Friday, February 28, 2014

Be careful where you move....Is Jesus there?

TGIF’s Word

Topic: Be careful where you decide to move.
Genesis 13-14

Before we leave a blessed place let’s make sure the new place is blessed and Jesus has ordered our steps.

We have to be careful when we move from where Jesus is blessing us to a new place. It is important to always wait on the Lord especially when moving from our blessings. We often know when it is time to move on, but we must be cautious where we move on. We are visual people and we will often move based on what we see and sometimes what we hear. We have to move based on where Jesus tells us to move! Until Jesus gives us the blessed location we need to humble ourselves and stay in our blessed place.

Lot and Abram were dwelling in the same land. Lot was Abram’s nephew and Abram protected Lot as family usually does. It came a time when their riches were too great to continue to live together. Lot’s herdsmen were fighting with Abram’s herdsman and it was clear they had outgrown the space and Abram suggested they separate. This happens often when individuals forget their role. Abram was the leader and Lot had been blessed because Abram was blessed. As we know blessings flow down. Lot and his herdsmen should have recognized where their blessings were flowing and humbled themselves.  I am sure there were quite a few alpha male moments. At that point Abram most likely felt he needed to take control of the situation and release Lot to his own territory (Gen 13:5-8). Clearly Lot failed to stay in his lane and recognize his position.  I am sure most of us can relate to team Abram or Team Lot.

Whether our blessed place is church, work, home, school etc, we must be mindful of where and when we move. It may be time to move on but we must be sure we are moving with our spiritual eyes and not your carnal eyes. Lot and all his herdsmen had a covering. We should never buck up against our covering. Lot didn’t understand he was leaving his covering, his protection, his link with God. He was leaving the source from which his blessings were flowing. When we understand what we are leaving we can make an informed decision about where we are going. Sometimes in anger we make rash decisions and we do not think things through. The enemy will deceive us into believing our blessing weren’t connected to our covering. When we move from a blessed place to a spiritually barren place it can cause us to lose everything we have. If Lot recognized he was leaving his covering he would have made a spiritual decision but his carnal eyes deceived him. When we have a lot we tend to think no matter where we go we will always have a lot. When we have been blessed for so long we tend to think no matter where we go we will be blessed the same. If Jesus does not want us in a particular place and we go anyway he will still protect us because he is God but our blessings will change.

Abram asked Lot to choose the right and he would go left or the left and he would go right. It appears Lot did not choose the left or the right. The bible says Lot traveled east and Abram went toward Hebron, it seems Lot chose a different direction. He lifted his eyes a saw the plain of Jordan that was well watered all over and he chose to leave Abram and live in cities of the plain and he pitched his tent towards Sodom. We must be careful where we pitch our tents (Gen 13:9-13).

We often decide to leave our small church for a mega church because it’s bigger, looks prettier and ultimately we will have to do less work because we fall under the radar. Some of us leave our families, our jobs, because it looks better and easier when we lift our eyes. Some of us have our own plains of Jordan that appear watered everywhere. Please wait to hear from Jesus. When Lot says it was well watered he meant it didn’t require a lot of work, it was already established. It was an open plain, it didn’t require difficult travel. Never once did he consult his uncle, the man of God, his covering, on which direction he should travel. He didn’t consult the Lord on the direction he should pitch his tent. He allowed his flesh to make the decision. How often does that get us into trouble?

We have to be aware of our carnal decisions. We have to consult Jesus in all things even if it looks good, smells good, and sounds good, we have to be sure it is good in the sight of the Lord.

What Lot didn’t know was although it looked good there was a war brewing in that area and there was wickedness in that area, and due to the war Lot was captured. Abram was notified and he gathered his servants and the Lord delivered Lot’s captors into Abram’s hands and he rescued Lot (Gen 14:1-16). That would have been a good time for Lot to humble himself and return to his covering or seek council on where he should go. Instead he returned to the wicked place of Sodom that the Lord later destroyed (Gen 19:23-29). Abraham (no longer Abram) Lot’s covering interceded on his behalf again, to rescue him from destruction (Gen 18:22-33). There are things we cannot see and we have to consult Jesus on our decisions because he sees what we cannot see. He will protect us and shield us if we listen and obey. When we make a decision to leave a blessed place and move ourselves and or our family we have to hear from Jesus. There are certain places our blessed selves should avoid. We can pray from a distance, when there is true wickedness we need to relocate or avoid.  In the end all those riches his Lot’s herdsmen were fighting over he lost. He was rescued with the only the clothes on his back (Gen 19:15-22).

God Bless you and yours.

Almighty God Creator of the universe. You are the most High God. We bless and magnify you, for you are great and greatly to be praised. Who is like unto you? There is no one greater than you. You are breathtaking, astounding, and truly amazing. You have created the earth and everything in the earth. All kings bow before you. You are eternal and everlasting. We thank you for your mercy and your kindness you continue to show towards us. Please forgive us for making decisions without consulting you. Please forgive us for moving with our carnal eyes. Please forgive our sins and hear from heaven. Help us to be obedient to your voice and your direction. Please guide our steps and our heart. Help us to lean not to our understanding but to you and your direction. Thank you for leaning in on us and disrupting our thoughts and replacing them with your thoughts. Thank you for permanently damaging our ignorance. You are a loving Father that continues to extend mercy and grace towards us and we thank you. In Jesus name Amen.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The New You

Monday Motivation
Topic: The New You

It is a beautiful thing when we finally change. It’s that moment when we notice God has completely transformed us for his glory. When we are playing both sides of the fence we have not been changed. Jesus can only change those who are willing to change. It’s that moment when we no longer make excuses for sin. It’s that moment when we stop saying “God knows my heart” or other clichés where we justify our sin instead of repenting. It’s that moment where we no longer “sin to fit in”. It’s when Jesus is more important than our job, family, friends, and our own desires.

It’s when we stop hearing about the bible and begin reading the bible. It’s when we read the bible and God’s word penetrates and convicts us to do his will. It’s when we finally surrender our lives to him and live like we have never lived before.  It is when we live a surrendered life and everything we used to do does not satisfy us anymore and all we want is more of the Lord. It’s that thirst and hunger for Jesus that motivates us ever moment of everyday.

When we are distracted by life and our desires we miss out on the only true satisfaction in life. Jesus will allow us to live a more satisfying life. We must die daily and surrender it all to him. Looking from the outside in the enemy deceives us into believing that dying is miserable and unpleasant. When we die to our flesh our spirit lives and our spirit is aligned with Jesus restoring us to our original creation. We were originally created to totally depend on God therefore lacking nothing. When we allow our flesh to live we have unmet needs. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).” When we live for Christ all of our needs are met, not some, not a little, not most but all. It is refreshing to live in Jesus!

Unfortunately for some of us we would rather live life our way instead of God’s way. Our way we never reach our full potential, and we are constantly in need. Our way we blame God because we believe in Jesus, but we do not live for Jesus, and we don’t know the difference. Jesus wants us new, so he can fill us with new wine to preserve us to be able to withstand regardless of the circumstance. When we live in flesh our wineskins become brittle and we break at the first sign of trouble by worrying and complaining. When we attempt to fit God in our old dirty wineskins we burst at the seams when calamity comes (Matt 9:17). When we are truly born again and we allow Jesus to fill us, there is no longer room for us. Jesus is breathtaking, he is astounding, he is omnipotent, when he enters our heart and mind there is no room for self. When we begin to see like he sees our eyes open and we no longer desire frivolous things that can waste away, we desire more and more of Jesus. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (Psa 34:8)!!

Jesus can be trusted. He is certified to handle our lives. Let’s trust him today. If you have lived life your way and you are not truly fulfilled, allow Jesus to fill you. Become a new wineskin in Jesus and allow him to complete you. It’s the feeling you expect when you hit the lottery and all your financial needs are met. In Jesus every need is met. He is better than the lottery, better than anything you can imagine. Jesus is life more abundantly. Life in him cannot be explained only experienced. No more sinning to fit in but live to live again!

God bless you and your family!


Most heavenly Father, you are the only true and wise God. You are the Creator of the universe. There is none like you or greater than you in all the earth. Forgive us for sinning against you. Forgive us for living for ourselves and squeezing you in. Help us to walk in your newness. Help us to take off that old man and put on our new man. Help us to live in you. Please remove all fear of what we will give up and leave behind in serving your. Give us the courage to die to our flesh and live for you. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that you will live and abide in us. Change us as only you can. Help us to move forward and never look back. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, February 14, 2014

Calling for Prayer- Human Trafficking, Top 10 killers

TGIF Prayer
Topic: Corporate Prayer
Matt 8:27
27 million – Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world.
1 million – Number of children exploited by the global
commercial sex trade, every year.

12-14 – Average age of entry into prostitution in US

Estimated global annual profits made from the exploitation
of all trafficked forced labor are US$ 31.6 billion

A child dies every 60 seconds from malaria by a mosquito bite.

To 10 killers in the world kills 28 mill a yr, they are Heart Disease, Stroke, Respiratory Infections,
COPD, AIDS, Diabetes, Road Injury, Diarrheal Diseases, Prematurity, Respiratory Cancers.
Current Population 7,213,198,783

Please pray the prayer below or pray your own prayer. We want to bombard heaven so Jesus would hear our prayer and maintain our cause.

Lord you are Almighty, strong, and powerful. You are faithful in your love, forgiveness, and protection. You are the Guardian of our soul. You guard our going out and our coming in. You are the light and in you there is no darkness. Forgive us from straying from your presence. Forgive us when we do not walk in your light. Forgive us for walking in weakness. Forgive us for being unfaithful to you and walking in flesh. Forgive us for things we have done and said that did not exhibit your Holy Spirit in our lives. Forgive us for grieving your Holy Spirit. Forgive us for evil and wicked thoughts.

Train us to set our minds on you and your eternity. Tune our hearts to forever be faithful to you. Fill us with your power and give us the wisdom and understanding to activate the power you have placed in us. Surround us with your love and protection. Open up our mind to understand your ways and your truth.

Help us to yield to the touch of your voice and the move of your Holy Spirit. Help us to align ourselves with you and your agenda. We give our heart and mind to you Lord. Lead us by your Spirit. Fill us with your Holy Spirit to the overflow that our Spirit man will forever and eternally dictate our thoughts and actions and our old man will be no more.

Most Holy and righteous Father, you rebuked the winds and the sea and they obeyed your voice. We cannot comprehend the magnitude of your power. We know you are the Most High God and there is no one greater than you. We pray that you would lend your ear to this prayer and rebuke the wickedness and disease in the earth. Just as the winds obeyed you so must man and disease.

Lord we ask that you utterly destroy the human trafficking business.  We ask that you dismantle their operations and confuse their minds and set your people free. We ask that you shift their wealth into righteous hands for your work to be done in the earth. We ask that you give the exploited peace in their storm and return them to you. We pray for your complete protection over the men, women, and children that are being exploited all over the world. We pray for their release and restoration in the name of Jesus.

We come against all manner of disease and sickness in the name of Jesus. Just as you dried up the fig tree we pray that you would dry up cancer cells and the parasite that causes malaria. We ask that you give your people the desire to eat and live according to your will to prevent preventable disease. We may have identified the top ten killers but we know you are the number one life saver, we know you are the one and only safety net and live preserver. We pray for salvation for the 7.2 billion people in the world. We pray that all people would believe and change their ways to your ways. We pray that we would be on one accord worshipping and praising you. We pray for complete restoration for your people that we will walk with you in righteousness all of our days. In Jesus name we pray. Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in thy sight. Oh Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

You are never too old for God’s promises. Go get your inheritance!

Wednesday’s Declaration
Topic: You are never too old for God’s promises. Go get your inheritance!
Josh 13-14

If Jesus has promised you something know that he is a man of his word. What God has for us is for us. He will keep his promises for his namesake and for his reputation. We have to claim our inheritance. Sometimes God has to remind us that he has more for us as he did Joshua. There are instances where we have to bring to remembrance what was promised to us as Caleb did.

Josh 13:1 Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the Lord said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess. Our inheritance often impacts others. When we do not claim our blessings, we could potentially block someone else’s blessing. Joshua was leading a nation and he needed to claim all of the inheritance so it could be divided among each tribe.

Please do not consider yourself or your age, only consider Jesus; pursue and possess that which Jesus has promised you!

God is so good that he recognized Joshua’s age and he didn’t ask him to go and fight, he just commanded him to possess and divide. Josh 13:5 I myself will drive them out from before the people of Israel. Only allot the land to Israel for an inheritance, as I have commanded you. We are so fortunate to have a Father of integrity and honor. He loves us and cares for us like no other. The world cannot care for us as our Father does. The world will not tell us, “I know your older but I have more blessings to give you”. Sometimes we may feel as if Jesus has forgotten. Jesus can never forget us and will never forsake us. Sometimes we just need to inquire. Joshua was giving everyone their inheritance according to what The Lord commanded and Caleb remembered there was a special inheritance he was supposed to receive. Caleb spoke up to inquire about his inheritance.

When blessings are given and we do not receive what God promised, we should inquire and not complain. When we trust and believe in our Father, we have faith that he will provide what he promised. When we have a relationship with our Father we have the freedom to inquire.

Caleb’s request was bold and strong as we should be when it comes to God’s promises. I would provide the link but I would love for you to read Caleb’s request.

Josh 14:6-12 “You know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God in Kadesh-barnea concerning you and me. I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I brought him word again as it was in my heart. But my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the Lord my God. And Moses swore on that day, saying, ‘Surely the land on which your foot has trodden shall be an inheritance for you and your children forever, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God.’ 10 And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, just as he said, these forty-five years since the time that the Lord spoke this word to Moses, while Israel walked in the wilderness. And now, behold, I am this day eighty-five years old. 11 I am still as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me; my strength now is as my strength was then, for war and for going and coming. 12 So now give me this hill country of which the Lord spoke on that day, for you heard on that day how the Anakim were there, with great fortified cities. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall drive them out just as the Lord said.”

Caleb was 85 years old when Joshua was assigning the inheritance to each tribe. Caleb remembered he was promised a separate and distinct inheritance and made an inquiry. Caleb said I am as strong as I was when God promised it to me. Caleb realized through Christ he could do anything. Caleb realized where his strength came from. Caleb did not forget what The Lord promised. Some of us have forgotten or have given up on what Jesus promised. Some of us are Joshua and Jesus sent this message to tell you he has more for you. Some of us are Caleb and Jesus sent this message so you could remember to put your request in and go get your inheritance.

Go get your inheritance. Stand and inquire. Only you know what God promised you.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Are you in the wilderness or in the promised land?

Thursday’s Awakening
Topic: Are you in a wilderness? Are you pursuing your dreams?

Some of us have been living in the wilderness so long that we do not want to leave. Instead we talk about others that are doing well, instead of possessing our promise. We all have dreams and aspirations that we have talked ourselves out of pursuing. Some of us, Jesus has told us to go and possess it, and we have refused.

The children of Israel were in the wilderness and the Lord told them they had been there long enough and it was time for them to go and posses the land that he had given them. When the children of Israel went to check out the land they became fearful and discouraged. They said the people are greater, and taller. The city was beautiful will tall buildings and they didn’t think they were good enough to acquire that land. They even said the Lord hated them (Deut1:6-27).

We often think that the people in the bible are very different from us but we are the same. How many times has the Lord showed himself mighty in our lives? Yet when we face an obstacle that seems bigger than ourselves we back down or become fearful, and never pursue what Jesus told us to possess.

The children of Israel upset God. The Lord was going to go before them and fight for them. All they had to do was go. This upset the Lord because he fought for them in Egypt, he parted the red sea so they would escape. The Lord was their compass guiding them with a cloud by day and fire by night. They lived in a wilderness and never wanted for anything. That is significant because a wilderness is an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region. Nothing grows naturally in a wilderness. A wilderness is wild, barren and empty. There were 600,000 men not to mention women and children that left Egypt. The Lord had multiplied them greatly in an uncultivated land and provided their every need.  They had been living in this dry place for so long that they would rather live there than go and possess what God had for them.

It sounds crazy but some of us are in dead end jobs and we refuse to step out on faith and pursue what Jesus has given us. Some of us are unemployed and refuse to pursue that idea that Jesus gave us. Some of us are spiritually dead and refuse to make Jesus the head of our lives after all he has done for us and through us. Some of us enjoy the wilderness because it is familiar and we don’t have to grow. We enjoy complaining about the wilderness but don’t want to make the first step to cross the Jordan (Deut 1:27).

The children of Israel upset the Lord by being disobedient and the Lord cut that generation off from ever possessing the land (Deut 1:34-35). Don’t be cut off from what the Lord has for you. Repent for doubting his ability to lead you and guide you out of your wilderness. Don’t leave your wilderness without Jesus. Hear from the Lord. After the children of Israel sinned against God by speaking against him and refusing to possess the land, the Lord was not with them and they went and fought anyway. The Lord caused them to be defeated (Deut 1:41-44).

When Jesus tells us to go possess something that means to seize, inherit, or to take ownership over it. When we seize something, we quickly take hold of it. When we seize something we take official or legal possession of it. When Jesus says go and possess it, he has given us legal ownership over it. Do not consider yourself when doing so, only consider Jesus. There is nothing too hard for him and when we doubt him we are sinning against him. We begin to worship whatever we are afraid of by placing it higher than God. If Jesus said the job is yours do not consider your qualifications consider Jesus ability to give you the job. If Jesus gave you the vision to start your business and he said begin, trust that he will provide. He cannot provide if we are too afraid to possess and take ownership over what he has given us.  

Let today be the last season of your wilderness journey. If Jesus says go…go and possess that which he has for you. He will not give you all the details but if you follow him he will guide you with the cloud by day and fire by night.

God bless you and your family!


Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Do you have dreams, ideas or goals?

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Do you dreams, ideas or goals?

Everything we see around us began with a thought. The device that you are using to read this post began with a thought. Our thoughts are in the spirit realm. In order for them to manifest themselves in the natural work has to be done. This is why faith without work is dead (Jam 2:20). If we believe but do not do, it will not come true.

I thought about my butter cake this morning but no one will taste the cake unless it moves from my thoughts into work in my kitchen. Some of our thoughts are scattered and disorganized. Some of us have difficulty focusing. Some of us dream of accomplishing goals but lack the direction, consistency, or diligence to achieve those goals. The Lord can establish our thoughts. Once our thoughts are established we can create, develop, and achieve.

Prov 16:3, Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. This scripture is very powerful. I hope you are blessed by reading it. Commit means to roll up or pledge devotion or dedication to somebody. Works in this text simply means action. Thoughts mean our imagination, intentions, plans, inventions or our purpose. Establish means to prepare, fix, appoint, confirm, to set up, make ready, to restore, to be firm, stable, render sure, make prosperous,  anoint, and perfect.

If we devote our actions to Jesus, the Eternal, the Prince of Peace, the Most High, Alpha and Omega, Daddy, the only true and living God, he will prepare our plans. He will confirm our purpose. He will fix our inventions. He will make our plans ready for development. He will stabilize our thoughts. He will set our plans into motion. He will restore our imagination. He will establish our thoughts, which means our thoughts and plans will stand erect and will be prosperous. He will perfect that which was imperfect and ordain it.

Our thoughts will move from the spiritual realm to the natural realm. Some of us have talents and ideas but we are unable to produce; or what we produce but is not as prosperous as it would be if Jesus ordained it.

If we align our actions with the will of the Lord, he will perfect our thoughts. He cannot perfect our thoughts when we have junk in our mind. When we think bad thoughts, we have bad intentions, our intention are behind our actions. Our actions have to be committed to the Lord. Everything we do should be a sacrifice unto the Lord. When we are at work, are we working unto the Lord? When we cook do we cook as if Jesus were invited to dinner? When we clean do we clean as if Jesus is a member or our household. When we hold conversations with each other do we hold them knowing Jesus is next to us. All of our actions should be rolled up to the Lord so that he can establish our thoughts and ordain our plans.

Let’s examine our actions today and every day. Let’s be sure our actions are devoted to Jesus.
God bless you and your family.


Most Holy and wise God. You are Alpha and Omega. You are the beautiful rose of Sharon. We bless your name forever and ever. We are thankful that your mercies endure forever. Forgive us for acting outside of your will. Forgive us for failing to consider you in some of the things we do. Help us to do your will in all things. In Jesus name Amen

Monday, February 3, 2014

Who is fighting your battles?

Monday Motivation
Topic: Who is fighting your battles?

When we are going through the process of receiving what Jesus has for us, we will often face a battle, and have to fight. The enemy knows we will be blessed so we may face roadblocks. His assignment it to prevent us from our blessing. He is the original hater. Misery loves company and since he has forfeited his blessings his goal is to pursuade us to forfeit ours. 

When the children of Israel were given the Promised Land they had to fight for what God had given them. Their fight was a fight of courage and obedience. God will always do the fighting if he sends us into battle; but we need to be obedient and follow the direction of the Lord. Israel needed to show up and have courage. In Josh 11:1-4 there were several kings that joined forces to fight against Israel. The bible says as many as the sand that was on the shore.

We often complain when we have one or two enemies. They had enemies everywhere. According to commentary that battle amounted to approximately 300,000 men in infantry, 10,000 men in cavalry, and 20,000 war chariots, seeking to battle Israel. The infantry unit were the foot soldiers. The cavalry unit were trained soldiers that fought on horseback. The war chariots were battle taxi’s, that provided rapid motive power. War chariots allowed the archery unit to strike with their bow quickly from a distance.

Our battles are spiritual. We have to fight the same battles only we have to fight them with a different sword. Some of us are experiencing the infantry moving in on our jobs. Some of us are experiencing the cavalry in our homes. Some of us are going up against war chariots every day. War chariots attack us with their bow and arrow before we even see them coming. When we see them we should get excited. That is a sign a blessing is headed our way. That is a sign the enemy is trying to pursuade us into doubting God. That's when we should fight harder to stay connected to our Father. 

When we are in battle, and we are always in battle (even if we do not see or hear our assailant). We need to obey the voice of the Lord. In Josh 11:6 God says "Be not afraid of them". If we believe that Jesus is the King of kings, we should never be afraid of anyone but God. We need to have faith that the Lord will fight our battles. 

We know we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (people), but against rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph6:12). This means we are not fighting our brother, sister, spouse, child, or employer when they attack us, because they are flesh and blood. We are fighting the rulers over darkness.  We cannot fight the enemy's spirit with our flesh, we will always lose. We have to fight his spirit with the Holy Spirit in us. When we the fight enemy's spirit with our flesh, that spirit moves to someone else and then to someone else, and we drain ourselves arguing and getting upset with everyone he posses to attack us. We find ourselves upset with the cashier, the teacher, our pastor, our friend. Once he uses a couple of people he doesn't need them anymore because he has overtaken us and we are responding to him like he is our master and we are his puppet. We are running around angry with everyone and they haven't done anything to us. Meanwhile the enemy is laughing at us because he is now controlling us and we are unsettled and angry. 

We have to arm ourselves because we never know who the ruler of darkness is going to use to overtake us. We have to show up to battle, everyday, with the whole armor of God so we can withstand the enemy.

When we wake up we should give God praise. Thank you Jesus! You are great Lord! Thank you Daddy. After we wash and clothe ourselves we should add our belt of truth and our breastplate of righteousness to our attire. Belts in battle are used to protect our strong organs. When we protect ourselves with God's truth, we know who we are, and we know who God is in our lives. When someone says something contrary to God's truth we should dismiss it immediately. Do not allow it to take root in our mind or heart. 

We must put our good shoes on to protect our feet, so we don’t step on any daggers or nails to cripple us in our walk. We must put on our designer steel toe shoes on called Gospel of Peace. When the archery team speeds in on their chariots, throwing arrows of gossip, hate, jealousy, and anger, etc, we should be armed with our shield of faith; blocking and dodging those fiery darts. 

Far too often we are not armed with our shield, and we allow those darts to make contact with us, and we allow them to penetrate our spirit. Our shield of faith can extinguish even the fiery and inflamed darts from the enemy, but we have to use it. Our shield protects us against those darts that make us feel defeated, ashamed, suicidal, insecure, or angry. 

Some of us are getting our feelings hurt because someone threw a dart at us. The only way we could have felt those darts if we were unarmed. The enemy can use anyone to attack us, even those in our family. We must always walk with the full armor of God on even in our homes.

We must also protect our mind with the helmet of salvation, which keeps us from thinking and doing things outside the will of God. Without our helmets on we could become harmed when we collide with lust, vengeance or any other action that may begin in our thoughts. Some battles are internal and we have to protect ourselves from ourselves. We must carry and use our sword which is the word of God and the Spirit of God that lives in us. When we know the word it doesn't matter how we feel. It doesn't matter what it looks like. We will stand on his word (Eph 6:10-18)Proverbs 16:7 When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

During Israel’s battle the bible says no one made peace with them (Josh11:19). Everyone talked about them. Everyone hated them. Everyone wanted to kill them. There will be times when we feel like the world is against us. If our actions line up with the will of God we have to stand and our enemies will be at peace with us. We have to stand wearing the whole armor of God. We have to stand even though it’s lonely. We have to stand even though there isn’t anyone there but us. When we stand we must continually pray. We cannot stand complaining, we cannot stand gossiping, we cannot stand murmuring. We have to stand believing and praying, carrying the joy of The Lord. 

We can't  be caught off guard by war chariots. We can't be overtaken by the foot soldiers or the soldiers on horseback.  We can't  be afraid, we have to give it to the Lord and he will direct our paths. Remember Psa 9:3 “When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before your presence.” Know that our enemies will stumble and perish before the presence of the Lord.   

God Bless you and your family. May the Lord be with you in battle.


Most Holy and wise God. You are the King of all kings. You give life and you take life. You are our only father. You are a wonderful provider and keeper. We thank you for giving us life and allowing us another opportunity to praise you and glorify your name. We repent for going into battle without you. Please forgive us for fighting our own battles and forgetting to seek you first. Forgive us for operating in flesh and not in your Spirit. Help us to stay sensitive to your Holy Spirit. We want you to guide our footsteps. Give us the courage to show up for battle and show up with your armor on. Help us not to consider ourselves but consider you and your abilities. Thank you Lord for all you have done for us. Thank you for protecting us in our ignorance. In Jesus Name we pray Amen.