Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Don't fall into the pit!

Wednesday's Declaration
Topic: If God Be For You, Who Can Be Against You
Num 16, 17

It is wonderful to walk with the Lord. Some of us may never truly turn our lives over to the Lord for fear we may miss something of this world. We have many examples of men and women that walked with Jesus and all of their needs were met regardless of their circumstances.

When we walk with the Lord it humbles us because you experience God's power. We are allowed a glimpse of his righteousness. This is why it is so easy for believers to pray for our enemies. If we are close enough to the Lord we understand that God is holy. When we view the Lord from a distance we become prideful and arrogant and we believe in the works of our hands. When we spend time with God and watch his beauty upon our hands and we realize that he gives us power.

Don't Be Like Korah
There are a few main characters in the story of Korah. I challenge you to find where you fit into the story. Moses and Aaron were appointed by God to lead the people. Korah and other leaders had important leadership duties as well. The people were guided by watching all the leaders and choosing who they wanted to follow.
Korah was an ambitious leader that wanted more responsibility. He wanted to be "the Man".  There was the typical alpha male standoff. Korah decided to flex his muscles and bring an entourage to confront Moses and Aaron. When Moses heard his complaints he fell to his face in prayer for Korah. Moses understood that he was appointed by God. He knew when Korah was speaking against him he was actually speaking against the Lord.
As believers we have to understand when we are faced with an enemy and we are walking with God they become an enemy of the Lord. We have to pray for them because their sin is not against us but against God. Moses attempted to show Korah that God had given him a powerful position as well and he did not have to covet any other position. Moses was trying to tell him to "stay in his lane". God had appointed Korah and the other leaders and they should appreciate the Lord for placing them in their current position. Korah and his crew continued to attack Moses and convinced the people to stand with them. Num 16, 17
Korah and the people didn't understand they were actually challenging God's authority. In that moment The Lord was going to destroy all of them. Moses and Aaron fell to their faces in prayer. Interceding on behalf of the people, pleading for the bystanders. God is not a man. His ways are not our ways. We tend to speak to him and treat him as if he is our servant. He appoints whom he pleases. He gives and he takes. He is sovereign.
The people separated themselves from Korah and his men and the Lord opened the earth and swallowed them up. When God has put us in a place to do a work, we must stand and know that God will protect us. We may have people that speak against us, our job is to pray for them. Our flesh may want them consumed but our spirit should want them saved. Vengeance is the Lord's, we must pray.
After the Lord consumed the 250 instigators their following grew rapidly. Moses and Aaron went from 250 enemies to majority of the congregation which was over a million. Moses knew this required major prayers and atonement to save the people. They began to quickly make atonement for the gossipers. The Lord sent a plague immediately, that consumed 14,700 and Aaron stood between the living and the dead making atonement for them and the Lord stopped the plague.
We want to find ourselves walking in agreement with the Lord. We don't want to be consumed following behind others or challenging what God has established. Are we walking with God as Moses and Aaron were? Are we challenging God as Korah and his men were? Are we gossiping as the people were? We need to find ourselves praying and staying connected to God. He will direct our path and he will fight for us. We have to stay planted and centered on his word. We are not called to run when we face adversity. He has established us, we need to stand firm and know that he is God.
If you have found yourself gossiping or speaking against what God has established, repent today. Ask God to show you the way. If you are under attack and you know that God has placed you and established you, pray for your attackers and stand!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Tuesday's Inspiration
Topic: My strength, My Song
Isa 12:2, Ex 15:2, Ps 118:14

It is wonderful to believe and to trust in Jesus. He is a comforter, he is faithful, he is holy, he is a redeemer, he is righteous, he is a strong tower, just to name a few of his wonderful qualities. When we are faced with many different situations in life we sometimes forget that our King is multifaceted. When we are weak we should remember our King is strong and he is our strength!

There are three passages in the bible with similar affirmations.
Isa 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.

Ex 15:2 The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Ps 118:14 The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

When the Lord is our strength he gives us power and boldness. When we know where our help comes from, who should we fear? Some of us are not tapping into our strength and we are weak and broken. Many athletes receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Its a process of raising the air pressure and allowing blood vessels to carry 3 times more oxygen to the tissues. This process promotes healing and fights off infections. Injured tissues require more oxygen to survive. It treats burns, anemia, non-healing wounds, gangrene, and various infections. When athlete's use this therapy they have an expectation of speedy recovery. They rely on the hyperbaric therapy for their strength.

As a believer who do we rely on for our strength?
As a blood washed, fire baptized, holy sanctified Christian who do we rely on for our strength?
Do we go into our holy hyperbaric chambers' in our homes and receive 3 times more of the Holy Spirit when our feelings are damaged, when sin has infected our household, our workplace or our family members? Do we go into our holy hyperbaric chamber when spiritual gangrene has set into our heart and caused spiritual apathy and the death of God's fruits in our lives? Do we go into our holy hyperbaric chamber when our finances are challenged and we need the Lord to open up the window of heaven, and pour out a blessing we don't have room enough to receive (Mal 3:10)? Do we go into our holy hyperbaric chamber and allow Jesus to heal us spiritually and naturally?

When we know where our strength comes from we will have power. We will go into our holy hyperbaric chambers' with an expectation of healing and speedy recovery. We will lay at the Master's feet in prayer and supplication. We will no longer walk in fear, we will walk in faith. We would stand firm on his promises, reading and believing his word.

Then we would play our favorite song. Oh my, when Jesus becomes our song!! We will bob our head when there isn't any music. We would tap our feet to the thought of his greatness. We would sing Hosanna blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest (Mat 21:9). We would sing, thou art my God and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee. We would sing; O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever (Ps 118:28-29).

Ps 118:14 The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. Allow the Lord to become your strength and your song today. Nobody is greater!
God Bless you and yours! 

Most Heavenly and righteous Father, to you and you alone we give thanks. For you have caused us to ride upon the high places. You give us holy oxygen and infuse us with your Holy Spirit allowing us to walk in our calling. You have created us for your splendor and your glory. You are a beautiful and perfect God. In you do we place our trust. You and you alone give us strength, power and holy boldness. Forgive us for relying on the things of this world and not seeking your kingdom and your righteousness first. Help us to go to that quiet place to seek your face and humbly lay before you in prayer and supplication. Help us to go into our spiritual hyperbaric chambers' and receive all that you have for us. We bless your name forever and ever for you are our strength and our song. In Jesus name. Amen 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Jesus Take The Wheel! Are you Established?

Topic: Are You Established?
Psa 90:17

Oh what an awesome God we serve. Sometimes we forget we have an awesome God we serve. We serve the Most High God he doesn’t serve us. When we are upset or angry at the Lord, it is because we have forgotten that we serve him. This relationship is not a democracy. The Lord God Almighty doesn’t serve us. When we serve him there are benefits in serving, but it is important for us to remember our role.

When we are going through life, we are always serving someone or something. The only one with guaranteed benefits is our Lord. The Lord’s creation without human intervention is beautiful. We have all seen beautiful pictures of nature. When the Lord’s beauty is upon us we are free to create, develop, and produce among many other things.

Psa 90:17
And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou work of our hands upon us……..

When we pray we talk to God and when we read our bible God speaks to us. If we rarely pray and never read our word what type of relationship do we have? He asked us to meditate on his word day and night. Do we have a verse in our hearts that we meditate on day and night? When we keep Jesus close to our hearts he keeps us close to his. When we are close to his heart he establishes us. He fortifies us, he stabilizes us, and he authorizes us. He blesses the works of our hands.

When the Lord establishes us it’s our beginning and it is permanent. Jesus begins a beautiful work that can only come from him, because he is placing his beauty upon us. When we are established, we are recognized by God, we are confirmed by God. We are appointed and ordained by God. We become validated to walk in what he has called us to walk in.

We often hear someone say “you need to establish yourself”. What happens when God establishes us? What will we become if we allow God to place his beauty upon us? When we allow Jesus to take the wheel, we will finally have peace and unspeakable joy. If today is the day you allow Jesus to establish you say”(your name) Est 2013.

Did you ever notice how an established company responds to adversity vs a new start-up company? An established company doesn’t have to compromise because they are in demand. People will pay the premium. An established company has the tools to fight when faced with adversity. A company that is not established does not have the resources to withstand major threats or competition.

When we allow Jesus to establish us we can withstand any storm, difficulties or disappointments. When we allow Jesus to establish us we do not have to lower our standards we do not have to settle or compromise. When we allow Jesus to establish us we will be sought after. When we allow Jesus to establish us we will not react to threats, we would anticipate them and plan for when they come. When we are established we do not run, we do not hide, we stand. When we are established we STAND. We stand firm on his word. We are immovable, unshakable, fixed and permanent.

Stand today allow Jesus to take the wheel. Become established.

God Bless You and Yours


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Calling For Corporate Prayer to Heal The Land

Thursday's Corporate Prayer
Topic: Pray for the land

5.6 M (hectares) of Land lost to soil erosion this year
4.2M (ha) of Forest loss this year 
7.9 Tons of toxic chemicals released into the environment this year.
14,650 Days left until end of oil
60,077 Days left until end of gas
151,246 Days left until end of coal
764M People without safe drinking water

Pleas read the prayer below or pray your own prayer. We need to pray to heal the land.

Most Holy and righteous God. Creator of the heaven and the earth. The author and finisher of our faith. The most high God. The true and living God. You do all things well. There is no lack in you only lack in us. Your word says: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2Ch 7:14).

We come with a repentant heart. We ask that you forgive us for mismanaging your land. Forgive us for not respecting the earth that you have given us. Help us to be more mindful of the environment. Help us to care for the environment. Convict us when we litter and fail to recycle. Teach us how to treat our earthly kingdom as we would your heavenly kingdom. Your word say your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to remember to treat the earth as we would your heaven. For your word says: "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.

Help us to pray and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways so that you will hear our cry. So you will hear our prayer and heal the land. You are so wonderful. We praise your holy and righteous name. You have created this earth. You founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods. We thank you for giving us a place to live. We praise your holy and precious name.  You are the King of glory. You are the Lord strong and mighty. You are the Lord of host. We lift up our heads and ask that the King of Glory come in (Psa 24) and heal the land. In Jesus Name Amen

God Bless You and yours!

Jesus Loves You! Are you in need of salvation? Take the first step. Click here 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

If God Said It He Meant It

Wednesday's Declaration
Topic: Faith Faith and a little more Faith

We have touched on two women this week with faith and we are moving on to some men in the bible with crazy faith! God has given us wonderful examples of how to wait on him and trust him. There is no lack in the Lord only in us. God may have given us a word or a dream and it doesn't look like it is going to come to fruition. Know that if God said it he meant it. He just didn't tell us the journey to get there. Often if he did we wouldn't stay the course.

We will jump into a very popular man of faith. He had faith in great difficulty and the Lord blessed him. Joseph went from rags to riches. Joseph's story is touching because he went from rags to riches more than once and never lost his faith.

When Joseph was young he dreamt he would be a ruler and his family would bow down to him. He was naïve in believing that would be well received when he retold the dream. His brothers plotted to kill him after he told them the dream. One of the brothers intervened and sold him into slavery instead of killing him (Gen 37).

We know all too often family can hurt us more than strangers. We have to be careful when God gives us a word to keep it close to us. God gives us discernment to know who and when to share it. Sometimes we are so excited about what God has told us we want to share it with everyone.

Joseph was resold to the king's house. The Lord was with Joseph and everything he touched succeeded. His master saw that the Lord was with him and he promoted him to overseer of his house. His master's wife wanted Joseph to also oversee her as he was a handsome man (Gen 39:6). Joseph refused to give into temptation and sin against God. She was not able to seduce him and decided to cry rape and unjustly punish him. Joseph was sent to jail (Gen 39:7-20).

Joseph was one of his father's favorite son's as he was from his father's favorite wife. He was living a good life and he had a dream. He happily shared his dream which caused jealousy. He was sold by his brothers into slavery and sold again to the king. He did everything right. He was a good servant and he was falsely accused on and sent to jail (Gen 39:1-6, 20-23). At this point some would contemplate suicide. Some would have a pity party. He came from a large family, he had 10 siblings. His siblings tried to kill him, he was forced into slavery then imprisoned. Some of us have been faithful and trusting God and when things begin to look up something pulls us down. In those moments we must hold on to our faith in God. If he said it he meant it!

Once again we see a life where the outcome looks dismal and impossible. He went from slavery to prosperity and was brought down below slavery to a prison. When we have faith we will flourish even in prison. When we believe God it doesn't matter what life throws at us we will be successful. When we keep our eyes planted and focused on Jesus he will bring us out or cause us to shine in even the most desperate circumstances.

God continued to keep Joseph even in prison, eventually placing him in charge of all the prisoners (Gen 39:20-23). Joseph had the ability to interpret dreams. He interpreted the dreams of two prisoners and when one was released and the king needed interpretation of his dreams two years later he remembered Joseph. Joseph informed the king that the interpretation came from God. He informed the king that his dreams meant  there would be 7 years of prosperity and 7 years of famine. During the first seven years God gave him a budget on how to manage through the 7 years of famine. He needed a wise man to over see operations for the next 14 years to ensure they would make it through the famine. The king appointed Joseph as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

God promoted Joseph to second in command. The king didn't question him about his past, he respected the favor of the Lord upon him and immediately put him into office. Often God has things he wants to get to us but it has to come in the right time. It is not about our timing as God's timing is perfect. Although Joseph's circumstances were difficult it needed to happen. If Joseph would have stayed with his family everyone would have perished during the famine. His brothers plotted to kill him but God saved him and had him sold. As bad as it may seem that his brothers sold him into slavery it was better than being murdered. Joseph was sold to the king as a servant and excelled in his position. He was incarcerated in the kings' prison. He wasn't sent to a prison with all the citizens only the kings prisoners. Again the king could have executed Joseph for allegedly raping his wife.

God placed Joseph in prison for his protection. When a new king or president comes into office they often replace those in position with a new team. Joseph was incarcerated under a different king. While he was in prison God kept him in perfect peace until the new king arrived. Under the first king he was keeper of his house that was his training on operations to prepare him for his COO job years later. He also received further training in prison on managing operations as he was in charge of all the prisoners. This gave him experience with managing the wealthy and the poor. Often we do not see God's plan is perfect. We focus on the injustice instead of the training.

Joseph moved into his position and his brothers were in need of food during the drought. They journey to where Joseph was managing the storehouse in Egypt. Joseph did not hold a grudge he forgave them and sent for his entire family to dwell in the land. The did bow down to him as they did not recognize him (Gen 43:20, 45:8-23, 47:7, 50:16-21). Joseph dream did come true. What God said he meant.

Focus on the training and not on the pain. Whenever God takes us through a storm it is for a purpose. Trust and believe God. Where he is taking us we need the training to be successful in our prosperity. Understand our life is not our own. He didn't promote Joseph for Joseph's sake he promoted him to save a nation. Often we wonder "why me". He chose you because he could trust you. If he chose you and you have to go through the storm, remember its a training ground. Think of it as training for the special forces. They are highly trained seasoned professionals, they are the most versatile Special Operations (SO) soldiers in the world. They go well beyond boot camp. Some of us are only in boot camp and losing faith. God is looking for a team to join his special forces. He is looking for the elite. He is looking for those that know its going to be a long haul and will take up their cross and run the marathon.

Don't lose faith if God said it he meant it. You are just in training!

God Bless you!

Our father you are the true and living God. We thank you for being a keeper. We repent for losing faith during training. We are renewed. We trust you and we thank you. Keep us during our special forces training. Keep us in your will. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Jesus Loves You! Are you in need of salvation? Take the first step. Click here 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Pity Parties With Party Favors!

Tuesday Inspiration
Topic: Persistent Faith

This week long focus is on faith and God's faithfulness. Jesus has called me to highlight some popular and unpopular role models in the bible to increase our faith and belief that he can do anything. We have studied faith in poverty and today we will look at faith in prosperity. No matter where you are in life faith in God is necessary.

I am reminded of the Shunammite woman and her obvious display of persistent faith. I am convinced her faith was based on an experience with the Lord. Some of us have experienced God's faithfulness but easily forget when our next issue arises. Some may feel they have not had a true experience with the Lord to have faith. It is a miracle every time we take a breath. Every breath is an experience with the Lord. We often need more encouragement than breathing! The Shunammite woman will hopefully encourage even the faint of heart.

The Shunammite woman was a wealthy married woman without children. Her husband was old and it appeared she was content with her life. She noticed the man of God (Elisha) continuously passing through doing the work of the Lord. She opened up her home to him, to eat during his journey. He was grateful towards her for her hospitality. The couple eventually prepared a quiet room for him available anytime he chose equipped with a bed, chair, a table and a lamp .

Elisha, grateful for their hospitality sought a way to repay them and she refused as they had all they needed. He noticed they did not have a child. He prophesied she would have a child and she replied in doubt yet she conceived and bore a son. Her son grew and was playing outdoors with his father and fell and hit his head. His father took him to his mother where he laid in her lap until he died.

Some of us are in a situation where God has blessed us and later the blessing is taken away based on what we see. Some of us have been taking care of God's business and he has been taking care of us and we have just hit a major road block. Some of our faith is being tested.

The Shunammite woman did not begin to plan her young son's funeral. She went to the room that Elisha had rested in many nights and laid her son in his bed. She shut the door and informed her husband she needed to see the man of God. Her husband asked why did she need to go see him and she replied "All is Well". She informed her servant to urge the donkey to quickly meet the man of God.

How often are we faced with a difficult situation and we begin to profess what we see. She did not mourn the death of her child, she did not speak death. She trusted God and went to get help. She did not waste time, she had an urgency in her heart. She approached the man of God she stating she did not ask for a son. She pleaded "you have given him, do not deceive me now". Elisha did not know the extent of the problem as God had not revealed it. He sent his servant to place his staff on her son for healing. The Shunammite woman said to Elisha as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave here until you come back with me.

How often do we put a demand on our faith? How often are we unmoved by our circumstances. When do we believe that if God says "yes" regardless of the circumstances the answer is still yes. She had persistent faith. She could have settled for Elisha sending his servant but she didn't . She could have accepted her son dying but she didn't.

Elisha went with her back to her home. His servant informed him the staff did not work and the boy was dead. Elisha went in the room with the boy and prayed to the Lord and the Lord restored his life.

Her story could have ended at many different points. Her story could have had a different outcome. She did not waiver in faith. She did not speak anything other than "All is Well". She did not leave the man of God until he blessed her son. She did not take no for an answer. She did not allow anyone to speak a negative word over her and she did not profess any negativity. She came boldly to the throne of grace that she would obtain mercy and help in her time of need (Heb 4:16). She looked to the hills where her help came from (Psa 121:1). She trusted in the true and living God to turn her situation around. She believed God with an unwavering faith.

We can look to the Shunammite woman for inspiration and know if we trust God he takes the im off of impossible and makes it possible. Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord and said I will not let you go until you bless me. The woman with the issue of blood crawled on the floor to touch the hem of Jesus garment to receive her healing. We have many examples of God's faithfulness. What are we doing to get his attention. Are we having pity parties with balloons and party favors or are we on our hands and knees praying and profess God's word over our circumstances?

Are we saying "All is Well" or are we saying "why me", "if its not one thing its another". Our words have power, our actions have power. Our actions today will be, I will not leave until you bless me and "All IS Well" with authority!

God Bless You and Yours! Lay at his feet and watch him turn it around. Hold on to the Lord and don't let go. Crawl on the floor till reach his hem. Chase, thirst and hunger after him and watch him bless you.

Most Holy and righteous God. Creator of the heavens and the earth. The author and finisher of our faith. The true and living God. Our strong tower to you and you alone we run. You are exalted on high and we lift up your name in praise. We repent for wavering in faith, for not believing in your power and your faithfulness. Forgive us for our lack of praise during our difficult circumstances. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of you and focusing on what we see. Receive our praise oh Lord. You and you alone are worthy of our praise. Teach us to run to you with our thoughts. Train us to set our mind on your wonders. Shield our mind in Christ Jesus as we follow your word. Help us to walk ever sensitive to your upholding hand. In Jesus Name. Amen



Monday, October 21, 2013

What do you do when you have done all you can?

Monday Motivation
Topic: God is faithful

What do you do when you have done all you can? Often we find ourselves in situations where it doesn't look like there is any way out. Meaning we have a problem and all of the options are dismal. When we look at those problems through our carnal eyes the outcome may not look good. If we give those problems to Jesus he is faithful and will work it out.

We often hear that time and time again. It is easier said than done. If you have ever been on a plane you know as the aircraft reaches a safe altitude everything on land gets smaller and smaller. Soon all the houses look like monopoly pieces. God sits high on the throne. Our issues to him are as small monopoly pieces. He is fully capable of turning it around for us.

I am reminded of so many prominent figures in the bible where God took a hopeless situation and turned it into a hopeful situation. We have a part to do, our part is the easiest part. We just need to have faith. We just need to believe that he can and he will bring us out. Everyone says "have faith" "trust God" but how when its been months or years? How can we trust him when it hurts? How can we trust him when we are angry and bitter? How can we trust him when we think we can handle it ourselves?

We start by trusting him today. We start by putting God's word in our heart when our flesh wants to create doubt in our mind. When we hear negative thoughts and we believe them, we put them into action. When we read God's word and we believe God, we put his will into action. Whatever we believe will manifest. We have to chose, who's report will we believe? I believe the report of the Lord.

Mostly everyone knows Jochebed's story but they don't know her name. Jochebed was a woman of obvious faith. She did not have a long story in the bible but she had a powerful story. She was enslaved with a husband and two children. Her slave owner ordered the midwives to kill all the slaves' newborn baby boys. Jochebed became pregnant. As any mother she naturally worries about the baby's health and probably hoped for a girl to save the baby from death. When she delivered she gave birth to a baby boy. She knew the Lord, although her race was enslaved for generations. She most likely prayed for her son to live. She hid him for 3 months until she was unable to hide him any longer.

I am certain she prayed until God gave her an answer. She built a mini ark for her son. She built a basket that was water proof and put him in the water. The slave owners' daughter noticed the basket and saw that it was a baby and wanted to keep him for herself, and raise him as her son. Jochebed's daughter was about 10-12yrs old. She followed her baby brother by the water and when he was fetched she offered to find a slave woman to nurse him. The slave owners' daughter was gracious and offered to pay the slave woman to nurse him. At that time a baby was nursed until they reached 3-4 years of age.

God turned a hopeless situation completely around. She could have wallowed in self pity and when the slave master came to execute her baby she would have been like every other woman that experienced that same fate. She instead looked to the hills where her help came from. She believed God. It takes a lot of faith to put your baby in a basket and hope that someone finds favor. The basket could have gone in a different direction and he would have starved to death. She had faith and she didn't allow those negative thoughts to overtake her.

God allowed her to have her son for another 4 years and paid her to raise him. How outstanding is that. Some may think she still had to turn him over. She did, but she turned him over out of slavery, something she couldn't give him. He was raised with the best education and she knew he was safe. Most of all he became one of the greatest men in the bible.

We often don't understand God's plan but have faith, and know that his plan is always great if we trust him. If we take matters into our own hands the results may not be as promising. Jochebed gave birth to three children, one was a prophetess, the other was a high priest, and the other a friend of God.

The baby she put in the river was Moses. She may not have made it out of slavery but her children led the nation out. Moses was considered by God a friend, higher than a prophet. This is an example of how God can completely turn a desperate situation in to a prosperous situation.

Please trust God today. Give it to him. Do not allow the enemy to put harmful thoughts in your head. We won't always see God's plan but we have to let go and let God have his way.

What things are you holding on to today that you need to let go and let God? He created the heaven and the earth he can handle your issue. Trust him today. When negative thoughts creep up profess God's word until they leave. Faith is complete trust or confidence in God. Faith is believing in what you can't see. So although it may look bad faith is believing the unseen when the seen looks impossible. Jochebed was a slave and her son was ordered to be executed. Her faith allowed her son to live in the king's house and free her children and her nation from slavery. God does his best work in impossible situations. Trust him today.

God Bless you and yours!
O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. Most Holy and righteous God. Creator of the universe. You are holy in word and in deed. You continue to be faithful and just towards us. We repent for doubting your abilities in our lives. We give our problems over to you today. We trust that your will be done in our lives. Teach us how to trust you. Teach us how to have faith in you. Help us to believe you when it looks hopeless. Help us to keep our minds focused on you always. We praise your holy and precious name. You and you alone have saved us and raised us we thank you continually for your grace and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, October 11, 2013

Calling For Prayer-Corporate Prayer for One Another!

TGIF's Prayer
Topic: Prayer

World Stats
1.3 Million Deaths Related To Water This Year
527 Million Obese People in The World
897 Million Undernourished People In The World
6.3 Million Deaths Caused By Cancer This Year
1Million Traffic Fatalities This Year
Pleas pray your own prayer or follow the prayer below.
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth (Psa 8). When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of us, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made us a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned us with your glory and honor. You have given us dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under our feet.

O Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. O Lord you are faithful in your love, forgiveness, and protection of us. Our God you are our strong tower and in you we seek refuge.
Forgive us when we stay in sin rather than seek your face. For you said "if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chr 7:14)".
We are turning from our wicked ways. We are humbling ourselves today and asking for forgiveness of our sins. We presenting our lives as a living sacrifice. We are offering a sacrifice of praise. We ask that you forgive us and heal our land.

We ask that you heal our land from poverty and drought in the Name of Jesus. We ask for restoration of food and water supply in our land and for your people. Teach us how to care for the land, that it would yield an unlimited supply of your natural resources. Teach us how to be in health as obesity plagues our world population causing chronic diseases and death. Heal us from chronic disease and terminal disease as your word said you would heal us on our sickbed and restore us to full health (Psa 41:3). Teach us cancer prevention. Help us to be obedient in your guidance and be in health and prosper even as our soul prospers.
Finally, we pray that you go with us as we travel to and from our destinations. Protect your people from traffic fatalities and other modes of  transportation fatalities. We thank you for your protection and ask for your protection over the children who are our future. Protect them from hurt, harm, and danger. We ask for your arms of protection to lead and guide them to all truth in you. In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen

God Bless You! Thank you for your faithfulness in praying.

 Jesus Loves You! Are you in need of salvation? Take the first step. Click here 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hurt People Hurt People..Life Hurts Jesus Heals

Wednesday’s Declaration
Topic: Hurt people Hurt people
Judges 11:1-11, 11:29-39
When we walk around with unhealed open wounds we inadvertently cause others to suffer as a result of our pain. We haven’t allowed God to heal our open sores; instead we wear them as badges of honor. We begin to name our wounds as if we were in a gang or in the war.

Spiritual wound healing is probably similar to normal wound healing. Normal wound healing occurs in 4 stages, hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. If any of those stages are interrupted it would cause delayed healing and could result into a chronic ulcer.

Homeostasis is the blood clotting to stop the bleeding of the wound.
Inflammation is a self-protector; it swells and gets hot around the wound removing damaged cells.
Proliferation is the rapid formation of new cells (rebuilding)
Remodeling is when the skin is intact and becomes strong again.

You know you have an open wound if you suffered something too painful to talk about. You know have an open wound if the pain surrounding it, is what drives you or holds you back.

When we are completely healed from an old wound we may have a scar but we no longer feel the pain. When our wound(s) aren’t fully healed its tender to the touch.

Often God is preparing us for an opportunity to redeem us from our tragedy or trauma. We however, do not see God’s plan as we are preoccupied with our wound. We often focus on the pain and we forget that God is in control. We often focus on the wound and intentionally peal back the scab so we can continue to feel the pain. If we allow Jesus in our hearts to heal our pain, we can move from pain to gain.

Jephthah’s Unhealed Wound

Jephthah was considered an illegitimate child because his mother was a prostitute. When his brothers by his father’s wife grew up, they threw him out of their father’s house. His brothers did not want him to receive any inheritance, as he was from a strange woman.

Jephthah was a mighty warrior but he was put out as last week’s trash.  He left town and began running around with thugs, forgetting he was a mighty warrior. He allowed his circumstance to define him. He allowed his wound to guide him. Some of us can go back to that moment where our lives changed. That moment that is the source of our pain; when the anger set in.

Jephthah’s Redemption

His hometown needed a warrior to help them fight against their enemy and they sought his help. Judges 11:5-6. God was seeking to redeem him. To heal his wound and complete the final stages of healing. God was seeking to return him to his land and give him an inheritance. Jephthah was blinded by his pain and immediately addressed his pain when they sought his help. He had been feeling like an outcast and instead of responding as a mighty warrior he responded as a wounded soldier. Judges 11:7.

The leaders decided to make him commander of the army and upon victory crown him ruler over all of them.

How many times has God sought to redeem us and we ignore his blessing because we are too focused on our pain. We are often trapped in the inflammation phase of healing and have not allowed God to move us through the final stages of healing. When we are inflamed we are protecting ourselves, we are hot, we are angry, and we attempt to remove anyone and anything that reminds us of our wound.

Jephthah agrees to lead their army. The Spirit of the Lord was with Jephthah as he went to fight against their enemy. Just as he approached his enemy, fear and revenge crept in. Jephthah took his eyes off of God. He forgot the battle was not his but The Lord’s. He wanted be sure he wouldn’t be rejected again and he made a rash vow. A vow that demonstrated his hurt was greater than his faith in God. He wanted to ensure his victory so he would be able to rule over those that tossed him away. He asked the Lord to deliver the enemies into his hand and he would sacrifice the first person that greeted him as a burnt offering to the Lord.

How often has someone hurt us and God says vengeance is mine and we cannot resist we must take matters into our own hands. The enemy is always waiting for an opportunity to kill, steal or destroy. When we take matters into our hands we play into the enemy’s hands.

Jephthah lost his daughter, his only child, because he didn’t allow God to heal his wounds (Judges 11:34-36). He walked around in a constant state of inflammation. He didn’t let go of his trauma and it cost him his only daughter. We are often saturated in our pain; we don’t see who we are hurting around us. We don’t see the pain we are causing others. If we take a moment to look to the hills, we can see that Jesus is trying to bring us out. He is trying to redeem us. He is trying to make us whole. He is trying to complete the healing process.

Jephthah was a mighty warrior but he saw himself as an outcast. Through Jephthah’s pain he contested his promotion, through his fear he lost something precious. Through God's grace he redeem him.

Allow Jesus to heal all of your wounds. Some of us are barely holding on, we are still in homeostasis, the blood is barely clotting. Some of us are inflamed, we are hot, we are snippy, we angry, and we are trying to protect ourselves from future pain. Some of us have moved to rebuilding, we are allowing the proliferation stage to begin and new memories to set in. Some of us are growing tensile strength skin, we are glowing and in our final stage of healing. Some of us have allowed God to come in and completely heal us and remodel us.

God is a healer if you let him he is the ultimate pain specialist. We must be careful of prolonged inflammation. Prolonged inflammation causes other diseases. We often stay in the inflamed stage for years and we are no longer feeling the pain of the original trauma, we are feeling the pain of our flame. Our protective barrier has been our security blanket and when there is no more pain, we don’t know how to no longer be inflamed.  

Let go and give it to God. Life hurts but Jesus heals.

Life hurts but Jesus heals.

Life hurts but Jesus heals.

Life hurts but Jesus heals.


Friday, October 4, 2013

My Help, My Keeper, My Preserver….

TGIF’s Word
Topic: My Help, My Keeper, My Preserver….Getting back to basics

My Help
Psalm 121:2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

A helper assists by making it easier or possible for someone to do something that they could not do alone. When we arose this morning, The Lord assisted us in something we could not do alone. We are unable to wake ourselves, we are unable to provide oxygen to ourselves, we are unable to command our blood to flow, our lungs to inflate, our heart to pump, or our cells to re-grow. We often believe we do not need God, but it is his grace that allows us to exist.

Help also means to provide advice, directions, and other information. When we are lost, The Lord allows us to find our way, when we are in danger, The Lord leads us out. When we are in need, The Lord provides. The Lord is our help.

My Keeper
Psalm 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

A keeper is someone who is in charge of something or someone. A keeper is a caretaker and a protector. If Jesus is our keeper he has authority over us and he is responsible for our well-being. In order for him to protect and care for us we have to be obedient to him. God gives us simple instructions daily that we often disobey. Have you ever said “Something told me not to do this or that” “Something told me not to go that way” but you did it anyway? God is trying to keep us by whispering instructions in our ear.

My Preserver
Psalm 121:7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

A preserver is something that is used to keep something safe and undamaged. One type of food preservation is canning. Canning is the process of applying heat to food that is sealed in a jar in order to destroy any microorganisms that can cause food spoilage. Proper canning stops spoilage by heating the food for a specific time killing unwanted microorganisms. During the canning process, air is driven from the jar and a vacuum is formed as the jar seals.

When Jesus preserves us, he separates us (jar), he kills our sinful nature (microorganisms), and he drives out our pride (air) and seals in his spirit. Sin causes spoilage. Are you allowing Jesus to preserve you?

My Help, My Keeper, My preserver!
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”

He doesn’t look toward his friends, social media, or his family. He says he looks to the hills, because his help comes from the one who created the heaven and the earth! What have our friends created? What have our families created? Our Lord created the heaven and the earth. Check the resume of the person whom you are seeking help.

“He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep”.

The Lord is our keeper, he will not allow someone to move us, shake us, or cause us to fall. Our keeper is on watch, guarding and protecting us 24/7. Our Lord does not SLEEP or slumber! Our friends sleep, our families sleep, slumber and snore, but our keeper is never asleep, he is never idle, he is never daydreaming. Our keeper is alert, oriented and on duty.

“5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The sun is 15 million degrees and the moon can dip to -153 degrees either would complete obliterate us. The Lord’s shade is protecting us from 15 million degrees all the way to -153 degrees. Regardless of how extreme our circumstances, he can keep us through it all. How powerful is that!

God preserves us by separating us from evil and removing evil in us. He protects us everywhere we go. But that is only if he is your help, your keeper and your preserver. If you are allowing someone or something else to keep you, The Lord cannot preserve you!

God Bless You!
Psalm 121 
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Don't Turn Back: When God gives you a one-way ticket, don't pay for round-trip. Leave your baggage and GO!

Thursday’s Awakening
Topic: Don’t turn back
Sneak-Peek: When God give you a one-way ticket, don’t pay for round-trip.
Don’t look back at the life you use to live or the life you are about to leave. Don’t turn back to the man/woman you use to have or the one you are about to leave. Don’t block what Jesus has for you. Don’t look back and desire the things you use to do, eat, or watch.

God is saying don’t look back at the mate you use to have. Don’t block or hinder what he is trying to give to you by reminiscing, comparing or worshipping your past. He cannot send you what you are unwilling to accept. When your eyes are turned back you can’t see forward. God knows what you need and he will send what is best for you.
Trust him; allow him to send who he has for you.
Don’t make a detour, pick up a hitch hiker, and wonder why your wanderer doesn’t want commitment.  
God has been gracious to us by saving us.
We must praise him by refusing to turn back.
Look forward and put the past behind you. God is pricking your heart and taking you to new places in him. He is taking you from a place of comfort to an unknown place. We often fear the unknown and desire to turn-back to the familiar. We often exaggerate our past in our minds, thinking we cannot get anything better in our future.
Jesus is taking us to a place of complete submission to him. He is giving us the destination but he is not providing the turn-by-turn directions.
Genesis 19:15-16
At dawn the next morning the angels became insistent. “Hurry,” they said to Lot. “Take your wife and your two daughters who are here. Get out right now, or you will be swept away in the destruction of the city!”
When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful. 17 When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, “Run for your lives! And don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away!”
God loves us so much that even when we hesitate to obey him, he seizes our hands and forces us to safety. Are we going to go? Are we going to answer the call?
God is saying don’t turn back. He is taking us by force out of a sinful place, to a place of safety and salvation. He is saying don’t turn back to listening and watching programs that promote sinful thoughts and deeds. He is trying to create in us a pure heart and a right spirit.
Genesis 19:18-21
“Oh no, my lord!” Lot begged. 19 “You have been so gracious to me and saved my life, and you have shown such great kindness. But I cannot go to the mountains. Disaster would catch up to me there, and I would soon die. 20 See, there is a small village nearby. Please let me go there instead; don’t you see how small it is? Then my life will be saved.”
21 “All right,” the angel said, “I will grant your request. I will not destroy the little village. 22 But hurry! Escape to it, for I can do nothing until you arrive there.” (This explains why that village was known as Zoar, which means “little place.”)
God is always trying to take us somewhere vast. God is always trying to expand our territory but we always negotiate for something smaller out of fear. God is not going to deliver us to kill us. He knows they best place for us, it may mean we have to travel through some rough patches but it is better in the end. Jesus is looking for a surrendered heart. He is looking for us to enter the destination in the navigation and trust that he knows the best route.
When we make up our minds to serve God we are entering Jesus into our navigation system. Don’t worry about traffic, detours, weather conditions, or accidents along the way, just allow God to take the wheel, and he will lead us to salvation. When we board a plane, we don’t ask the pilot which way he is taking; we take our seat listen for directions and trust he is going to take us to our destination.
 Allow Jesus to be your pilot. Take your seat, listen & and follow directions till you arrive at your destination.
Genesis 19:23-26
23 Lot reached the village just as the sun was rising over the horizon. 24 Then the Lord rained down fire and burning sulfur from the sky on Sodom and Gomorrah. 25 He utterly destroyed them, along with the other cities and villages of the plain, wiping out all the people and every bit of vegetation. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt.
Don’t turn back to the food you use to eat, the drinks you use to drink, the habits you use to have, the spending you use to do, the things you use to say, or the lifestyle you use to live.
When God removes us by force we have two options, follow him and live or turn back and perish.
When God begins to minister to our heart, he moves us, and he moves people physically away from us. Do you ever wonder why you suddenly “fall out” with a good friend or why your mate does something so egregious you are forced to move on? Do you wonder why your employer terminated your employment or contract? God knows we are hesitant to leave some people, places, or things when he is directing us to move on. Sometimes he has to force them out of our lives to save us.
He still gives us a choice, are we going to perish as Lot’s wife perished or are we going to obey God and let him have the wheel?
Don’t turn back! God removed that person, place, or job from our lives for a reason. He is trying to save us. Jesus is trying to deliver us. The Holy Spirit is trying to guide us.
Don’t turn back! God is changing our eating habits and our lifestyles, for us to be in health and prosper even as our soul prospers. God is kindling our anger and regulating our emotions, to take us to a peaceful place in him.
Do not turn back to the familiar and perish as Lot’s wife perished. Don’t go to the small place when God has vastness and abundance waiting for you.
When God says move, move, your life depends on it.
Put your name in the story. When God gives you a one-way ticket don’t pay for round-trip. Leave your baggage and go!
Lord we love you. Lord we thank you. Lord you are gracious and just. Forgive us for hesitating and resisting your will for our lives. Thank you for seizing our hands and directing us to a place of safety. You are most holy and righteous. Please remove our desire for our past and help us to embrace our future. Help us to leave our baggage behind and fly in first class on Jesus Airlines. We thank you for sending your angels of protection. Give us the courage to follow you. In Jesus name. Amen
 God Bless you!