Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Go Forward

Today’s Inspiration 😇

Go forward!

When God gives us a command to go, we must go. It could be a mission trip, a business, an adoption, a ministry, higher education, etc. Stay focused on the task. 

Sometimes during our journey we hit what appears to be a dead end. In those moments we have to continue to stand on the word of God. 

If God said go that is enough to stand on. 

The children of Israel fled Egypt. They were in the wilderness with the Red Sea in front of them and their enemies behind them. 

This appeared to be a dead end. This appeared to be an impossible situation. 

When they prayed, God said why are you crying go forward!

Exodus 14:15 (KJV)
And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:

The command doesn’t change when the situation changes. 

God is aware of the obstacles when He gives the commands. 

Our mission is bigger than ourselves. 

Remember we are not our own and our missions belong to Jesus. 

Our obstacles strengthen our faith. 
Our obstacles strengthens the faith of those that are watching us. 
Our obstacles reveal to our enemies that our God is Lord. 

So when you face opposition continue to stand on God’s word. Someone’s deliverance is in your obedience. 

Be blessed and know that Jesus loves you!

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