Thursday, December 12, 2013

Seek God First!!

Thursday's Awakening
Seek The Lord in All Things

Often when God has delivered us out of many battles we believe we can handle the small battles on our own. That can lead to us worshiping ourselves and believing that we don’t need Jesus for all things. Sometimes we even believe we have built up enough credit that we don’t even have to seek God for everything and he will surely deliver us out of all things. God is Sovereign. Some synonyms related to sovereignty are independent, self-governing, dominant, supreme, and autonomous. Jesus doesn’t owe us anything at all; we were purchased with a price. God operates independently. He loves us but he doesn’t owe us. He has given us so much and when we do not consult him before we make decisions we put ourselves at risk. He is not going to automatically do for us because we think we have an extended credit line if he does nothing else he has done enough. There are some places, people and things he doesn’t want for us but we want for us. The only way we can be sure we are operating in his will and not our will is to seek him first.

Matt 6:33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. The text does not say seek God after we have done an assessment. It doesn’t say seek God only for big issues. It says to seek him first. After you seek him wait Psa 27:14. Jesus knows what is best for us and we have to trust him for the big and the little. We are as dust, he created us, and we need to walk under his covering in everything.

Joshua experienced God’s many wonders. He witnessed the parting of the red sea as a child, he witnessed God parting the Jordan (Jos 3) and the fall of Jericho (Jos 6). When Joshua sent men to spy on Ai and his spies advised him to go in to battle with minimal forces he agreed (Jos 7:2-3). The text does not say he consulted the Lord. We are soldiers of the Lord and any battle we fight we must arm ourselves with the favor of the Lord regardless of the size of the battle.

We will often seek God when we are going into battle on our jobs or with people we have no control over. We seem reluctant to seek God when we are dealing with our loved ones. We tend to believe those battles are small and we can handle them on our own. Battles are spiritual. The enemy will use anyone that will allow him, and he will use them to attack us. Every time we go into battle we must consult the Lord. The big battles we may consider to be our “Philistine battles” that David had to fight and he always sought the Lord.  The Amalekites battles are the ones that fight us when we are not looking, when our backs are turned, they come after our children and the spiritually vulnerable (1Sam 30-1-3). We have to seek God and acknowledge him in all things and he will direct our paths (Prov 3:6). When he directs our paths our backs are not turned, our eyes are focused, we are aware of any impending threats to our household, our mind, or our spirit and we are prepared everywhere we go.

When Joshua’s men went into battle they were defeated. Immediately Joshua fell to his face and cried out to the Lord (Josh 7:4-9). Joshua should have consulted the Lord first and he would have known that someone in his camp had sinned against God. If he would have consulted God he would have ensured his house was right before God, before battling anyone else. We are in some battles today and we are wondering why things aren’t changing. It could be that we haven’t consulted Jesus in our actions or we haven’t repented before the Lord. We see that sin can keep us defeated.  There are so many consequences to sin and we often don’t see the connection. Jesus sees the connection; he knows the damage of sin.  Before we go into battle we should check ourselves, repent, ask and wait for direction.

Society tells us to grow up and be independent. Jesus wants us to come as little children and depend on him (Mark 10:15). We have to believe the report of the Lord and trust in him. Every time you think about doing anything on your own think of the little toddler that doesn’t want any help but is too little and doesn’t understand the consequences. As adults we laugh at them and help them any way. That is how the Lord looks at us, he knows we can’t handle it on our own and often helps us anyway but seek him first.
Just like in this video. The Lord is saying give it to me.

Jesus wants us totally dependent on him. Seek him before battle, before you start your day, before you make a decision, before you engage your family, friends, enemies, or workday. Acknowledge God, seek is face and allow him to direct your path.

God bless you and your family! Jesus is crazy about you he loves you dearly. He died just for you.


Most holy and righteous father, Creator of the heaven and earth. You are the only true sovereign King. In you we put our trust. We repent today for taking matters into our own hands. Forgive us for failing to seek you first in all things. Forgive us for failing to acknowledge you in everything so you could direct us. Teach us how to grow dependent on you. Teach us how to be obedient after you have given us instruction. We thank you Lord Jesus for all you do for us. I thank you for shedding your blood on Calvary and coming back for me. Help us to do your will in all things. We love you and we thank you for all your continued blessings.  


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