS, Diabetes, Road Injury, Diarrheal Diseases, Prematurity, Respiratory Cancers.
Current Population 7,213,198,783

Please pray the prayer below or pray your own prayer. We want to bombard heaven so Jesus would hear our prayer and maintain our cause.

Lord you are Almighty, strong, and powerful. You are faithful in your love, forgiveness, and protection. You are the Guardian of our soul. You guard our going out and our coming in. You are the light and in you there is no darkness. Forgive us from straying from your presence. Forgive us when we do not walk in your light. Forgive us for walking in weakness. Forgive us for being unfaithful to you and walking in flesh. Forgive us for things we have done and said that did not exhibit your Holy Spirit in our lives. Forgive us for grieving your Holy Spirit. Forgive us for evil and wicked thoughts.

Train us to set our minds on you and your eternity. Tune our hearts to forever be faithful to you. Fill us with your power and give us the wisdom and understanding to activate the power you have placed in us. Surround us with your love and protection. Open up our mind to understand your ways and your truth.

Help us to yield to the touch of your voice and the move of your Holy Spirit. Help us to align ourselves with you and your agenda. We give our heart and mind to you Lord. Lead us by your Spirit. Fill us with your Holy Spirit to the overflow that our Spirit man will forever and eternally dictate our thoughts and actions and our old man will be no more.

Most Holy and righteous Father, you rebuked the winds and the sea and they obeyed your voice. We cannot comprehend the magnitude of your power. We know you are the Most High God and there is no one greater than you. We pray that you would lend your ear to this prayer and rebuke the wickedness and disease in the earth. Just as the winds obeyed you so must man and disease.

Lord we ask that you utterly destroy the human trafficking business.  We ask that you dismantle their operations and confuse their minds and set your people free. We ask that you shift their wealth into righteous hands for your work to be done in the earth. We ask that you give the exploited peace in their storm and return them to you. We pray for your complete protection over the men, women, and children that are being exploited all over the world. We pray for their release and restoration in the name of Jesus.

We come against all manner of disease and sickness in the name of Jesus. Just as you dried up the fig tree we pray that you would dry up cancer cells and the parasite that causes malaria. We ask that you give your people the desire to eat and live according to your will to prevent preventable disease. We may have identified the top ten killers but we know you are the number one life saver, we know you are the one and only safety net and live preserver. We pray for salvation for the 7.2 billion people in the world. We pray that all people would believe and change their ways to your ways. We pray that we would be on one accord worshipping and praising you. We pray for complete restoration for your people that we will walk with you in righteousness all of our days. In Jesus name we pray. Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen


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